• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


Well-Known Member
I can't vote for a candidate that doesn't exist. There is no candidate in the election that represents my views. And I don't know why you consider it brave to vote for someone that has no chance of winning.
You're for big government. you have plenty of candidates to choose from. I vote on principle, period. It's called having a backbone. A jellyfish like you wouldn't understand that. You sure are stupid to think otherwise.

I'll get a backbone when you get an independent thought.
I believe in the individual and not some uninformed fool like you.

Here's the thing. I don't give a shit. I'm glad America still has an auto industry and that 2.5 million jobs were saved. I really don't care that tax money funded it. In fact I'm glad tax money funded it. I'm not a libertarian. I don't think the single most important thing is to make sure the government never helps anyone ever. From my point of view, that's retarded. And no, I don't care if you think that is socialism in case you were wondering.
At what cost? That's another thing you don't get. It's not the job of government to take money from one person and give it too another. no one has a right to a job off of my earnings. Government sets the climate for job creation. Government doesn't create jobs it creates debt. Only retarded people think otherwise
Nor do I. I do not worship the free market. I think the free market is a terrible idea.
You're a fool for believing that.

And every industrialized country in the history of the world agrees with me on that since no industrialized nation has ever had a free market system.
When you bypass the free market you have booms and busts created by government. The busts are always worse than the booms. When the free market is allowed to exist people prosper.

Likely they would have filed bankruptcy, downsized, then had their assets bought up by Toyota and Honda. And when they declared bankruptcy, millions of Americans would have lost their jobs, and probably people would have gotten screwed out of their pensions. And for what? So we can worship free market ideals? What does that get us in reality? -2.5 million jobs and an even worse economy? No thank you, keep your free market, I want no part in that.
You made that entire scenario up. You really are an idiot if you think intelligent people will believe that garbage. An informed person would see the jobs saved like when failed banks get bought up by stronger banks. The long term employment works out better.

They offered 2.5 million Americans working in the automotive industry the chance not to be unemployed. I'm sure your counter offer of free market economics, unemployment lines, and having their homes foreclosed on would have been real tempting though. :roll:
At what cost you fool? Since when does government pick the winners and losers using my money ever work?
Homes are still being foreclosed on people are still unemployed at a high rate. Are you really that ignorant and blind? Your way is a proven failure.
Instead lets have government continue with their manipulative ways and prolong the inevitable.

You still haven't directly answered any of my questions.

Actually those policies worked just fine for nearly half a century until the Reagan years when we decided to deregulate big business which we kept doing for nearly 30 years until it finally blew up the economy.
You really are an uninformed idiot who makes things up. The value of the dollar continued it's decline. The costs of education and medicine under big government have risen dramatically yet you say it works?
The didn't deregulate you buffoon. They manipulated the economy. They directed where assets go and made regulations governing them.

Oh no, I get it. You have this ignorant revisionist version of history in your head that never actually happened.
I back my statements up with facts. You either them or make up mindless accusations with nothing to back them up escept you said so.

If you learned to think for yourself instead of believing what far right wing politicians told you to think, you'd know that.
That's another thing you make up because you cannot discuss the facts I have presented. Only someone like you with his head up his ass would say I back far right wing politicians

You've given me all the ammunition I need.
If dynamite was brains you wouldnt have enough to blow your nose.

I've challenged several of you to name something about Ron Paul you dislike or do not agree with him on. Your failure to come up with anything proves that you are incapable of thinking for yourself and it proves my charge of you guys being cult members correct.
Its proves you are an idiot who makes things up in order to fit a twisted agenda because you are too much of a pussy to discuss the real issues. Control freaks like you run insist on doing things their way. It doesn't matter what I agree or disagree with Ron Paul on. The issue is that YOU back failed polices. And are too much of a coward to discuss them so you deny and deflect in order to avoid the issues.

No reasonable person agrees with anyone 100% of the time. Cult members do that. Thanks for proving my case.
I never said I agree with him 100 percent except unlike control freaks like you I agree with freedom and liberty and property rights 100 percent. You're just a liar who makes things up because your twisted agenda is a proven failure. Keep making things up and hiding. Put the toilet seat back up after you piss.

chicken bob

Active Member
Yea following the Constitution is weird. Following policies of freedom and liberty and respecting property rights is weird. Staying out of running other countries by taking money away from the poor in America is weird.
I can't wait until you give up typing in lower case. You're lost.
wasting day after day supporting some asshole politician to the point of pissing people off trying to force it on them and being completely blind to the root cause of the problems u blame on others .........is weird.......and thats what ron paul Weirdos do.............

