Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead..

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and you try to pick fights with people you perceive as losers online to boost your delicate ego.

i bet you have a small penis and a large truck. :cool:

Here let me define loser for you uB

Opens a BS facebook account just to fuck with someone and then friend their mom and download her pics.


You are a loser buck fuck just read your own posts.

Can you carry on an adult conversation?

Why does everything with you always come down to a penis and a butt. What are you in 5th grade.

I wish the mods would ban this guy for good so he could spread his venom somewhere else
So you're mad because you can't stop posting, and because I tried to be nice and let you know I saw your shit. I really want to talk shit right now. But I'm not going to because you're pretending to be nice while really being what I want to call you. :D

I'm not pretending to be nice. I just thought I'd try and be constructive and talk to you like an adult instead of just calling you a douche like the majority of people are telling me to.
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