DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

More awesome shish! Liking the selection. I've got some nice soft dark import ATM smokes like hash of old. Plants look sweet too!

Thanks Don.. i got a feeling the hash made off these is going to some of the best yet.. not going to a lot though but probably enough for a one man ting .. :peace:
Found a seed forming on a leaf .. in the SLH x DD # 7 ..
Not sure what to make of that but these won't get a public release, theres potental for the #4 and #5 so these cuts will be ran again .


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some shots of the slh x ssh , i will take them out when the smaller lot are done as its abit long at the moment these are about 4/5 weeks in flower..

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much appreciated but i'm trying to work my own lines as is! doing SLH x smelly cherry, f1 flower times were all over the shop.... 4 weeks 14 weeks the male SC was so purple anything the dust has touched has turned purp. ive just had a taste of something i did similar with SC x chem D/SourD/larry OG. pink chem fuelly sour and totally great high. and get this, it was done at 45 days.

what medium are you in, i rarely flush, use ripen last week sometimes.
much appreciated but i'm trying to work my own lines as is! doing SLH x smelly cherry, f1 flower times were all over the shop.... 4 weeks 14 weeks the male SC was so purple anything the dust has touched has turned purp. ive just had a taste of something i did similar with SC x chem D/SourD/larry OG. pink chem fuelly sour and totally great high. and get this, it was done at 45 days.

what medium are you in, i rarely flush, use ripen last week sometimes.

Thats cool man , i know how space can be tight .. Got aleast 5 or 6 strains waiting to get run of other peoples gear plus a mix of my own..

That strain your plugging sounds good but im wondering how your getting 4-14 wks flowering times off the SLH x's? Do you think its the SC causing this or the SLH? Any other crosses made with SC male other than the chem d one ? hows do those range in flowering times and yields?
How many seeds did you go through to find that 45 day pheno you mentioned too..

These are in coco Don and i have tried the ripen but i felt the feel and smoke of the bud was different and i prefered the bud without it.. one of my friends swear by it though claims its the shit..
I told 1 guy i flush for 1 week in coco on another forum and he got hes balls all knotted ... said how anybody using synethics should flush for 2 week min...and blah de blah blah.. a mr know everything under the sun type of guy... And here you are saying you rarely flush ...he'd go mental..lol.. anyway im flushing from 7 -14 days with these mainly cause i never kept up a mid- week mini flush in the last 2 wks .. I've heard HB mention flushing with reduced feed to help leach out the salts but its not the easist to explain how it works.. Obviously depends on how you like your bud and what your used too smoking in the end but im i flusher until i go organic ..
i hear that, i've got test beans from years ago i should pop but like i say trying to tie mine down first.

the smelly cherry had some really early finishers in the original batch it has to come from there. the cut of SLH is bang on 10 weeks the odd thing was that the 4 and 6 week finishers were really not that strong. looked pretty but lacked punch.

the pink45 took a good few pips to find, though there's some at 51 days that look done. i've just set a batch of both crosses the SLH and the chem/sour D / larry og away they'll go in to flower in about a month. but i did find a solitary selfed pip in the 45 pheno which i'm hoping is going to be a carbon copy. suck it n see job.

I've been using ripen for ages. i got a bottle and it's lasted for years. now it's run out i'm just going to see what the bud tastes like. though technically it's a finisher it does have P & K in it. and will help a plant look finished faster. but in actual fact it's not it just looks it. trichs don't lie!

a week or so of ripen is plenty flush but tbh i'm of the school of thought, why would you starve your plant when it's stacking it's final push on? i feed til the last moment, never see yellow leaves when i take them down. but like you say to each his own!

#4 looks like a winner to me man!
hope you don't mind me chucking a pic up in your journo?! this is the pic of the later pheno just under 8 wks
i hear that, i've got test beans from years ago i should pop but like i say trying to tie mine down first.

the smelly cherry had some really early finishers in the original batch it has to come from there. the cut of SLH is bang on 10 weeks the odd thing was that the 4 and 6 week finishers were really not that strong. looked pretty but lacked punch.

the pink45 took a good few pips to find, though there's some at 51 days that look done. i've just set a batch of both crosses the SLH and the chem/sour D / larry og away they'll go in to flower in about a month. but i did find a solitary selfed pip in the 45 pheno which i'm hoping is going to be a carbon copy. suck it n see job.

