DIFF's Indoor Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Wow... plants grew about 3-4 inches during the 12 hour darkness period... I turned the lights on, and WOW!! Had to raise the light up... lol


Well-Known Member
Lights on in about an hour.. i'll post a pic when they come on... anxious to see how much they grew this 12 hour dark period, 3 or 4 inches of growth the first time..


Well-Known Member
Day 30

2 days into flowering, and it appears they are starting to show their sex.. I will give it another day or two to be sure but i'm pretty sure I allready know..

Out of the 4 big, tall beautiful plants... 3 are male, the shortest bushier one appears to be female...

That leaves the 2 problem plants, which yes are still alive, although they both lost their 2 bottom sets of leaves due to the MG nute burn... Go figure though, they are both confirmed females...

So if i'm correct in my asumptions, i've got 3 males and 3 females.. while only 1 of the big healthy plants is female..

I would have assumed the two problem plants would have for sure turned male due to all the shock the MG soil put them through... I kinda figured 1 or 2 of the big babies were gonna turn male, but 3 out of 4 really hurts.. lol


Well-Known Member
guess it's time to buy some feminized seeds.. leaning towards super skunk, master kush and maui waui....

On a side note.... My next watering, probably 2mor, would be just straight water if i was to continue on the every other feeding cycle... Should i go ahead and start the big bloom 1/4 to 1/2 strength feeding this time to really jump start the flowering, or just straight water this time then feed?


Active Member
Dont pull males too early make sure you know they are and get a good camera to take pics and ask the pros in a new thread. I'm awaiting pics my friend.

P.S. sorry about the dudes. I want to try either C99 or Easyrider AF Clones and Fem seeds are the way to go!


Well-Known Member
Dont pull males too early make sure you know they are and get a good camera to take pics and ask the pros in a new thread. I'm awaiting pics my friend.

P.S. sorry about the dudes. I want to try either C99 or Easyrider AF Clones and Fem seeds are the way to go!

Yeah, today is only day 3 of flowering, so i'm waiting another week before i pull if i have to.. one looks to be a possible hermie..


Just saw the thread and am curious to see what your girls are looking like. I'll be watching. Go 250watt club!


Active Member
Just saw the thread and am curious to see what your girls are looking like. I'll be watching. Go 250watt club!

Alright someone else to the club!!! I'm sure Diff's happy to see somemore ppl here. Way to go with the camera Diff! Awaiting patiently bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Alright someone else to the club!!! I'm sure Diff's happy to see somemore ppl here. Way to go with the camera Diff! Awaiting patiently bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Yeah, i'm ready to take some pics, but lights don't come on til 7:30pm... they're sleeping.. :sleep:

Was away for a day, so i actually haven't seen them for 2 days.. lol... i'm anxious to see what they're looking like.. This is day 5 of flowering, so i might have a clearer picture of sex...

gimme 30 mins once lights come on and i'll post the pics.. :joint:


Active Member
Yeah, i'm ready to take some pics, but lights don't come on til 7:30pm... they're sleeping.. :sleep:

Was away for a day, so i actually haven't seen them for 2 days.. lol... i'm anxious to see what they're looking like.. This is day 5 of flowering, so i might have a clearer picture of sex...

gimme 30 mins once lights come on and i'll post the pics.. :joint:
Great can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Day 33

Watered plants last night, but it was late as I kind of stayed out later than I originally intended to.. lol... Before i went out i mixed the water i used w/ about 1/2 tablespoon of Big Bloom per gallon.. Last 4 waterings I've went 5 days between..

This is day 5 of flower, but they still haven't shown sex yet... I think a couple are male and a couple are female, but it's still too soon to tell i think.. hopefully within the next week i'll be able to sex...

They are really starting to take off now, a couple are almost 2 feet tall!!!! At this point i'm raising the light every 2 days, if not every day... The new growth on the two smaller plants seems to be fine, i think the nute burn has ended for them (fingers crossed)...

I'm struggling w/ the pics obviously... truth is, my girlfriend smokes and is cool w/ this whole deal, but she doesn't like me posting pics on the internet.. I can't really complain though, because she's cool with everything else..

Oh well, i'll try and get some tonight when lights come back on...


Well-Known Member
Day 35

5 weeks old, 1 week into flowering... These babies could take up to 2 weeks to show me all their sexes... They are growing like crazy though, i'll be adding some side lighting this weekend as the tallest one is almost 2 feet tall now!! doubled in size the first week of 12/12... amazing!!

