disappointed with 'shrooms..over and over


Well-Known Member
I've done then a few times over the last few years and have been pretty disappointed with the effects. My friends eat a couple G's and get body and visual effects, one friend was seeing kaleidoscope effects this weekend, I ate 3g's this weekend but i only got very mild visuals, and it only lasted about 1.5 hrs.. it's like that every time....the only time i liked em was when I ate around 7G's at once. Is it normal to need to eat upwards of 6-7 G's to get effects? I have mild Crohns, which I've been told makes nutrient absorption difficult so I'm wondering if that's a factor..I'm just not processing them fully..meaning i need to eat more to get the same effects as someone without digestive issues? I'm still sitting on 3G's..wondering if i should just give em to my friends..they'll probably enjoy em more than me..is there anyway to increase the effects?
I've done then a few times over the last few years and have been pretty disappointed with the effects. My friends eat a couple G's and get body and visual effects, one friend was seeing kaleidoscope effects this weekend, I ate 3g's this weekend but i only got very mild visuals, and it only lasted about 1.5 hrs.. it's like that every time....the only time i liked em was when I ate around 7G's at once. Is it normal to need to eat upwards of 6-7 G's to get effects? I have mild Crohns, which I've been told makes nutrient absorption difficult so I'm wondering if that's a factor..I'm just not processing them fully..meaning i need to eat more to get the same effects as someone without digestive issues? I'm still sitting on 3G's..wondering if i should just give em to my friends..they'll probably enjoy em more than me..is there anyway to increase the effects?
The potency of mushrooms can vary greatly It is possible that the crohns is affecting the absorption of the psilocybin when I used to take anti depressants I noticed I could eat massive amounts of MDA or MDMA without it affecting me very much but I'm no doctor so I can't say for sure honestly I prefer 4-aco- dmt over shrooms any day you can order it online just do your research and find a good source not all 4-aco-dmt is made equal.
The potency of mushrooms can vary greatly It is possible that the crohns is affecting the absorption of the psilocybin when I used to take anti depressants I noticed I could eat massive amounts of MDA or MDMA without it affecting me very much but I'm no doctor so I can't say for sure honestly I prefer 4-aco- dmt over shrooms any day you can order it online just do your research and find a good source not all 4-aco-dmt is made equal.
yep very true we used to grow them years ago.. we'd get spores shipped and by fucking far some of the best visuals were from a strain called golden teacher.. but a lot of growers with that shit use the strains the pop shit loads on each regrowth.. golden teachers were just big fuckers that didn't have a shit load on one cake.. trust me theres growers of shrooms out there like there is weed I'm sure you'll bump into them.. the other strain i can't remember the damn name but the shrooms almost unforgettable in looks i never grew anything like it or have seen anything like it... its was a red cap and almost like a redwood style thick trunk.. that strain was like eating acid.. no mental craziness just pure clean trip... burmas is really what a lot of growers use big producers they re-spore more per cake and they are really massive tight growers...
next time you buy them get fat ass stems .. the stems have the blue goo in them you want that .. people always are about the caps. but the stems carry more
some people make a tea for faster obsorption. I use to make a large batch of any herbal tea, add bunch of honey and generous amount of fresh lemon juice. mince up the cracker dry shrooms and let sit in the hot tea/honey/lemon for 30-45 minutes.

but i have come to realize shrooms can be unpredictable. also psilocin, which is the instantly active to the brain, is easily degrated. time, light, heat or just being dry will cause degredation. and 2 month sack of shrooms, not properlly vaccummed sealed will have little to no trip. usually just mild effects. little to no viusualls or halucinations.
research the difference between psilocin and psilocybin. good luck, and just look for some clean acid for a great time:shock:
some people make a tea for faster obsorption. I use to make a large batch of any herbal tea, add bunch of honey and generous amount of fresh lemon juice. mince up the cracker dry shrooms and let sit in the hot tea/honey/lemon for 30-45 minutes.

