Dawg House Productions Presents Citizen Cob 1812

i don't find it funny but its your house thanks for taking the time to reply

fyi a wiki
Sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.[1] In most modern legal contexts, sexual harassment is illegal. As defined by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), "It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex." Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. The legal definition of sexual harassment varies by jurisdiction. Sexual harassment is subject to a directive in the European Union.[2]

i know the dawg is a longtime member but id kick his ass to the curb plus i don't ignore problems i take care of them
Here's two easy concepts leave me out of it and I'll leave you out of it and concept 2 there are playful pokes and malicious pokes I'm very aware of both as are you
Time to go take care of important things in life like my loved ones but poke and I'll poke back
Concept 3 Is To Replace Your Vibrators Batteries And Then You Might Get A Sense Of Humor Until Then Piss Off :peace:
I recommend go green too!!!! The prices are lowwwwww!!!!!
Unlike the doggy I don't plug my own company
There is also those Chinese ones eco and houyi?
Smh. This the Dawgs thread so he can "plug" whoever he wants too. If he has a good experience with a company then he has the right to like that company for whatever reason. What is your deal anyway? If you like other companies thats fine you should go start your own thread or even contribute positively to the other threads that already exist on other great reputable companies. Seems to me you started in the moment you commented on this thread.
Well doggy kept mentioning me sporadically with ill intent so I paid a visit thatsall
Please carry on I only show up when requested
I even deleted the lasts posts in good faith
IMG_0221.JPG IMG_0222.JPG IMG_0217.JPG IMG_0218.JPG This my first grow let me know what you think.
The girls are 10 days into flower.
They were vegged under 4 spectrum king closet cases 100watt led.hopefuly after this grow flower room will be all clu048-1812 probably 56 cobs most likely from northern growlights