I've been using ripen for ages. i got a bottle and it's lasted for years. now it's run out i'm just going to see what the bud tastes like. though technically it's a finisher it does have P & K in it. and will help a plant look finished faster. but in actual fact it's not it just looks it. trichs don't lie!

a week or so of ripen is plenty flush but tbh i'm of the school of thought, why would you starve your plant when it's stacking it's final push on? i feed til the last moment, never see yellow leaves when i take them down. but like you say to each his own!

#4 looks like a winner to me man!

Thats interesting ,i would never expected to find that kind of range .. 4-6 weeks would be a good turn over strain and if thats from seed as well .. Did you keep any cuts of the earlier ones don? might need another male to add some strength to those early ones.

Post away don pics are always welcome ... The pink 45 looks decent .. is that the one your selecting out of the bunch for further work ? You think the pip was caused by environment or is something that was in the parental line too? Found a few pips in both strains run from Mr Nice the spice and ssh but both of those were 11 weeks + phenos and i thought that was quite normal .. as there sats ..

what you said does make sense and i know a few people who follow the same school of thought.. I did too .. its a very debatable topic that , but feed to the end would not be recommend by most nute makers .. every feed chart i've had would have a clear water only window before harvest..

But as you say its down to choice at the end of the day.. like i haven't once gone over 2ml per ltr of A & B ..and no bloom additives .. just root and coco booster.. I think these look packed with trichs too-- so sometimes its not the products..

I will run #4 and #5 on a normal feed in the next cycle and see where its limits are .. i did see a breeder selecting plants in a way that eliminated the nute sensitives phenos which i found interesting.. I haven't the space for those sort of projects right now but when the times right i'll put that to info to use.. i will more than likely do two things with the #4 & #5 ..do a bx back to the dad .. and cross with SSDD male that i've had for awhile now but has not had the chance to show what its worth.. if it smokes good anyhow

Testing takes time and space so i understand ,i got some gifts yet to be unwrapped too .. Genuity.. Green Blood. .Snodome.. Sweetcheeba420..Highlanders cave.. and the Green Doctors very own are all waiting in on the touchline waiting to get potted up..

anyway, all offers still stand don .. for when you change you mind :) .. and i think it was you or ghb that i first saw using ripen back in the uk growers thread yrs ago..

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Took some better shots with the big cam.. i will be chopping this week ,not all but most will be down .. the Slh x ssh will have a few more weeks on them . They have been on water only too as there all on the same floor.. they will be back on the feed by weekend ,so it will be 14 days by then..
Tried to get some close ups too but think i need to a tripod.

Taking plants out the room causes issues now ,reeking out the place.. the slh x ssh #4 has a very intense lemon smell .. #2 the herm lady reeks of that sweet dutch haze .. i didn't get the other two the room for shots but i will take some as soon as the other plants are harvested.. And #2 has but out a few more male pods too, been plucking them off ..about 5 in total now.. keeping it around for alittle while longer but if it gets worse it'll be chopped ..

Got some fresh Jamaican grade and a piece of charas/ finger hash of a returning friend made my day will a bottle of overproof and a mango ...today was good day.

Anyway i will come back with some harvest shots/dried bud and update the other threads but other than that i'll be elsewhere..
Not that i should be surprised as its the same from i the last thread i made .. view count goes up but the its only the same people few people i see replying .. So i guess Gen ,mr west ,jig,don gin and homebrewer have viewed this thread nearly 7000 times .. not a lot compared to some i know..

Not look for nothing for nobody , not after any awards i don't even except random friend requests without at least a reason.. But why view so consistently if theres nothing of interest..:shock:

Some good people here along with some thrash but make up own mind on what i fall into..

Gave out many seeds, donated seeds , did the global handshake with a few here ,got side stepped by a few too made no qualms about it .. even spent cash with people off here for the good old seed..

Anyway .. it is what it is .. gonna post some pics ..

\\\\\\\\\SLH X SSH

#4 AND #2

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Took way to many pics usual ..