but i have come to realize shrooms can be unpredictable. also psilocin, which is the instantly active to the brain, is easily degrated. time, light, heat or just being dry will cause degredation. and 2 month sack of shrooms, not properlly vaccummed sealed will have little to no trip. usually just mild effects. little to no viusualls or halucinations.
research the difference between psilocin and psilocybin. good luck, and just look for some clean acid for a great time:shock:

tell me about it... nothing is like a good clean trip.. nothing bottom line give me some gels or good liquid..hell paper done right is fucking amazing... its been years man id love to rock that!
I've done then a few times over the last few years and have been pretty disappointed with the effects. My friends eat a couple G's and get body and visual effects, one friend was seeing kaleidoscope effects this weekend, I ate 3g's this weekend but i only got very mild visuals, and it only lasted about 1.5 hrs.. it's like that every time....the only time i liked em was when I ate around 7G's at once. Is it normal to need to eat upwards of 6-7 G's to get effects? I have mild Crohns, which I've been told makes nutrient absorption difficult so I'm wondering if that's a factor..I'm just not processing them fully..meaning i need to eat more to get the same effects as someone without digestive issues? I'm still sitting on 3G's..wondering if i should just give em to my friends..they'll probably enjoy em more than me..is there anyway to increase the effects?
Its normal to eat more than an 8th...Terrance McKenna had the '5 dried grams' rule..I've eaten over a half oz before..if you need that much,its your tastes..so what if its abnormal compared to others consumption...
Its normal to eat more than an 8th...Terrance McKenna had the '5 dried grams' rule..I've eaten over a half oz before..if you need that much,its your tastes..so what if its abnormal compared to others consumption...
did you blackout on that large of a dose? i ask because i've blacked out on mushrooms once before and i'd never heard of that before.
I've done then a few times over the last few years and have been pretty disappointed with the effects. My friends eat a couple G's and get body and visual effects, one friend was seeing kaleidoscope effects this weekend, I ate 3g's this weekend but i only got very mild visuals, and it only lasted about 1.5 hrs.. it's like that every time....the only time i liked em was when I ate around 7G's at once. Is it normal to need to eat upwards of 6-7 G's to get effects? I have mild Crohns, which I've been told makes nutrient absorption difficult so I'm wondering if that's a factor..I'm just not processing them fully..meaning i need to eat more to get the same effects as someone without digestive issues? I'm still sitting on 3G's..wondering if i should just give em to my friends..they'll probably enjoy em more than me..is there anyway to increase the effects?
In my opinion, drink alot of juice and other sorts of vitamins for a few days before you plan on tripping, eat as much as you would. The morning you wake up and say hey today or tonight, drink some Orange juice, dont smoke any bud, and a light breakfast. Wait 30 minutes after a meal, whatever time of day, that way your body will try to initiate the digestive process. Then you do your ground mushies. you can also take a Valerian root pill for easy come up if you dont know if you like it hitting your hard.

