DIFF's Indoor Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Alright... so the two ladies are 9 weeks into flower now... Hairs are starting to recede quickly and they are sitting at about 25% orange now, maybe a bit less, especially on the smaller plant...

Swelling continues... If i had to guess at this point, it looks like I might be able to reach 2 ounces off the two plants... after drying, hopefully... :mrgreen:

I will learn from this experience, knowing now that I switched to 12/12 before they were fully mature... They were around 12 inches tall, with about 6-8 nodes after 2 weeks under CFL's (24/0) and then 2 weeks under a 250 watt HPS (18/6)...

2nd batch of bag seed was repotted yesterday.. they are 16 days old, I fed them last night w/ a SMALL mixture of Big Bloom and Grow Big (1/2 tablespoon of BB, 1/2 teaspoon of GB per gallon)... Mixed into a 1 gallon jug, gave them about 1/2 of it last night... will give the other half next watering and then goto the every other watering cycle....

Updates to come...


Well-Known Member
Plan to sample a smaller popcorn bud towards the bottom that has 60% red hairs and very crystally... anxious to see how potent this bag seed strain is gonna be...


Well-Known Member
Things are progressing... slowly... I botched my attempt on guessing when they'd be done.. thus they've had 4 waterings (2 straight, 2 w/ just molasses) in the last 2 weeks... Last night, seeing no big change in things, i went ahead and fed them some more nutes... we'll see what things look like today... I will continue feeding every other watering and then resume the flushing process...

Personal stash is at a good level, so I can just kick back and watch this babies grow.. no need to be impatient... I wouldn't mind some after X-Mas smoke... atleast by new years... lol

Sorry about the lack of pics.. as mentioned earlier, i'm kinda paranoid about posting them... i gotta be really high, drunk, a combination of both, or home alone to post pics... the old lady is the biggest reason i don't.. she sees me with the camera, and gets all up in my business (note, she doesn't want me posting pics on the internet)... She's made a good routine of checking the babies with me... I'm able to sneak in some celly pics once in awhile...

Happy Holidays to everyone...


Well-Known Member
Holiday update... 3 feedings since the premature 2 weeks flush now... 50% of white hairs are amber color now, most trichomes are cloudy are the larger plant (smaller plant 25% amber hairs, more clear trichomes than large plant)... Buds are really getting frosted now... Will probably start flushing again, maybe feed one more time... fed last night, so we'll see where we're at next watering day..

Edit: Today makes 10 weeks of flowering... I have a feeling this bag seed was Indica/Sativa mix due to the longer flowering time... I could see maybe if I was using CFL's during part of flowering, but i've been crankin' the 250 watt HPS the entire flowering period, so it's got to have some Sativa in it... It will be around 12 weeks into flower before I even think about harvesting... So much for the XMas and New Years smoke... lol

smaller plant is poppin' seeds everywhere.. Crazy thing about it is, I've inspected the larger lady every day since finding the pollen sacs open on the smaller plant (bottom nodes)... There is no sign of seeds/pollenation on the larger plant.. The main cola is probably about 4-6 inches tall..

Guess i got lucky that the smaller one didn't pollenate the larger plant... I have now decided to use the smaller plant as my first harvest to fine tune my manicuring skills (been about a year since i manicured any good bud..)... It will probably get chopped before the larger one, due to the ammount of seeds it is forming (even on the main cola)...

Pulled the smallest popcorn nug from the smaller plant for a test smoke... drying it right now, probably cure for a day or two and then smoke.. it's only a bowl, but i'm curious to see what the potency is right now seeing as though i may end up harvesting the smaller plant soon... like to get an idea of how good it's ganj is gonna be...

I'll try to post a pic or two of the main cola tonight....


Well-Known Member
11 weeks into flowering today... 60-70% of hairs are red and receding now.. trichomes are mostly cloudy w/ some amber here and there...

Started flushing yesterday... I will be monitoring them throughout this weekend... If they're still not done by Sat/Sun, i will probably go ahead and switch lighting to 11 on and 13 off to kind of speed things up...

Good news, got a digital camera... here's some pics of the nice lady (i spare you from having to look @ the smaller one that hermied... lol)

Anyone wanna confirm this is a sativa strain or a indica/sativa hybrid? I assumed it was indica early in it's life cycle, but i have to question that w/ an 11 week flowering period and counting...

enjoy... first 2 are full shot, next two are closer up of main cola and last two are some shots of some of the smaller colas...



Well-Known Member
maybe i'll get some followers and/or +rep now that i got some decent pics up... if not, i'm fine w/ continuing my journal for the occasional passer-by... lol


Well-Known Member
12 weeks of flower now and i've began to start sampling the smaller popcorn nugs from the plant that hermied on me... A few seeds per bud, but nothing as bad as what I was expecting...

dried a few small nugs (bowl sized) on my cleaning tray for about 18 hours... by then, it was fine to smoke, and only became more smokeable w/ the passing hours.. by 36 hours, it was pretty dry..

Taste is good.. burns good (no black ash, yuck) and gets you pretty damned ripped... i'm impressed, especially w/ a hermied plant... I've checked the other bigger healthier lady for seeds a bazillion times, with no luck...

I will be hanging the smaller (hermied) plant up in darkness tonight as the seeds it has produced are big and healthy... it's spent half it's flowering time making those little bastards though... lol... if potency would have been doubled w/o it herming.. man... that'd end up being the best pot i've smoked in almost 5 years...


Well-Known Member
Alright, things are getting exciting now!!

Smaller, hermed plant has been in complete darkness for 48 hours as of right now... I will be chopping it in a few minutes and hanging it up... It does have some seeds, with the smaller nugs having more than the top 1/2 of the plant... I've collected about 20 seeds from about 4-5 popcorn nugs... They are big and fat seeds, so it had been producing those bastards for while... I was good about inspecting the two ladies, but I guess i have to be better... Those seeds were hidden like a sum' bitch!!

I still don't see any seeds on the larger plant... I don't know how this would be possible w/ them both being in the same room w/ fans on... but, oh well, i'm not going to complain if by some miracle i happened to get one sensimilla plant...

I will take some pics of the hermed plant... just don't make fun... hell, i'm willing to pick some seeds out... the bud has an awesome taste and gives a great buzz, so i'm happy....



Well-Known Member
Guess this is the last post for my first journal...

The larger plant finally finished a few days ago... It is currently hang drying, while the smaller hermed plant is allready in the process of being jar cured... the smoke is very tasty and gives a nice head high...

Test smoke on the larger plant proves it is a lot more potent... taste is the same, but high is totally different...

Smaller plant yielded about 1 ounce dry... while the larger plants looks to be around 3 ounces dry... So on my first indoor grow (w/ RIU as my only help other than my personal outdoor knowledge) and I yielded a QP from 2 plants w/ a 250 watt hps... not bad i'd say....

Good news is that frees up my room for the 6 babies i've been veggin for the past 50 days... I will begin flowering them 2mor once the room is cleaned and everything in place...

Follow this link for my 2nd journal...
