DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

Check out youtube, there are a number of videos. Bubble hash takes longer to make, it's a more involved process and I don't feel like bubble is as strong but that could of course be my technique. Water hash may taste a little better? I dunno, if I want flavor I turn to my vape. If I want to go on a rocket ride, I turn to my ISO stash ;).
I did a quick search on here after you said that ..lots of info some a bit confusing ..need to get all the jargon stored in my head, I will see whats on the tube aswell . Seems like that's a whole different world .. love the fact that stems can be used too well in one persons method I seen . thanks for the info ..
One of the things with iso, you want the alcohol % as high as possible, whether you using isopropyl alcohol or some spirits. I think theres some polish stuff like moonshine DST and his mates use, you can order in uk. It's grain alcohol, supposed to work real good.... all them guys like it a lot.

I can't hang with hash... too lightweight these days, let you guys smoke it.

stocking filler. :)
One of the things with iso, you want the alcohol % as high as possible, whether you using isopropyl alcohol or some spirits. I think theres some polish stuff like moonshine DST and his mates use, you can order in uk. It's grain alcohol, supposed to work real good.... all them guys like it a lot.

I can't hang with hash... too lightweight these days, let you guys smoke it.

stocking filler. :)

yeah i think i saw that in the 6 jig but as i were n't involved in the topic i wasn't taking it in ..dabs and rigs ..shatter .. went straight over my head :) .. thanks for the info any way been reading up and got a quick lesson already. i don't think i'll try it for now though this hash making needs to be dailed in a bit better before i move on..
Looking great Dre!

I been loving my bubble hash over here, more so than the iso I've made in the past,,, much cleaner taste on the bubble hash.
Thanks for the comments whodat .. Did you press the bubble you made in the end ? or do you prefer it loose?

Took some picks of the tent i only brought the small cam with me this time .. There starting to fill out nicely now..
Gsog x cd .. looks and smells just as good in the hydro as the coco to me..

sage X #4.1- one plant ...


sage X #6 colar..


I found some more rot in the bk room ,it was in the fat l.a colar this time .. checked my max room humidity and it was up to 84% ..it was on 50% when i was there .. not sure why this is so high at this time ..normally in the 40% mark ,i haven't checked the max in a while though.. will be getting a dehumidifier in the morning for that room as im not looking to chop another colar to this rot. Most of these will be chopped this weekend anyway ..

Below is sage X #4.1 ..this ones been pollenated by the dd male and ssh -each site has been labelled clearly.

Going to be a busy weekend ..
Thanks for viewing..dre
Yeah I pressed it, and def like it more pressed. Really opens up the flavors, and also noticed it bubbles allot more when smoked after being pressed.
Pressed all the way!

Man really nice work in the grow Dre :-) those are some big happy plants! Def get that dehumidifier going. Not only will the lower rh ensure your buds safety, but has also been said to increase trich production. Iv got two of them, gonna need them both pretty soon as Im going back to all hydro lol I cant stop.
Added the dehumidifier and a found a few fans , so now it should me ok.. Started on the chopping too mainly the seeded plants as I will be having help tomorrow .. tired so i'll put pics up over the weekend.. :peace: dre
Chopping is taking just that little bit longer than usual ,im not as quick as i used to be .. really need to get a trimmer ..
Got a nasty surprise today , i overloaded one of the extenstions im guessing with the addition of the heater ,2 fans and the de humidifier.. the plug burnt out completey .. just glad it never caught fire.

Took a few pics of the last hash run.. with dry trim from some previous cheese and some from this grow..


The real LA.CON
I believe this and the SLH have been mis labelled .. going off what i can see on the dna site and around the web ..
Took some pics
Spartan hashish..

sage x #4.0



Stocking filler #8 and the worst water in the uk.. thinks its from a rusty tap behind a shed

gsog x cd hydro

coco gsog x

hydro sage x


fallen collar of #8

The hash is taking people by surprise even after I tell them only a little is needed.. smoking out some myths around here not one person hasn't wanted more. This is not what people have seen in a generation .. all the older folks start talking about the leb and Moroccan as soon as they see it .. then the stories start ..:)

Anyway thanks for viewing and I thank everybody for there help and support on this journey..
love it...that bar of hash looks so dam good.

that DD X LA CON sounds like power.

Where is the 'like' button? Anyways, good looking plants!
Thanks genuity and homebrewer ..you know I got you covered on these just say when .. as soon as I de seed the Gsog x cd x DOUBLE DETH i'll send them over with whatever ..

I will be running these over the at the bay .. so if you feel you want to take part and head on over and sign yourself up.. just Hopefully i'll get the same amount of help I have shown others.. thanks.., and bring back the likes..:leaf:
big'ol LIKE^^^^^^^

The hash looks killer. Always good to make the old folks think of the old days. :)

Yeah its killer ..had some on the bong with a few friends earlier ..all smiles and coughs in the house .. im looking to get some larger bags or the next run or maybe a couple large screens ..not sure what but i have a lot more trim this time and bud and i dont want to doing all those small runs.. i have seen some larger moblie washing machines on ebay but im looking for a cheaper way ..
Looks like them small washer go for bout 90 bux, no ive never used one but i do make bubble now and again. I also make quiso lol

quick iso

quick iso

bubble lol


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Looking good mr west.. tasty even and yes I want some too.. taking down the last of the tent now .. these lights have surprised me with the spread and thickness os buds.. The gsog x cd is of the chain rock hard nugs and a lot of them ..
Glad I changed it back from vert as I don't think it would of been this productive .. Cant upload no more on RIU ..so might see more over the bay as I don't feel I should need to use another bud sites server space for another site who cant manage there site correctly . Getting rid of the likes hasn't helped 1 bit.. Anyway thanks for viewing :peace:dre