Dezracer's Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
Finally tried some of the WW I harvested and it's really nice. Tastes good in the vape and it's stronger than I thought it would be. I now know that harvested the first 2 plants early so I figured none of it would be as strong as it should be. This is true with the Shiva Skunk so I will grind it all up and make butter with it but the White Widow turned out to be really good. I gave my brother a gram of it today to take home and smoke so I can get a review from a veteran smoker but for me it was a pleasant surprise. I know what I'll be loading into the vape tonight :weed: .


Well-Known Member
My brother called me already and said he also thinks it's really good. He said he thought it smoked nicely, tasted good and got him and his buddy nicely stoned. He didn't tell his buddy where he got it and dude assumed it was bought from a dispensary ;-)


Well-Known Member
Started supercropping today on the Sour Grape since it's only growing in height and not filling out. It has good node spacing but the branches that are forming are staying short so it looks tall and skinny. I want to try and get the lower branches to start growing up towards the light since I don't run side lighting in the fower room. I would but I just dont really have the space. I have two 150w HPS lights just sitting still since my buddy has been sick for a while and hasn't picked one up. I could use them but they'd be so close to the plants that it would probably burn them.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics I took last night of my buds at 4 weeks of flower. They are all Green Cush except the last one which is the Hindu Skunk.

The Green Cush has too weak of branches for the weight of the buds so I tied them to stakes. The buds at the top of the plant were leaning way out and kind of flopping around whe I was watering last night, it was kind of pathetic looking.

The Green Cush clone seems to have snapped to life all of a sudden. Yesterday it looked very sad and yellow but this morning it is darkening and I see new growth.

I think I squeezed a little too hard when Supercropping the Sour Grape. :(
The growth above where I pinched it is turning up towards the lights and the lower branches are too but it doesn't look likely that the top will straighten itself back up. Oh well...

The babies are looking awesome and I will take some pics of them later to post.



Well-Known Member
Man I can't stop looking at the pics of the buds. So frosty and yummy looking, makes my mouth water and I can still smell the Green Cush on my arms from tying the stalks to stakes this morning (nice aroma).


Active Member
Man I can't stop looking at the pics of the buds. So frosty and yummy looking, makes my mouth water and I can still smell the Green Cush on my arms from tying the stalks to stakes this morning (nice aroma).
me neither, really frosty & above all... dense! congrats!!!


Well-Known Member
Make cannabutter from Shiva Skunk....check
Make cookies with cannabutter....check
Get really high from eating cookies....check

Haha, good ass cookies got me on a good one!!!



Well-Known Member
Heading out for the Night races this weekend so I'll post an update on Sunday evening or sometime Monday when I get back.

Have a nice weekend bongsmilie :hump:


Well-Known Member
Came home yesterday and found out that the light didn't come on in my flower room Friday or Saturday night. I fixed the issue and the girls seem fine. I took some pics this morning of the plants in the veg room because I am really impressed with the growth over the last few days I was gone. Green Cush decided last week that it wanted to live and snapped out of it's funk and I had noticed a little new growth in Thursday. Today it looks great! the tiny new growth from Thursday is healthy looking and the plant is thriving. My SLH and The Church babies are taking off too, Stoked!!

Pic #1= Sour Grape
Pic #2= babies
Pic #3= The Church
Pic #4= Super Lemon haze



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.

Here's some pics from today. I repotted the kids so now the SG is in it's final pot (#5 nursery pot). You can see that the GC is still a little yellow but it's looking pretty good and getting better every day. They all had roots wrapping around the bottoms of the pots/cups they were in so I think they're doing pretty good.



Well-Known Member
I know it doesn't matter to some but I took the rest of the butter I made and reheated it, threw in some trimmings (no idea how much) and a 9 gram bud left over from my Shiva Skunk plant (I messed it up when drying so it's kinda weak bud). I added a little more butter because I didn't want to come up short of a 1/2 cup of cannabutter and ended up with just over a 1/2 cup so it worked out. Finishing the last of the cookies now and will try one tonight after my high wears off. I'm hoping this batch will be ass kickers but we'll see.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Really appreciate it. The first grow was a disaster so I couldn't be happier with this one. I was looking at the big plants last night and judging from what I harvested last time around I'm thinking I may be able to get 4-5oz from these two. I had a couple buds (colas really) last time that weighed 1/2oz dry. There was something like four of the same size on one plant and five on the other when I was looking last night plus a bunch of smaller buds all over the place. These appear to be more dense too so maybe they'll weigh even more and there's still a few weeks to go so you never know...

I'll get some pics up of the colas soon, hopefully tonight.

Oh, I ate ONE cooke last night and was pretty stoned by the time I went to bed. Slept well, don't remember my dreams but I slept well, haha. They're stronger than the one's Iv'e bought from dispensaries in the past. Not a ton stronger, but still stronger. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Had a few minutes before heading out so why not just get pics now, right?

The HPS light makes pics look cool I think. The leaves in the last pic aren't really that yellow, it's just the way the light reflected of them.

In looking at them again just now I'm thinking the buds aren't quite as big as the colas were on the first two plants but not far from it and like I said, there's still a few weeks to go. The Green Cush already has a lot of pistils turning amber but there's still new pistils forming. The Hindu Skunk doesn't show any amber pistils yet so it will most likely take a week or two longer than the GC.

The fist pic is the Hindu Skunk and the others are the Green Cush BTW.



Well-Known Member
My Sout Grape is going into the flower room later this week (as soon as the top stands back up from Supercrooping again). The bables (SLH and The Church) are growing pretty fast and the Green Cush is looking really good now. I'll put them all into flower when they're still on the smaller side so I'll have room for them all in there.

The Green Cush that's flowering has some killer looking buds and the Hindu Skunk is showing amber pistils now. Tomorrow makes 6 full weeks of flowering so I'm getting close... so excited...


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the GC and HS plants I took yesterday when watering. :hump:

I waited too long to water them and they were sitting in the dark before I pulled them out to water so they are dropy in the pic. They look pretty good again ;-)

GC on the left



Active Member
Wow man, just wow!
Your shit is looking good. I have seen posts from you on all my friends threads. After I read a bunch I always liked all your comments so I figured I had to check you out. I read all your posts starting with your cfl box. I can't believe how much you progressed in such short time. It is inspiring! :mrgreen: I am where you were when you started but I am not progressing as fast as you as far as upgrades and like, being a badass and stuff. I have a cfl stealth box myself.

Im amazed how good you did and your doing while being injured. Give your wife props from me for helpin, lol. I am married as well and I am not sure she would help. Well I bet she would but probably similar to your wife, she would not be happy about it. Shit she doesnt even want me growin.

In summation, you rock! Check my grow out and give me some advice if you can.
+rep for you