DHP Presents Citizen Cob 1812 3500k 80CRI Vs 1812 3500k 90 CRI

They all make light. I started out running series but last few builds Ive done are parallel. I like the idea of my light working still if I loose a cob and also with lower voltage, odds of killing yourself are reduced. High voltage is a bit scary. Series looks a little cleaner but parallel has some benefits also. You could run 6 1812's on 2 48A for around $200 plus heatsinks. Dont worry too much about getting the best cuz next week better will arrive. I would go for gen6 citi cobs now tho if you can find them...
High voltage doesn't kill, high amperage kills.. 5ma across your hart will kill you.. Tasers are the best exaple of this. 10,000volts but only 3milliamps.. Thats why u dont die.... Most of the time... Haha... Remember amps are the killer people..
High voltage doesn't kill, high amperage kills.. 5ma across your hart will kill you.. Tasers are the best exaple of this. 10,000volts but only 3milliamps.. Thats why u dont die.... Most of the time... Haha... Remember amps are the killer people..
This is true to a point, but if you keep the voltage low its less likely to penetrate your skin and create a circuit 300v at 1amp is more likely to kill you than 50v at 5 amp, right?
It all depends on where the current travels through your body.. Both could kill you if the AMPERAGE went across your hart.. Think of a defibulator, those padels are were the current is being discharged.. If u look they put a padel on ether side of your heart.. If u used it on a living person it would Kill them, do it again and u may bring them back.. But its a Current that stops or starts your hart. Ive seen some one get hit with 347v parkade lighting, now he was ok as it was on a limited circuit to 5amps.. And even then he was very, very lucky because 5amps could still kill. But he was on a wooden ladder that insulated somewhat from the full pull. When the investigation was complete by worksafe they told us if he had the full 20 amps that it normally ran on, he would have been cooked.. Ive been shocked by 120v 15amps many many times, but getting a blast from a frayed power cable from car amplifier running on 12v hurts way more... High amperage, low voltage..
Depends on body resistance too (ohms law)......wet, dry surface.... blah blah
Yes, there is a million and 1 factors when it comes to an electrical circuit.. But me personally, would rather work with high voltage, than high amperage any day of the week.. I had to rack in a 1200amp breaker before.. One of the scariest moments of my life. Had to wear a level 4 arc flash suit and be tethered off to 2 other people in a line. If i got cooked, the next guy was supposed to pull me out, if he got cooked, the third was supposed to get the two of us out.. If the 3 of us were caught in the arc blast there was a wall mounted winch attached to the cable that pull all of us out... For people without a lot of electrical experience, i would always suggest low current applications.. Safer..
Nope Its Not Slimy Actually Its A Humic Acid Build Up From Using My Tea Protecting My Roots In The Air Gap :hump:
So speaking of the "air gap"...how much air gap do you use? Do you vary it? Lots of discussion in the DWC community about this and you are obviously getting great results, so I'd like to know.:mrgreen:
So speaking of the "air gap"...how much air gap do you use? Do you vary it? Lots of discussion in the DWC community about this and you are obviously getting great results, so I'd like to know.:mrgreen:
Ah The Old "Air Gap" Discussion I See. I Run A 2 Inch Air Gap At Max Capacity. I Think 1 Of The Most Important Things To Do In DWC Is Check It Once A Day At Or About The Same Time Everyday.:hump:
Were At Week 2 Day 4. I'm Loving How The 90 Cri Makes For A Big Azz Bush. Even The Hairs Are More Mature At This Stage. Peace And Do You Have Any Kooties Down Their

90 Cri

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80 Cri

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Good to follow along. Few could argue the Emerson effect is real and measurable...even in the root system! I hope that translates to a faster finish and more weight than the 80 CRI. Great side by side test.
Good to follow along. Few could argue the Emerson effect is real and measurable...even in the root system! I hope that translates to a faster finish and more weight than the 80 CRI. Great side by side test.
Nice Catch Brother Buddycolas :hump:
Right On Brother MeGaKiLIErMaN Glad You Like My Sexy Azz Ladies. I've Never Ran A 70 Cri Cob And I Usally Run The Higher Kelvin Rated Cobs. My next Run Is Going To Be With My Beloved Vero's 54 Volt Gen 7 4000k 90 Cri. And To Think Brother The Citizen 1812 Is The Red Headed Step Child In The Citizen Cob Family :hump: