Dick does dank 2.0


Eewww....from the prettiest buds to the ugliest worm bin this thread bares it all. Here's some of the baddest-ass red wigglers in the bin consuming an entirely whole egg carton. As you can see eggshells, cardboard, coffee grounds, cannabis trims, fruits and veggie scraps are the main food given to the worms. They reciprocate by providing dank casting and fruity leacheate which keeps my plants very happy and healthy. The circle of life....
Somebody say hash? Had so much sugar leaf trim and loosy goosey lower buds from the last harvest that I decided to run some ice hash. Here's how it's done; you need:

48g bud/trims
Sifting bags
The Machine
Cold beer

The material for this run was fully dried but uncured and given a 12 hr freeze. The ice was store bought which kind of tore the material up a bit; homemade ice has much softer corners which is more gentle on the material. Of course I way got too baked again and forgot to fill the ice trays...
Welcome To The Machine....
It only does a 15 min cycle so I just spin the dial back manually to do about a 20 min wash. I normally try to do 2 separate washes; the hash from the first wash typically being the cleaner end product.


These are full mesh bags. I use the entire 7 bag set and skip none because they filter out everything I don't want. Micron sizes are:


Here is the first wash drying on a screen. I only make 2 grades based on the color of the resin heads. The 2nd wash is greener as the water becomes saturated with chlorophyll; looked like a shamrock shake.


And finally the hash is microplaned and set to dry overnight on cardboard. From here it can be pressed into a loaf or enjoyed as is. Thanks for dropping by. Peace

Probably not the best pics under the hps but these 4 of my BD x CMH crosses have been gradually reduced from 18/6 to 14/10. Once they threw pistils they were put back to 18/6 and have been re-vegging now for about 10 days. They will be flipped to final bloom sometime next week. You can see how doing this increases the nodal stacking at all the colas without much space in between resulting in the donkey dick colas you see here on this thread. Stay tuned for more high-jinx coming real soon
Interesting thread, I also have a worm farm a https://www.hungrybin.co.nz/ they are pretty cool, the only continuous system i know of, stuff goes in the top and vermicast comes out the bottom, i have a paper shredder and shred all my paper waste into small chips including toilet rolls and cardboard like pizza boxes and in the hungry bin it goes. I add about about 5% vermicast to my potting mix , my potting mix is recycled for about 5 grows previous fine roots and all, I also use Kelp powder https://horticentre.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/Technical Sheets/Acadian - Technical sheet.pdf like its going out of fashion , every second or third water. A lot of my water comes from my Beko 8kg heatpump driers condenser tank, which dries all my clothes, 3.8 kw of solar panels power my house , hot water and my lights. my plants do ok.


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Oh man that's an investment I need to make: solar panels. Nice design on that hungry bin; looks very ez to harvest castings. I gotta physically lift up the bottom tray and restack it again in my worm factory 360.
Oh man that's an investment I need to make: solar panels. Nice design on that hungry bin; looks very ez to harvest castings. I gotta physically lift up the bottom tray and restack it again in my worm factory 360.
yeah those hungry bins work awesome, and worm wee drips out the bottom or if you want some in a hurry or a lot add some water in the top, it drips through the vericast and comes out the bottom.
Hey hey took some fresh pics of the plants that were just monster cropped in better light. Shut off the hps and flipped these plants to 12/12 very early this am. You can easily see how revegging or "monster" cropping stacks the nodes up tightly and sort of stretches out the top colas to make room for donkey dicks. Now that I have flipped them the stems will stretch from the bottom and hopefully help open up the canopy a bit to get more light down in there.
Ok so the pump on my trusty old diy bucket cloner shit the bed last month. I decided to be lazy and buy a brandy new clone king cloner instead of cleaning this old POS out and replacing the pump.
I must say that I'm very impressed with the design and performance of the clone king. I read a lot of great reviews that I thought were total bullshit but it's no bullshit. This thing roots clones in 7 days. It came in on a Friday so that night I just filled it with straight tap water, took my cuts, and turned it on. No timer. No root hormone. Cut the stems at 45 deg with a razor and a week later then roots were already popping off 3-5" long.
Yep as soon as you treat the soil as a living thing you realize the plants already know what to do. All those threads you see peeps going what deficiency is this?...is it nute burn?
Stop thinking you need to give your plant this or that and just focus on keeping the soil healthy. Humans are so arrogant they think they can diagnose what's wrong by looking up leaf charts and whatnot. We are all so conditioned by consumerism that we musr find an ez solution in a bottle to fix our plants. The plants know how to take care of themselves; all you have to do is water them.
Good luck Maverick!!!