Did We Just Take Over Greece?


Well-Known Member
Did we just take over Greece?
I guess some guy was appointed the leader of Greece and he used to be the head of the fed reserve in Boston. That was pretty slick of us, I think we just forclosed on a country. They keep talking about Austerity measures and I'm pretty sure thats fancy talk for old people get less doctors and don't get to retire and poor people get to eat less but i'm not sure. I guess it went pretty smooth we didn't have to send our military, I heard we might get Italy soon to.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Dude, his policy is the Euro.

Championing that is like saying "Hey, let's not push ourselves towards third-world country status because this generation wants entitlement programs we can't afford and never could afford to offer in the first place."

This guy is trying to do Greece a favor, maintain stability at home and sanity in the world.


Well-Known Member
Greece doesn't need elections, none of us do, we just need to be happy they are installing big banker types to rule us all.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Wow, are you saying the biggest flaw in my understanding of the situation is what the guys title was?
I was kind of hoping I was wrong.
USA is next. All we need is a new amendment to allow Arnold president. Oh yeah, a Kenyan already is president. Screw rules, might as well get rid of voting altogether and the illusion it serves.


Well-Known Member
The dog is dead.
It's kind of fucked up, the owner says the dog died of unknown causes "maybe old age"- I wonder if the chemical weapons might have had something to do with it?
I guess there were two dogs one died of "natural causes"


Well-Known Member
How exactly did you just take over Greece? They appointed a leader from an all party national Government...


Active Member
Same thing happened in SPain. It is the cartel take over I have been screaming about on here for a while. This is the plan. Bankrupt countries with perpetual debt. The laziest, most unproductive, tax evading countries fall first. But in the end, they all fall by design.

I am shocked that people are mostly ok with this. It is the final stage of the complete and total purchase (theft) of democracy.

What amazes me is the amount of people who just refuse to accept that this is going to happen here if things arent changed. You think it can't happen to you? So did the Greeks and Spaniards 60 days ago.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened in SPain. It is the cartel take over I have been screaming about on here for a while. This is the plan. Bankrupt countries with perpetual debt. The laziest, most unproductive, tax evading countries fall first. But in the end, they all fall by design.

I am shocked that people are mostly ok with this. It is the final stage of the complete and total purchase (theft) of democracy.

What amazes me is the amount of people who just refuse to accept that this is going to happen here if things arent changed. You think it can't happen to you? So did the Greeks and Spaniards 60 days ago.
They are using democracy to perpetrate this- democracy helps make it possible, the founding fathers forsaw this which is why the U.S.A. is a republic unfortunatly the schools have been programing people to support democracy and most of their students believe the U.S. is a democracy and our political leaders have promoted democracy which is why were in trouble now.
Things are speeding up now, their plan is nearing it's final stages, all the common people in the world are in grave danger


Well-Known Member
The free shit army will not be happy if they have to take a big bite out of austerity. They have been fat, happy and breeding for far too long. The poo will hit the wall when that happens