DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

How do you smoke hash dre?
In a zoot/spliff or in my old pipe .. Not really a hash guy you know ..rarely smoke it unless Its made by one of my guys or myself.. prison weed (well maybe not this quality) but yeah heat it with a match /lighter on top of a match box and crumble it in .. or wrap a piece in some rizzla and heat it with flame and crumble it all out .. :) How do you smoke yours?
Usually just put a little bit on top of a bowl I'm smoking. I smoke out a bubbler. Sometimes I'll do strait hash in a little spoon pipe, but that just kills my tollerance for weed for the next couple days. I'm not a hash guy either. I give away 80-90% of the stuff I make. I think from now on I'll try to trade my trim for buds or something to someone who likes concentrates.

When I'm in England though mostly what I smoke is hash. My mate gets some for me and I'll smoke it in joints made of rose hip tea. The shit is rock hard, and like you said you have to warm it up with a lighter or match to be able to crumble it on the herb (lol at rose herb).

A friend in sweden showed me how he takes most the nicotine out his ciggs and uses the baccy to roll hash joints. He would wrap the cig in foil and heat it up, then blow out the cig... you'd see all this smoke come out. When we smoked the joint it didn't taste much at all like tobacco, or rather tasted like tobacco without all the other shit in it.
Update .. The ssh #4 looks like it could go another week but its twice as hard as the first pheno has a decent size to it but at 12 + weeks this one aint for me ,wont be running this one again .well not after this current lot are down .#8 is smelling any better #10 smells of the sage abit more but looks like it'll keep going if I let it..# 4.0 doesn't look the best ,smells good but has very small buds..---SSH#4IMG_5446 (1280x1045).jpg #8IMG_5549 (1280x853).jpg #10IMG_5553 (1280x854).jpg Some from the tent IMG_5494 (1280x853).jpg #4.1IMG_5460 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5476 (1280x853).jpgIMG_5503 (1280x853).jpg Seeded plants ... SLH x DD IMG_5524 (1280x854).jpg IMG_5521 (1280x853).jpgL.A Con x SSH IMG_5534 (1280x1012).jpgIMG_5537 (1280x1207).jpg
SSH#4 and #8 are hanging now #4.0 and #10 will be hung up today .. noticed some small half seeds in the gsog x cd when I crumbled out a few buds .. can't get pics up for some reason will try later..

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SSH#1 cut
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#11 from cut
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#6 from cut
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Riu is messing again ..can only use basic uploader now ? one at a time ... whats going on .. im sure this sort of thing was going on around the crash times a while ago..

:peace: Thanks for viewing ,luking ,comments or likes ..it's all green ::)..


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It's all been working ok for me. Maybe clear your browser or phone or something? I remember it had been messing with me and I just did some stuff like clear cookies and whatever. Started working again.

Love them plants bro. It's just what an MJ plant should look like.
Nevermind that. I just haven't tried uploading pics lately. Just tried it and got the basic uploader thing, one at a time and 4 max or something. Lame.
Nevermind that. I just haven't tried uploading pics lately. Just tried it and got the basic uploader thing, one at a time and 4 max or something. Lame.
So its not just me then.. used 2 different laptops and both the same .. it probably has something to do with that myflies or something warning I've been getting every now and then when I've tried too access this site.. you get that blocked warning too ?
Well whatever it is it needs to be sorted out sharpish.. this is taking longer than needed.. :-(

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above #4.0

Been trimming this ugly duckling ..taking forever ..im seriously thinking about dumping this in the bubble bags its that finky with all the shriveled in sticky leaves ..they do not fall off they need to be cut..Its only the smell thats kept me trimming straight dank .. yeah i should of taken better care of this one but thats how it goes sometimes, nothings perfect ..
some pics that didnt get uploaded

ssh#4 cut
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#4 .1

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#L.A --baby nug
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Spice by mr nice ..



Ak 47 x kali mist

had to copy this from another forum as the uploader has shut down on me even the basic one..

double deth

Yeah those leaves do stand out jig i noticed they have purple veins too, the ets have a simlar double edge but not as sharp.. very resinous too..

Been busy ,almost overlooked some rot in the SSH#4 colar ,had my eyes on the gsog and the other ssh#1 but it was the plants at the back with less airflow.. sorted it for now but will need to get a few more fans for every room ,took two good sized colars off them ..

anyway half the plants are in flush mode so they will be down in the next 7 days .. the tents picking up slighty after the nute burn ..the cheese looks the worst then affected form the high feed .

Also been smoking on the final chopped plants
:ssh#4 ,#8 and #10 sage x .. the ssh#4 has mixed feelings about it ..smokes good but has a very low smell nothing hazy ..some say it smokes like gbud .. good skunky smoke ..sativa -ish type high
the #8 is quite bland in taste the high was meduim to low .. stocking filler
#10 was nice more like the sage flavour i wa after just not the long flowering times..this had some small half seeds in too..
i found a couple seeds in both the sshs no more than 4 in total . and they were as tiny as the parents so i guess i can't be mad at mns for them puny seeds..

took a pic with the light on so you can see how its not easy to spot.. its the leaves you need to look out for..

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SLH Nug seeded
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GSOG X CD seeded..
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#9 sage X
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Butchered nug
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thanks for viewing..
Hash run 3.. made some more hash with the bubble bags ,used some of the #3 but its mainly the #4.0 plant and trim off the ssh#4 and #10 sage x but that's only a bit so its mainly #4.. have over half the plant left to do and have some drying and soaking at the moment . got about 6grams so far.. Tested out a few of the new toys ..got mini water bong and a G5 vape pen .. the combo is knockout with abit of hash on top the bong.. various weeds mixed in plus a spliff of ssh#4 ..
I haven't you know , do you make it? how do compare it to bubble hash ? yield taste or time wise..You have any links to how its made to hb..

Check out youtube, there are a number of videos. Bubble hash takes longer to make, it's a more involved process and I don't feel like bubble is as strong but that could of course be my technique. Water hash may taste a little better? I dunno, if I want flavor I turn to my vape. If I want to go on a rocket ride, I turn to my ISO stash ;).