Did God Create Man?

"Who is demanding there is no God? I'm demanding that there is no evidence whatsoever proving the existence of God. Of course there is always the possiblity that God exist, but I'm not going to believe it just because it is possible and cannot be disproven."

Nor should you believe in God because God cannot be disproved, you and I both agree that accepting something as true because something cannot be proven untrue is silly. But here is the problem: there is evidence for God, just not evidence that can be presented in a scientific fashion (hence it's spiritual nature). And, no, I do not mean faith, either. Rather, I present spiritual experience (something all faith traditions speak of - Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Pagans, they all have their own variation of meditation for the purpose of spiritual realization, some of these meditations even include the use of drugs). Such evidence, by nature, is useless in convincing others of a particular religious perspective (then again, I'd argue that demanding any particular spiritual practice to be the "true" path is silly) as it is personal - particular to the individual. Further, even a simple explanation of such experience is impossible to craft without using allegory or figurative language, remember Plato's cave?

Now, unless you have any particular argument as to why such spiritual experience is necessarily bunk, you have little room to criticize the possible existence of God, much less the belief in God - even if many who claim God are fools.

If you cannot find evidence for something, nor scientific evidence against it, meanwhile there exists thousands of years of records of experience with something, across all cultures, with such experiences occurring independently of each other, you must at least say "I don't know".

could we just change the word "God" to "Aliens"?

if one believes in god then they must also believe in aliens.
gyeck, gyeck.

"Who is demanding there is no God? I'm demanding that there is no evidence whatsoever proving the existence of God. Of course there is always the possiblity that God exist, but I'm not going to believe it just because it is possible and cannot be disproven."

Nor should you believe in God because God cannot be disproved, you and I both agree that accepting something as true because something cannot be proven untrue is silly. But here is the problem: there is evidence for God, just not evidence that can be presented in a scientific fashion (hence it's spiritual nature). And, no, I do not mean faith, either. Rather, I present spiritual experience (something all faith traditions speak of - Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Pagans, they all have their own variation of meditation for the purpose of spiritual realization, some of these meditations even include the use of drugs). Such evidence, by nature, is useless in convincing others of a particular religious perspective (then again, I'd argue that demanding any particular spiritual practice to be the "true" path is silly) as it is personal - particular to the individual. Further, even a simple explanation of such experience is impossible to craft without using allegory or figurative language, remember Plato's cave?

Now, unless you have any particular argument as to why such spiritual experience is necessarily bunk, you have little room to criticize the possible existence of God, much less the belief in God - even if many who claim God are fools.

If you cannot find evidence for something, nor scientific evidence against it, meanwhile there exists thousands of years of records of experience with something, across all cultures, with such experiences occurring independently of each other, you must at least say "I don't know".

"Most christians go by what they were taught as children. And I'm willing to bet money that the majority haven't even read the bible. And even if they have read the bible, I'm sure none have read the quaran. So what makes the christian God any more believable than the muslim God? How can you even choose between the two when you haven't read both holy books to compare?"

To judge the whole by the acts of some, or even a majority, is unfair, don't you think? You would not judge all Americans based on the actions of George Bush, now would you?

I don't understand what you're getting at here? I'm not sure if I'm just too stoned or what you're saying just doesn't make sense.

You said there's evidence of God. Where? Are you saying spiritual experiences are evidence of God?

I surely hope not. lol.
Nope. I said I believe there's a chance. Given the size of the universe and the amount of other planets, solar systems etc. I'd say it's reasonable to believe that there's atleast 1 other planet with perfect living conditions, such as Earth. Maybe they could even grow bud there too. :joint:
Nope. I said I believe there's a chance. Given the size of the universe and the amount of other planets, solar systems etc. I'd say it's reasonable to believe that there's atleast 1 other planet with perfect living conditions, such as Earth. Maybe they could even grow bud there too. :joint:

i love the part where people think this other planet has to be like earth. maybe the life on this planet EVOLVED differently. maybe this planet is nothing like earth. maybe this other life form breathes helium. why is man so self centered?
i love the part where people think this other planet has to be like earth. maybe the life on this planet EVOLVED differently. maybe this planet is nothing like earth. maybe this other life form breathes helium. why is man so self centered?

Dude, calm down. I said living conditions, SUCH AS Earth. They could breathe through their assholes for all I know.
i love the part where people think this other planet has to be like earth. maybe the life on this planet EVOLVED differently. maybe this planet is nothing like earth. maybe this other life form breathes helium. why is man so self centered?

Right on Fdd.....+rep for you:mrgreen:
why does everyone keep tell me to chill? i'm so fucking high right now. just like every other time i post. i'm the happiest guy alive. i love everyone and am totally at peace. funny.
cuz ur a mad man like me, we dont belong in this world :( i went to a suicide club once....i was the only person to show up:|

whats the smartest thing to come out of a womans mouth? ....einsteins cock!

i no its sexist but i wanted 2 make my frend laugh :(