Did my fem seeds turn male?

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Which seeds, how many did you pop and they were all male?

Sometimes contamination makes males turn up in fem packs. I think more rarely, a genetic female could express only male flowers. Sometimes, a breeder can mix up seeds and not notice, I think most of them are very high all the time.

Sometimes scammers sell regular beans beans as fems, this has happened recently.


Well-Known Member
Are getting any “ pistils “ ( hairs ) anywhere on tops ?

Some strains are a bit slow to sex out .... I would watch at least another week as it transitions.

If it continues clustering ( pods ) then cull it. You just need to see what hormonal change if any will happen.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it has the beginning of some deficiency. You could hit it with a foliar spray until you know what sex it is.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna name names, I think it was a rare freak thing. I contacted the breeder, and they are sending me a free pack of fems, contacted the seedbank and they followed up with the breeder. No one else has had this problem with these seeds, so I think it's a isolated incident


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna name names, I think it was a rare freak thing. I contacted the breeder, and they are sending me a free pack of fems, contacted the seedbank and they followed up with the breeder. No one else has had this problem with these seeds, so I think it's a isolated incident
to not inform is as bad as the SCAMMER IMHO


Well-Known Member
If it was my seed bank I would want to know the good and the bad ...That's advertising in my books .
Just like if I ordered seeds and none popped should I say anything ....lots of breeder blame the grower and to some degree its true people fuck up .

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Glad you got in contact with the breeder, it's probably just a mixup.

How do you know nobody else has a problem with these seeds? In my experience, when I complain to a business and they say nobody else is having that problem that means they are in crisis because everyone else is having a problem.

The thing is, three out of four is a pretty strong indicator that you got a pack of regs. Probably all the packs from that batch are bunk. GPS wasn't proactive about replacing their seeds either. They waited for folks to contact them before sending a replacement.

I don't necessarily pop seeds right away, some seedlings I have going right now are from seeds I bought five years ago. I'd be pretty bummed if I opened a pack that has been waiting for just the right time only to find a bunch of males and the breeder is long gone, or doesn't have any more packs in the library, or just blows me off because it has been so long...