I can't strictly answer your LED questions, as I have no experience with them myself, but in theory I see nothing wrong with running the 4000k for the first two weeks - maybe even 1 x 4000 and 1 x 3000 - and then run both 3000s for the remainder. 4000K isn't really that blue (compared to MH bulbs in the 5000-6000k range), while 3000K isn't really that red (compared to most HPS bulbs,which are in the 2100-2700k range). You might want to just run the 3000/4000 combo the whole way through, or just for the first two and last two weeks . . . but I wouldn't cut my light in half for the last two weeks, as 8-week strains are still packing it on in the 7th week, and most will continue flowering significantly into the 8th.
You'll have a better idea of what suits your system, but my initial response would be to say you will compromise yield if you compromise light.
Now, it's not always about the yield - especially if you are a personal and/or med grower - so if you like the results of combining the two spectra, then that, in itself, is a success. Even if you do lose a bit of yield. I have also seen sativas respond well to slightly bluer light (MH/HPS combo) and indicas respond well to redder light (straight HPS). The extra induced stretch in the indicas can help with yields (spacing nodes to allow more light penetration through the canody) while preventing mould/bud rot, which can be a real problem with dense colas in cooler, more humid months, even with lots of direct ventilation. Sativas, on the other hand, can respond well to tightening the nodes - especially in a horizontal grow.
Heri has pretty dense buds on an open structure (for an indica) anyway, from what I've seen, so maybe a light combo would work?
Me? I'd be looking for an LED in the 2700k range for a pure flowering light, so I reckon 3000k is already a bit of a compromise. But you know, results speak for themselves, so I really don't know if there's direct comparison between 2700k of LED and 2700k of HPS - that would just be my starting point.