Well-Known Member
Did we just take over Greece?
I guess some guy was appointed the leader of Greece and he used to be the head of the fed reserve in Boston. That was pretty slick of us, I think we just forclosed on a country. They keep talking about Austerity measures and I'm pretty sure thats fancy talk for old people get less doctors and don't get to retire and poor people get to eat less but i'm not sure. I guess it went pretty smooth we didn't have to send our military, I heard we might get Italy soon to.
I guess some guy was appointed the leader of Greece and he used to be the head of the fed reserve in Boston. That was pretty slick of us, I think we just forclosed on a country. They keep talking about Austerity measures and I'm pretty sure thats fancy talk for old people get less doctors and don't get to retire and poor people get to eat less but i'm not sure. I guess it went pretty smooth we didn't have to send our military, I heard we might get Italy soon to.