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L.A CON X DD#1 IMG_8798 (1280x853).jpg
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sticky death
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SLH X DD #5 ..
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Anyway thanks for viewing this grow journal, hope its been an enjoyable read ..

the end..


when pics are that pretty who cares how many you take man. That's some chunk of scissor/fingerhash. lovely:eyesmoke:

i kept no early males, I wasn't into breeding as such then, i have some pollen from the stud used though!

i hear you on the last couple of feeds, i generally just water or if i have a bottle i'll use cannazyme, i recycle my coco and i've learned the hard way about left over salts;-)

tbh i got really complacent and just didn't bother replacing some things. cannazyme being one. haven't bothered with perlite for a year and had no noticeable difference.

Good luck with the BX'ing it's a long task and a real ball buster if like me you get a load of herms and bin hundreds of pips. there's no lemonade to be made there man. it's weird i was thinking about this the other night. most and i do mean most strains will throw out a couple last ditch naners to try and ensure survival til next year. Is that actually a hermie gene or not? will that show as early as 3 weeks in flower if your light cycle or some other sort of interference messes with them.

props on a fine journal man, nice harvest:weed:
I don't hang out at this forum anymore really but when I do swing by, I always check on this thread. Greasy plants for sure!

Thanks g, this dd male is a resin machine ..it has changed the slh beyond recognition taste smell and looks .. very dominant ..
I will be over at that new spot as soon as i finish up these threads here , been lurking but will get involved real soon.. ..
Good to see you about HB and thanks for the comments..

Oh yeah these were only grown on A&B with a rooting booster and coco booster in veg .. i would still be throwing money down the drain if Homebrewer never stepped in with some harsh words .. had at least 10 products probably more .. either no one cared or knew any better anyway i tell people the same thing now and all i get is good reports ..

Safe g
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L.A Confidential x DD#1


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Looks can be very deceiving .. :)
Some very potent meds here ..the double deth male has subdued the SLH , but has blended well with the LA .. the tastes coming form the Slh crosses is nothing special but the highs range from narcotic to mild creeper mostly body too.. no trace of slh here .. smells are quite strange not strong till you crunch a nug up ..

Still sampling and drying will be chopping the slh x ssh this weekend too ..

And those with the slh x ssh be aware another grower has found a sack in 1/3 plants ..other 2 were fire ..lemon haze all the way..
so thats 3 test grow and 3 experienced male parts ..1--1/3 ... 2-- 3/4 and 3 --1/4 fems showed male parts ..no explosion but still there , i personal plucked atleast 5 off mine and haven't seen anymore.
even though these are fire they still won't go anywhere..
NICE! the #1 looks like it #wins in the frost category, shame bout the tans gender bits but not the end of the world man.

strange it's body high not satty up up and away.
NICE! the #1 looks like it #wins in the frost category, shame bout the tans gender bits but not the end of the world man.

strange it's body high not satty up up and away.

I hear that don i see it as just a learning process too ..
#4 slh x dd fits in too that category don, i got it wrong on that one.. smoked it too soon after sampling others before..
its very nice .. uppy high..

#5 slh x dd smelling real good .. self topped plant ..
#1 slh x ssh

This one has quite a few more naners , that are quite small.. so thats 2/4 have naners..
This has more orange hairs than the others , its more noticeable when there all together.. smells lemony but lighter...
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Took some pics
Spartan hashish..

sage x #4.0



Stocking filler #8 and the worst water in the uk.. thinks its from a rusty tap behind a shed

gsog x cd hydro

coco gsog x

hydro sage x


fallen collar of #8

The hash is taking people by surprise even after I tell them only a little is needed.. smoking out some myths around here not one person hasn't wanted more. This is not what people have seen in a generation .. all the older folks start talking about the leb and Moroccan as soon as they see it .. then the stories start ..:)

Anyway thanks for viewing and I thank everybody for there help and support on this journey..
Looking good mr west.. tasty even and yes I want some too.. taking down the last of the tent now .. these lights have surprised me with the spread and thickness os buds.. The gsog x cd is of the chain rock hard nugs and a lot of them ..
Glad I changed it back from vert as I don't think it would of been this productive .. Cant upload no more on RIU ..so might see more over the bay as I don't feel I should need to use another bud sites server space for another site who cant manage there site correctly . Getting rid of the likes hasn't helped 1 bit.. Anyway thanks for viewing :peace:dre
Man I need to pop some of this...