different lighting in 24/0 experience


Hey guys, im a newbie and for various reasons I have my darlings under cfls maybe 15 hours and the rest under hps.

Does this effect the plant in any negative way? or positive? I figured that I´d let them get as much light as possible...I dont have access to the hps 24/7...

help appreciated!


Misguided Angel
I have run 24/0 and noticed that the plants stay a little more compact with tighter internodal spacing. I have not noticed any difference in harvest quantity and obviously if you have your lights on 24 hours a day you will be paying more for power. It is not natural but neither is most of what we do when indoor growing...


The power isnt a problem, I´m wondering if anyone has had any effects when having the plant in 24/0 but in different spectrums. like I said i have hps-lights about 9 hours or so, and thats a warmer light from the cfl´s which i have them under the rest of the day...


Active Member
If you're vegging you should be using a MH bulb, not HPS. It's not a good idea to move them back and forth between cfl and hps. The hps lighting is much more intense than the cfl bulbs. It usually takes a few days for plants to adjust to the lighting. More experienced growers will actually use shade screens over the plants when transitioning into HPS lighting from fluorescents to minimize the chance of burning and give them a chance to adjust.

It honestly sounds like a hassle your having to go through. If you are vegging I would switch to an 18 hr light cycle and just use your cfls. It will save you money and time and the plants will most likely grow faster giving them the 6 hours of rest. Hope this helps


Allright thanks! I suspected that...but I had been searching in the forums and hadnt found any thread that covered this.
I´ll switch to 18/6 tonight, theyre about 20 days old now.

thanks for the answer!