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You clueless partisan drone.
Says the guy who believes everything Ron Paul has ever said or done. The irony. You might want to start thinking for yourself before throwing stuff like that out there.

It was the fault of both parties when they regulated the housing market
You mean deregulated the housing market. The housing market was just fine when it was regulated. It's only when we started deregulating what could be done with mortgages that the house bubble became possible. And yes, that was a bipartisan effort. But it grew for 8 years under Bush's watch and he did nothing to stop it and then it blew up on him. That makes him responsible. The buck stops there.

No and you have no proof of me saying that. You make things up because you don't have a leg to stand on. Show proof or STFU.
Well that is what you're advocating when you suggest letting entire industries fail. I'm not sure what you think happens to a job in your libertarian fantasy world when you let a company fail, but I promise the real answer to that is everyone losses their job.

because you are an uninformed hack is not my fault. Its already proven it works. We got out of the depression in the early 1920's using that policy in under two years.
And then all the problems of the early 20's came back twice as bad. So no.

I looked at the evidence and not because a mindless clown like you who pulls things out of his backburner said so.


I believe his truths over your ignorance and backing of failed policies.
And by that you mean you believe in economic theories which have never given a positive real world result because Ron Paul says they'll work and he's your lord and savior. Got it.

You still don't get it because you are dumb .
No, I get it. You are repeating a false statement over and over again because you are ignorant. TARP passed in congress and was signed into law under Bush. That is an indisputable fact. You are disagreeing with that because you only believe things if they come from the mouth of Ron Paul because you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Neither Bush nor Obama believe in the free market.
They don't believe in unicorns either. Why should they believe in things that don't exist?

It's all about playing king and picking winners and losers, because you are too foolish to see it is your fault.
I see it. I'm just indifferent to the idea that we must worship at the alter of the free market. The free market is not a deity and we owe it no obedience.

Like I said. You're dumb.
Yeah, I know. I'm so stupid for saying all these factually correct statements and ignoring the words of our lord and savior Ron Paul.

You don't address the issues I make in my posts because you don't have a leg to stand on.
Since you cowardly left this out in your response I'll put it back in.
I'm not ignoring the issue. You're making factually incorrect statements and then expecting me to defend those statements. I'm not going to do that. If I said that Ron Paul was a communist would you defend communism or would you point out that what I said was factually incorrect?

I'm not going to defend Obama's reasoning for why he did something that he didn't actually do.

In President Obama's first State of the Union address, he tried to capture the public's anger toward Wall Street while defending his decision to bail it out. He argued that while his rescue of the banks wasn't popular, it was necessary.

And yet that is still not true. It wasn't Obama's decision to bailout the banks. It was congresses decision under president GW Bush. By the time Obama was in office TARP was law. It was Obama's decision which banks to bailout, but it was not Obama's decision to enact tarp. At that point he was obeying the law.
What is the next piece of bullshit coming out of your pie hole? Obama against bailing out foreign banks and businesses? Guess those trillions used to bail them out never happened either.
I'm sorry that facts make you so angry.


Well-Known Member
wasting day after day supporting some asshole politician to the point of pissing people off trying to force it on them and being completely blind to the root cause of the problems u blame on others .........is weird.......and thats what ron paul Weirdos do.............
If you don't want to hear about RP, well you should probably stay the fuck out of the RP threads then. You know whats weird? Talking about the constitution pisses people of these days.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You're for big government.
No, I'm for a government that produces the best possible results. I'm indifferent to that government being big or small. Which ever size is most effective is just fine with me. Some areas of the government should probably be bigger and some areas of the government should be smaller.

I don't belong to your simpleton school of government that says "government doing anything = bad". I think for myself and make up my mind on each specific issue rather than just believing what ever rhetoric is vomited up by right wing extremist politicians.

you have plenty of candidates to choose from. I vote on principle, period. It's called having a backbone. A jellyfish like you wouldn't understand that. You sure are stupid to think otherwise.
There are many candidates to choose from but none come even remotely close to representing what I think needs to be done in the white house.

I'd vote for Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden if they were running. But they aren't so I'm stuck picking from the best of terrible options.

And it's not calling having a backbone, what you're doing is cult worship. It doesn't take backbone, it takes the inability to think for yourself.

I believe in the individual and not some uninformed fool like you.
No, you believe in A individual. Ron Paul. And you believe in his like a Scientologist believes in L Ron Hubbard.

That's another thing you don't get. It's not the job of government to take money from one person and give it too another. no one has a right to a job off of my earnings.
Actually it is if that is in the national interest. And taxing is perfectly legal and has happened since the foundation of our country.

Government sets the climate for job creation. Government doesn't create jobs it creates debt.
More accurately, you don't want the government to create jobs, but in reality it does.

When you bypass the free market you have booms and busts created by government. The busts are always worse than the booms. When the free market is allowed to exist people prosper.
You say that like it's a fact and yet no industrialized nation in the world has ever successfully employed a free market economy. So if you have no proof how do you know that? Oh, that's right, your lord and savior told you it was true so therefor it's a fact.

I'll ignore the rest of your angry hate filled rant. Obviously facts upset you too much. Maybe the koolaid is wearing off and you need another cup.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm for a government that produces the best possible results. I'm indifferent to that government being big or small. Which ever size is most effective is just fine with me. Some areas of the government should probably be bigger and some areas of the government should be smaller.

I don't belong to your simpleton school of government that says "government doing anything = bad". I think for myself and make up my mind on each specific issue rather than just believing what ever rhetoric is vomited up by right wing extremist politicians.

There are many candidates to choose from but none come even remotely close to representing what I think needs to be done in the white house.

I'd vote for Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden if they were running. But they aren't so I'm stuck picking from the best of terrible options.

And it's not calling having a backbone, what you're doing is cult worship. It doesn't take backbone, it takes the inability to think for yourself.

No, you believe in A individual. Ron Paul. And you believe in his like a Scientologist believes in L Ron Hubbard.

Actually it is if that is in the national interest. And taxing is perfectly legal and has happened since the foundation of our country.

More accurately, you don't want the government to create jobs, but in reality it does.

You say that like it's a fact and yet no industrialized nation in the world has ever successfully employed a free market economy. So if you have no proof how do you know that? Oh, that's right, your lord and savior told you it was true so therefor it's a fact.

I'll ignore the rest of your angry hate filled rant. Obviously facts upset you too much. Maybe the koolaid is wearing off and you need another cup.
How many hours per day would you say that you spend attacking RP supporters? We don't want to join your sheep herd. Give it up.

chicken bob

Active Member
If you don't want to hear about RP, well you should probably stay the fuck out of the RP threads then. You know whats weird? Talking about the constitution pisses people of these days.
no i would like to learn about ron paul.... learn about what his bull shit promises are.... learn how he plans to screw us ....learn where his war is going to be......so i will continue to listen....... i just wish the ron paul weirdos would shut the fuck up .........


Well-Known Member
no i would like to learn about ron paul.... learn about what his bull shit promises are.... learn how he plans to screw us ....learn where his war is going to be......so i will continue to listen....... i just wish the ron paul weirdos would shut the fuck up .........
Well go read about him instead of attacking his supporters you fucken idiot.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
ron pauls promises are bs. if by some crazy miracle he were elected president, none of the crazy things he promised would ever come true. keep dreaming RP supporters


Well-Known Member
As many as you spend putting out obnoxious spam.

In case you haven't noticed, you guys are the herd here. I'm just me.
I posted some Obama-sheep related images yesterday because I thought it was hilarious, then you guys got all mad and locked the thread. Then you returned to the RP thread to continue to waste your lives away attacking some 76 year old man that speaks of peace and freedom. You dedicate your life to discrediting someone who you obviously know nothing about. You must be a fucken loser in life. Pathetic. Go read a book.


Well-Known Member
You can't claim that RP's ideology is batshit crazy, because they're not RP's ideologies. They are the ideas of our founding fathers. If you read about the warnings of our founding fathers than you will see that RP is the only one that is in line with their thoughts of freedom. You should read Washington's farewell address as it warns against permanent alliances overseas and foreign aid. It warns against the political party structure we have installed. It is inspiring that someone is taking heed to the warnings of the men that designed our government to be limited for a reason, to avoid tyranny. This is what I believe. Suck my balls if you don't like it.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. – John Adams (1814)

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Benjamin Franklin

Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. – George Washington

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. – Thomas Jefferson

A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. – Thomas Jefferson

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty. – Thomas Jefferson

Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. – Thomas Paine

Self education is good. - Lifegoesonbrah

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So copying and pasting a bunch of quotes from people completely unrelated to Ron Paul or HIS ideology is supposed to convince me of something? That you know how to copy and paste? Oh and real classy with the personal insults. Nice touch.


Well-Known Member
So copying and pasting a bunch of quotes from people completely unrelated to Ron Paul or HIS ideology is supposed to convince me of something? That you know how to copy and paste? Oh and real classy with the personal insults. Nice touch.
.... and it shines through how much you know about Ron Paul.