Did I do something wrong when cloning?


Well-Known Member
I just took my cuttings about 4 hours ago, and right after I put them in, i noticed that their stems were wilting but their leaves are not. I've heard that its normal for them to wilt a little bit for the first day, could that be the case or did I do something wrong?


strain horder

Active Member
they'll perk up under a light. Just give them a bit and they will be fine.. Make sure to maintain your humidity under the dome. I would use Rhizotic from CANNA instead of just water to Mist with. Cuts down rooting time IMHO...

strain horder

Active Member
actually took a second look at that pic and they aren't wilting, it's just the weight of the top pulling them over.. There are no roots yet to stabalize the stalk. It's like having a flag pole in a hole before you poor the concrete...... You can't get the pole to stand up straight... They are fine...


Well-Known Member
No mine don't wilt and I only use a dome for heat in winter. Make sure the medium is covering the stem cut, it looks a bit loose in there.


Well-Known Member
Yes you cant have air pockets around the stem, next time use the ones with no hole.


Well-Known Member
Yeah now that I look at them they do look a bit loose, but I don't know if its a good idea to open my dome to fix that.


Well-Known Member
Ok, after doing a lot of research and hearing what people said on here I think that the problem might be that I left too much foliage on the cutting and it's too heavy for them. I just hope that they'll still root and won't die because their leaves still look healthy. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I see a good amount of condensation on the dome. I have an analog thermometer with a humidity meter it might be a good idea to put that in there.


Active Member
That'll work fine I'm sure but personally I'd make the investment in a digital one, they're fairly inexpensive and you'll love the instant result on a screen! ;)


Well-Known Member
rip off a small piece of cube and stuff it in the hole where the stem goes in to close the air pocket


Well-Known Member
Ok, I just put my thermometer in the dome and went back to check on it. The humidity is about 72%


Well-Known Member
I took some pieces from a spare cube and closed up the air pockets and the humidity is at 73% with a decent amount of condensation so hopefully they'll start improving.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
try trimming off the ends of the fan leaves. This helps with droop. I trim about half of each individual fan off depending on size.

also your cubes look too wet. quit watering at all. You shouldn't have to water rr cubes at all for at least 2-3 days with a dome.
Open the dome for a lil bit once a day to give em some fresh air.


Well-Known Member
Hey your medium is too dry, you should keep it really moist. Judging by that picture your humidity is around 55% which is too low to keep those cubes hydrated. They way you have it setup will require water every 4-6 hours. Also if you can flip the leaves back over so the plant doesnt have to work as hard to get energy and orient itself. The goal here is to keep the cutting moist and to draw moisture up the stem. By removing all those other rapid rooter cubes, air gets under those cubes and dries them out, try filling the tray until the water hits the bottom of those rapid rooter cubes to allow them to draw up the water that is necessary.


Well-Known Member
You cant over water that medium joe macclennan. Its designed to only hold enough water to keep the plants perfectly hydrated with the right amount of air. It already looked like he clipped the edged of the leaves so I left that part out. I thought he could maybe remove a little more but he's already got issues lol

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
You can't overwater rapidrooters huh?


Keep on keepin on bro. lol

To the op. If I were you I wouldn't water again until the cubes start lightening up in color.

Overwatering WILL lengthen the time it takes to get roots. and can cause mold and shit to grow on the stem.

orrrrrr listen to this guy^^

Typical. ask a question get two completely diff. answers.

I can tell you this. I have used thousands of rapid rooter cubes


good luck.

Edit: one more thing, mist the inside of the dome, Not the plant.


Well-Known Member
you cant overwater rapid rooter cubes if you allow for the proper drainage. Thats what makes them so good to use. They hold the perfect amount of moisture