Dippin in the Kool Aid?


Active Member
just smoke it. why do you want to color it.:confused::confused:

If i knew it was colored i think i would be a little bit scared to smoke it... i may try this to fool a friend into smoking some blue bud, nothing more.

on another note... Would the smoke or taste be any different?


Well-Known Member
THis was entertaining to read.... I know it's an old thread, but many of the purple strains don't even turn purple unless conditions are perfect, if at all..... If you want to get colors, get your day and night temps to change by at least 20 degrees or deprive of phosphorous and there you go, purple weed.... food coloring is just classic... kool aid to enhance flavor, that may be interesting, but food coloring is just dumb.... If you are a true Gonga smoker, the chances are you want KGB... If you don't know what that means, then don't even ask