my favorite way to do them is ground up packed in geltabs for quick release, also why i say grindem up.
I started taking mushrooms for therapeutic reasons, I am dosing every 3-4 weeks. I started with 2g per trip but I noticed after the first few sessions that the effects were diminished. So up to 3.5g for 3 sessions, then 5g and now going up to 7g. The first session after the increase is always the deepest, the next few I hardly notice anything. I usually buy Oz at a time....I'm thinking that the sessions get weaker and weaker cause those mushrooms are degrading before I can consume them. I really think it's time to just start growing my own.
did you blackout on that large of a dose? i ask because i've blacked out on mushrooms once before and i'd never heard of that before.
I blacked out on a gram of auzerecen Pinners once,while getting pulled over..but the half oz or so was cubes and a warm body trip...much less taxing than other smaller dosed trips remarkably... Guess it depends on the mushrooms demeanor...:-)
black out or zone out? what was it like?
i attacked my trip sitter and have no memory of the event lol. i don't remember him leaving my house but remember a large part of the trip after he left. so i guess it was a partial blackout.
I blacked out on a gram of auzerecen Pinners once,while getting pulled over..but the half oz or so was cubes and a warm body trip...much less taxing than other smaller dosed trips remarkably... Guess it depends on the mushrooms demeanor...:-)
see that's the thing i've noticed with mushrooms...you just never know what you're going to get. i wish i knew what strain i had when i fasted for two days and took that eighth that made me lose my mind lol...no way they were cubes. then again a year after that trip i took 3 grams of azurescens and the trip was rather tame. i guess you just never know when dealing with mushrooms.
Its normal to eat more than an 8th...Terrance McKenna had the '5 dried grams' rule..I've eaten over a half oz before..if you need that much,its your tastes..so what if its abnormal compared to others consumption...
Its normal to eat more than an 8th...Terrance McKenna had the '5 dried grams' rule..I've eaten over a half oz before..if you need that much,its your tastes..so what if its abnormal compared to others consumption...
yeah one time when we use to do them ALOT i started to my friends house at a eight before i left.. halfway there i wasn't feeling anything so i started eating just individual shrooms.. maybe 5 mins before i got to his house all of what i ate hit me.. i shit you not all the trees and buildings had this fucked plasticky look to them the trees and road looked like a rainbow overlay and the minute i pulled into his driveway i was fucked all night..i ended up eating 3 eigths total in about 1.5 hours.... best visuals I've ever had outside of acid... I've seen guys who eat shit tons of hallucinogens.. cry off a eight of dank shrooms.
i attacked my trip sitter and have no memory of the event lol. i don't remember him leaving my house but remember a large part of the trip after he left. so i guess it was a partial blackout.
see that's the thing i've noticed with mushrooms...you just never know what you're going to get. i wish i knew what strain i had when i fasted for two days and took that eighth that made me lose my mind lol...no way they were cubes. then again a year after that trip i took 3 grams of azurescens and the trip was rather tame. i guess you just never know when dealing with mushrooms.

Yea one of by brothers tripped out hard on me and swung a table at me like a bat, he had some super trip strength, luckily I kinda saw it comming enough to brace myself for impact, which made him slip and hit the ground, and the dog bowl of water woke him out of "It." Do you have native Indian roots?
Talked to one of my buddies about this last night, he thinks it was just a matter of degraded potency. I guess he knows the person i got them off of, and they had them sitting around for awhile because they couldn't move em, then i forgot about them for a couple months..so..IDK. They were sealed in a ziplock that had the air sucked out of it, in a sandwich bag, in a drawer. He's been thinking about growing some, he's done it a few times before, and i guess this got the fire under him. He said something about some super potent strain he's going to try and get. I don't remember which, he was rattling off different ones all night long..he knows his mushrooms..lol. he's also been trying to talk me into trying ayahuasca with him..IDK about that right now.
Yea one of by brothers tripped out hard on me and swung a table at me like a bat, he had some super trip strength, luckily I kinda saw it comming enough to brace myself for impact, which made him slip and hit the ground, and the dog bowl of water woke him out of "It." Do you have native Indian roots?
why do you ask? my grandmother is full blooded cherokee.
Talked to one of my buddies about this last night, he thinks it was just a matter of degraded potency. I guess he knows the person i got them off of, and they had them sitting around for awhile because they couldn't move em, then i forgot about them for a couple months..so..IDK. They were sealed in a ziplock that had the air sucked out of it, in a sandwich bag, in a drawer. He's been thinking about growing some, he's done it a few times before, and i guess this got the fire under him. He said something about some super potent strain he's going to try and get. I don't remember which, he was rattling off different ones all night long..he knows his mushrooms..lol. he's also been trying to talk me into trying ayahuasca with him..IDK about that right now.
if you grow your own shrooms properly and eat an eighth you'll have a whole new opinion on mushrooms, i promise. my buddy was just like you. he swore shrooms were garbage until the day he finally got a good batch and they smacked him in the face.