One of the taller plants is either a confirmed female, or a hermie... I see three sets of pistils, but no balls.. so hopefully it's just a female...

The other two tall ones appear to be male, but it's still not 100%... The smaller 3 plants might take another week probably..

Here's 2 pics... i'll get some digitals once i start seeing some more signs of sex... Look at the one in the front middle, she's the 2 footer!! woah!!

BTW... had two emergency blankets hung on the side of the room and one of the back side of the door, but i had to take them down for now.. The leaves on the sides of the room were touching the emergency blanket and I was afraid they would burn because of it.. They are all crinkled anyways from being folded in the package.. Not a real big fan of these.. I'll be turning the light the other direction this weekend, running long ways and going to add a sheet of plywood towards the back of the room to eliminate empty unused space.. I'll also be tieing down a couple plants as i'm afraid they won't be able to keep themselves up if they start budding... I would love to have them all be females, but if there's going to be males, i'd like them to show soon so i can pull them... getting like a jungle in there!! lol



Active Member
Those gals sure are pretty! I'm impressed. If you need to solve and odor issue I highly recommend the Mountain Air Filters!


Well-Known Member
Those gals sure are pretty! I'm impressed. If you need to solve and odor issue I highly recommend the Mountain Air Filters!
yeah, i'm prolly gonna have to look into that...

I actually got up a few hours earlier this morning to do some extended sexing of the plants... and 1/2 the results are in..

Two of the bigger plants are confirmed males..:finger: .... while one is a confirmed female, she is starting to flower indeed... yay!! :clap: ... She has nice white hairs forming!! The last of the 4 larger plants is shorter and bushier, but isn't showing any signs of sex yet.. Hopefully in the next couple days she (fingers crossed) will show...

Males have been removed from the room, researching what means i should take to chop leaves off and attempt to make some hash... Shame to see them go, they were some beasts!!

The 2 originally stunted plants from the MG soil are way behind.. I believe they weren't even close to ready when i switched to 12/12... I didn't have much of a choice as the other 4 were ready to flower... These two aren't really looking unhealthy, but their definetely a ways away from flowering..

So now i've only got 4 plants under the 250 watt hps.. hopefully the smaller plants soak up some more light being more situated under the light than before..

Any suggestions on what i should do with these 2 as i don't have another location or the lights to get them back into the veg cycle at 18/6?? Will they eventually flower under 12/12, with a lesser yield and a longer period til they are ready?

Also... i've been cleaning the room once a week w/ some bleach water... should i be concerned about doing it quickly b/c i have confirmed males, or can i wait til the weekend (normally when i do it..) ??

Let me snag some pics real quick...


Well-Known Member
here she is.....

btw... she's the front middle pot from the pics a few days ago... the two tall ones on the right were both males...



Well-Known Member
Minus the bottom nodes that had some discoloration and some small holes on the leaves, nothing seemed to progress til today..

Oh yeah... btw... out of the 4 plants i have left, i have 3 females, one being the stunted plant... which is a plus...

Larger female that had originally had some weak bottom leaves is one of the problems... It goes up about 3 nodes... The plant is healthy, but i've also read around here that sometimes is a leaf is stunted during growth it can cause something like this....

Or maybe it's because the bottom leaves are not getting enough light? The top leaves/ nodes/ etc all seem fine... Some CFL side lighting would improve this correct?

i'm drunk... high... blazed... did i even post something???.... hmmm...:weed:


Active Member
Minus the bottom nodes that had some discoloration and some small holes on the leaves, nothing seemed to progress til today..

Oh yeah... btw... out of the 4 plants i have left, i have 3 females, one being the stunted plant... which is a plus...

Larger female that had originally had some weak bottom leaves is one of the problems... It goes up about 3 nodes... The plant is healthy, but i've also read around here that sometimes is a leaf is stunted during growth it can cause something like this....

Or maybe it's because the bottom leaves are not getting enough light? The top leaves/ nodes/ etc all seem fine... Some CFL side lighting would improve this correct?

i'm drunk... high... blazed... did i even post something???.... hmmm...:weed:

Hahaha, yeah the side lighting would be nice. Glad to hear you got 3 girls. One good thing about the runt is when its time o chop one down the runt will give you all your harvesting lessons. :weed: