Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


New Member
I love how any person can say this same thing to support their opinion. The impressive claim to have all of the facts while the rest have none.

I hate it.

When it comes to Ron Paul...this has been hashed and rehashed...They have NOTHING..that is just how it is on this subject....every argument or fact they present is de-bunked each time...All they have is their opinion.


Well-Known Member

When it comes to Ron Paul...this has been hashed and rehashed...They have NOTHING..that is just how it is on this subject....every argument or fact they present is de-bunked each time...All they have is their opinion.
These threads do go round and round. I wonder how long until another smart meters thread gets posted??


Well-Known Member
"God damn FUCK Those Ron Paul supporters with their logic and facts. How dare they not bow down to the false information that I spread in the only Ron Paul thread. Asshole worshipers. "
ya see, that's the problem. you are not able to accept certain facts, such as ronald's historical bungling of the newsletter controversy.

i am willing to say he never wrote them, despite the fact that he claimed he did during the 1996 congressional campaign. you, however, can not accept that he said he wrote them despite that it is well-documented historical fact that he claimed as much.

if you were willing to discuss the issue honestly, you would know that my main objection is not that he lied at one point or the other, it is that he surrounds himself with incompetent handlers and how that reflects on what his cabinet would look like.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone really thinks Ron Paul is 100% perfect..How could they? ever...thats your perspective, he is a stuttering old geezer...The message of liberty is what unites all people and Ron Paul is the only legit Liberty candidate. You really can't argue with that..your crazy to argue with that...that is why people think you guys are nucking futz and argue with you endlessly. You provoke them intentionally and you are being a manipulative jerk.
if no one thinks he is 100% perfect, why are some people unwilling to state one area of disagreement?

the message of liberty is fine, but it would go better with someone with actual executive experience representing it. someone who did not scare away people like me with socially conservative stands. someone like gary johnson.

again, thanks for the insults.


Well-Known Member
this is what i call self-ownage.

if we have "nothing" then that implies he is 100% perfect.

don't you see how that works?
Nope. He is referring to all of the false accusations that you have brought to the glorious Ron Paul thread throughout the day. You presented no logical evidence to your ron paul theories that you have posted today. Therefore they are you're assumptions. You got shit.


New Member
this is what i call self-ownage.

if we have "nothing" then that implies he is 100% perfect.

don't you see how that works?
You don't have anything bad because he hasn't done anything bad...like I said..all you have is your opinion..he is a good man of great integrity and incorruptible....these things are completely lacking in 99.9999% of federal politicians these days, most importantly t hey are lacking in every other canididate. You guys are just shrugging off felonies and shit lol really? And Ron Paul can't invest in gold....


Well-Known Member
well, it started months and months ago.

seemed like every thread would devolve into a ron paul debate, and every other thread ws a thread about ron paul.

myself and a few others on the board really got tired of having every discussion about this or that or the other devolve into ronald talk, so different tactics were employed.

dan would meet ron paul posts with noam chomsky posts. i started a thread entitled "ron paul: turtle fucker?" and so on and so forth.

eventually, things cooled down. even the most hardcore supporters got our point that no politician is 100% (at least most of them did).

it's not that we don't like you or welcome you here, but you have kind of walked into a buzzsaw with respect to the ronald stuff.
So don't read the posts and don't respond to the posts princess. It's not about you no matter how good you look in a tight turtle neck sweater


Well-Known Member
So don't read the posts and don't respond to the posts princess. It's not about you no matter how good you look in a tight turtle neck sweater
this is exactly how the politics section should be. well-crafted jabs taken in good spirit.

now that munchbox, jack fate, and especially dukeanthony are gone, i may hang up my moderator boots as i am not that good at it anyway. those three were poisoning our spirited back and forths.

edit: i do enjoy having the title "resident grammar nazi" though...


Well-Known Member
You are calling the Rawn Pawl a cult leader >> therefore I attack your cult leader >> typical cult adherent thinking.

Dan Kone isn't pushing a candidate, he is only pointing out how much of a follower you are. Just because you're a fanboy doesn't mean everyone is. I know you need something to believe in though so here you go.
Yea but you're off base to say so since I didn't. You're just like him in grouping people without proper knowledge and ignoring the cause. I'm attacking any candidate and follower who believes in big government. Doesn't matter if its Obama or Romney, or Newt or Frothy. There is very little difference except in which group gets the special SPECIFIC favors. If you don't think so, you are lost.
I mentioned this earlier. Both parties supported bypassing the free market in the Housing market which caused our economic collapse and hurt the ones Congress said it was going to help. Low and Middle income had their equity wiped out. If people don't get upset at the big government control freaks they aren't paying attention. Both parties favor invading and occupying other nations showing total disregard for property rights. We are in more countries now than in a very long time.


Well-Known Member
And which issues do you disagree with Ron Paul on? (and please don't say "I disagree with him being so perfect all the time", that doesn't count)
Why would I help you say things bad about Ron Paul? I always defend the Constitution and small federal government. You're the enemy. You're part of the big government ones I'm trying to stop. You're part of the status quo that put us in this horrible spot.

