Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead..

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I read an typed everything on this thread from my cell phone. You bump your thread to stir conversation (or controversy) around your threads as you know they will erupt at an exponential rate as this one has. There is a difference between naively and knowing you are shit stirring. I hate accusing people of it because people have thought I was trolling when asking a genuine question, but in this case, I think you do anticipate how people react to you and attempt to control it.

EDIT: *tail between legs* Ok Neer Neer, I will stay out of it x

Oh I hope you know I was just teasing you. I am not suggesting you stay out of it. Personally I share your ethic of not simply calling someone a name.

I guess the one thing I would suggest id that, if I am reading your posts correctly, a motive is what people might think. The only one aside from T3 who needs to be assured that/if you're a nice girl is you. And imo you can be nice while still being solidly assertive.

So untuck that tail and know that i was hoping you'd recognize the tease for what it was. But as a fellow autism spectrum denizen, I get the value of spelling things out as well. Whetever else, be assured I meant no criticism. cn
I love cuddles, but often people don't want them. Some people find me too strange, or even too nice, but my close friends and family who have accepted me for who I am,do feel inclined to cuddle me or cry on my shoulder (or in my inbox)at 3am

</thread derail>

EDIT: Thankyou for clarifying Neer Neer.. Although I know I am practically inviting someone to come and call me a hypocrite so I will go before I manage to upset someone again. It always happens, and I don't want to be a blight to anyone not just T3.
Your computer is not special, it acts just like ours do, you simply dont know how to use the forum.

And you did make a thread asking why your threads get closed.

You are a post whore, you are a troll, you are intellectually challenged on quite a significant level, no one here seems to like you, for a seemingly damned good reason :-) grow the fuck up, it is utterly pathetic.

why you being so rude? :?
his mom accepted my friend request and for a brief period of time, i had unfettered access to all of his mom's pics, many of which featured her in a bikini (and even better his mom AND his sis in bikinis together :hump:).

i saved many of them to my hard drive.
That's weird,I was playing with my "Hard drive" earlier today while thinking about his mom...
his mom accepted my friend request and for a brief period of time, i had unfettered access to all of his mom's pics, many of which featured her in a bikini (and even better his mom AND his sis in bikinis together :hump:).

i saved many of them to my hard drive.

Why, what a weirdo. Buddy you really need help.
Youre vindictive and foul.
I am not joining the trolls. Thi isn't about taking sides or favoritetes. As far a we go, this about you counting on my nature and inclination towards going people the benefit of the doubt. I don't dislike you a a human being, but I dislike how you're acting. You do like to hit store an push the boundaries to the point it drives everyone insane but you don't quite cross the line that breaks site rules, whilst winding people up to the point they will break site rules. Your linguistics and conduct can be juvenile and obnoxious, though I don't like to use the word to just be hurtful. I won't bein your spirituality into this as I have beliefs way out there myself.

I am not perfect, do not make it seem as if I am jumping on the bandwagon and just deciding to 'turn on you' now. I think you were counting on 'nice kuroi' being diplomatic. I can't keep quiet any longer. Plenty of people on this site dislike me and think I'm crazy, I know what it is like to be the misfit free thinker too, but the threads people feel inclined to start about you (and the kind of people who don't even like joining in with hanging up or forum drama) do say something :/

I'm sorry. Your actions are frustrating, but I don't hate you. And trust me I am not acting high and mighty or trolling, I've had far harsher treatment for far less.

I am sorry
Whatever. I just read this shit. You're mad at me for posting my opinions. And basically mad because I have frequent random theories, and because other people want to talk shit to me I'M the asshole. Cool. I'm not gonna call you shit, if you were a dude I'd be saying shit. Because you're just talking shit now.
I read an typed everything on this thread from my cell phone. You bump your thread to stir conversation (or controversy) around your threads as you know they will erupt at an exponential rate as this one has. There is a difference between naively and knowing you are shit stirring. I hate accusing people of it because people have thought I was trolling when asking a genuine question, but in this case, I think you do anticipate how people react to you and attempt to control it.

EDIT: *tail between legs* Ok Neer Neer, I will stay out of it x
So you're mad because you can't stop posting, and because I tried to be nice and let you know I saw your shit. I really want to talk shit right now. But I'm not going to because you're pretending to be nice while really being what I want to call you. :D
No, I'm a random grower, wrapped in comments, filled with hate, surrounded by trolls, who are helping my threads mean something in the end :D ;)

Why are you filled with hate?

I thought you said nothing was wrong with you?

I posted a smiley face and a wink, and you ask while I'm filled with hate? What's wrong with YOU :lol:
No...I ask why you're filled with hate because you said you are filled with hate.

I'm just trying to help.
I hate fin nearly as much as everyone else, but i cannot condone what buck is doing by making a fake facebook and harassing his friends and family. they did nothing wrong, only fin.

and fin, go fuck youeself for being mean to kuroi. she was being super nice to your crazy ass.
Giraffe conspiracy? WTF? there is none!
fin (2).jpg

making buckoo google bucks lmao.
Dont wory I edited out the original image so that nothing is identifying about his address or personal info
his mom accepted my friend request and for a brief period of time, i had unfettered access to all of his mom's pics, many of which featured her in a bikini (and even better his mom AND his sis in bikinis together :hump:).

i saved many of them to my hard drive.
you're a weirdo , if i was his mum id have a injunction put out on you're creepy ass .
seems like childish bullying to me , if you don't like the guy don't have anything to do with him ,or his threads ...simple .
i thought you were supposed to be a christian guy , says wonders about Christianity.
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