Diference In CFL ?


Well-Known Member
k so im currently using 3 13Watt CFLs ... there small .... but ive got 4 bigger 26 watt CFLs ( atleast i think they are ) my 13 watts are cool white .... and the bigger ones give off like a reddish coloured light .... you can totally tell the difference when there both turned on ..... can any experts tell me if the color difference is a problem ? or can i jus use the bigger bulbs .... and no ... more light wont help cause they might kill the plants bein a different color


Well-Known Member
It has been said that Ms. Jane will thrive under mixed light. But I those 13 watters are just useless. Stick to the 26 watters for flowering. And you can never have too many lights with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
ya the 13 watters are hella useless ... its the whole reason why the growth is stunted .... i mean the lil things are growing but so damn slow .... but ive said it before and ill say it again .. im not in a rush ... i wanna do this proper to make sure everything works out well ... proper in a CFL way .... then once i know i can successfully grow and crop .... ill drop a decent amount more of money on CFLs .... i personally dont wanna deal with HPS and MH ..... its to much of a risk for me cause A im on probation and B ... i dont wanna steal power and hide power and all that jazz thats involved ... not to mention theres a huge risk of house fire with HPS/MH as opposed to no risk with CFL