Sooner or later you have to man up and admit Obama, the one you worked for, is a bad president. I commend you for getting involved at least. He's not much different than Bush. Both love bailouts, both love occupying other nations. Sooner or later you have to own up to the mistake of pushing for big government. No matter how much you believed in them doing the right thing they have never been able to do it for very long and very well. People make mistakes all the time. If you don't make mistakes you probably are not trying very hard, if at all imo. My mistake was sitting around for a very long time and doing nothing while my rights and freedoms were infringed upon. Bled to death and it took the economy going into the shitter and Ron Paul with his small government ideals, much like Goldwater back in the day, to wake me up.

Here's the thing that you don't get. It's never about Ron Paul, as he is human and humans make mistakes. If he were President what's to stop him from wanting to be King like the past presidents? The fight doesn't end with him as you always have to stop someone from taking what is rightfully yours.

We saw what Reagan ran on and how his policies changed once he came into office. Calling increases in Social Security, an insurance policy instead of an increase in taxes so he wouldn't go back on his word. He's a horses ass too, Fuck Reagan. His saving grace was being in office when the Berlin Wall came down and when interest rates were raised in order to stop the mal investment. Imagine that, the Federal Reserve doing the right thing for once. Even a blind dog finds a bone.

Here's another thing, if you want your form of government in your state, more power to you. Local control is best. What works in your state may not work in mine. Fifty seven states I should be able to find one that suits my needs the best. One thing is certain, I will never use force against you in order to make you do what I think is necessary. Only when you try to damage my property will I use force to defend myself.

Why wont you show me the same courtesy I show you?(except for the name calling stuff) Will you boo me too like those douchebags in the South Carolina audience who booed the Golden Rule? I agree with Ghandi, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."


Well-Known Member
this is exactly how the politics section should be. well-crafted jabs taken in good spirit.

now that munchbox, jack fate, and especially dukeanthony are gone, i may hang up my moderator boots as i am not that good at it anyway. those three were poisoning our spirited back and forths.

edit: i do enjoy having the title "resident grammar nazi" though...
okay I'll try harder I admit i'm one of the name callers too. Before when you mentioned it to me, I did it for a bit. But just when I thought I was out, they sucked me back in.

sorry I jumped on Dan I don't like being called a cult member. I'm always in favor of the individual.


Well-Known Member
okay I'll try harder I admit i'm one of the name callers too. Before when you mentioned it to me, I did it for a bit. But just when I thought I was out, they sucked me back in.

sorry I jumped on Dan I don't like being called a cult member. I'm always in favor of the individual.
i was not criticizing you, i was praising you for your well-crafted, light-hearted jabs.

your name calling has toned down since we first started going at it. and you are always a worthy debate opponent because you are willing to break down a long reply and respond bit by bit.

no need to apologize for jumping on dan, you know how to defend yourself and don't need anyone to defend yourself.


Well-Known Member
So you can't name an issue where you disagree with Ron Paul on. I bet it's relaxing not having to think for yourself.
I never said that I just don't like to help the big government enemy. On Federal government I probably agree with him on every issue, at least the main ones. Off hand I can't think of any. As far as local control goes I'm sure I'll disagree on some things. Remember because I agree with Ron Paul and want the states to handle things doesn't mean I agree with him on certain issues the states can make laws on.

That's a tuff one. Not many. I liked the stimulus and the jobs plan because I believe in the historically proven model of stabilizing a bad economy rather than unproven rhetoric. But then again the stimulus wasn't big enough to have the proper effect and he hasn't been able to pass much of the jobs plan.

Mainly I just like the fact that he's not Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. If there was a more moderate republican in the race I'd vote republican.
Not bailing out companies, banks has worked in the past. Don't know where you get unproven rhetoric.
You bottom out, let the failures fail and hopefully learn their lesson, instead of prolonging the agony.


Well-Known Member
i was not criticizing you, i was praising you for your well-crafted, light-hearted jabs.

your name calling has toned down since we first started going at it. and you are always a worthy debate opponent because you are willing to break down a long reply and respond bit by bit.

no need to apologize for jumping on dan, you know how to defend yourself and don't need anyone to defend yourself.
You're right, okay the hell with Dan. Thanks I feel better.;)


Well-Known Member
You're right, okay the hell with Dan. Thanks I feel better.;)
the feeling i get is that the people who regularly post here are all capable of taking an insult and giving one, defending themselves, not crying like a baby, and so on.

until someone else upsets this balance we all seem to have, everything but spam and pornography is fair game.

by the way, pornography does not just mean naked people, by definition it includes shocking/disturbing images. that is just a reminder for anyone else who may be reading.


New Member
the feeling i get is that the people who regularly post here are all capable of taking an insult and giving one, defending themselves, not crying like a baby, and so on.

until someone else upsets this balance we all seem to have, everything but spam and pornography is fair game.

by the way, pornography does not just mean naked people, by definition it includes shocking/disturbing images. that is just a reminder for anyone else who may be reading.
Could you define these terms?