Dezracers' First Journal


Well-Known Member
Burping the jars isn't so bad ;-)

The Cataract Kush still had a lot of moisture inside I guess because it was pretty moist today so I let it sit in a paper bag for the day. It's a little crispy on the outside again now and back in the jar.

I will never get tired of the sweet smell of Afghan Kush. I think it just might be one strain that gets to stick around for a while. I'd like to keep Headband, Dog Kush, Afghan Kush and Bubba Kush around if possible but there's so many others that it's hard to stick to just a few.

It's kind of funny to me because I have almost a dozen strains going right now if you take into account the sedlings I'm vegging. I let the Cataract Kush go and the White Widow too. I'm going to cross something with White Widow at some point but not right now. The last harvest of WW was just so disappointing that I can't justify keeping it around anymore so I have to say good bye to it. I'll let the Purple Haze go soon too and will seek out some next winter to grow. Still on the fence with a few others so we'll just have to wait and see.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics from the recent harvest. The Scrog is now empty and there's still four plants in the small tent that are coming down this week but here's what I've got so far.

Below are a few Afghan Kush buds
bump! look damn tasty dez! i agree with ya i love that sweet afghan smell


Well-Known Member
hey dez i had a lighter like that [htg sent it when i bought my first growlight] but it was green i cloned the querkle saturday night & turned my light 12/12 this morning after 3 wks. veg time i was gonna go a month but the grape ape is getting too big im gonna have to let some strains go i still want some qrazy train & ive ordered sannies killing fields sannie is out of the ''new blue diesel'' which i am very interested in ive got to tighten up on my criteria & weed some stuff out i feel i might of made a good decision on my eye hortilux bulb but im still evaluating im a bad one for trying to justify buying stuff like that but looking at ol countrys table its the only thing different on that side of the table i once read a thread in here where a guy did a comparrison & the hortilux bulb won out hands down in my case i only run 1 light so there is nothing to compare to[side by side comparrison] i guess we'll see what kind of harvest i get


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the nice words guys. To be honest, as I sit today trimming the first of four from the small tent I'm feeling a little burnt out on trimming, lol. I'm not going to complain one bit though because it can definitely be worse. Not sure if I'll have time to chop another today or not yet bit I want to try.


Well-Known Member
Got a headband and a dog trimmed and hung today. Still need to pull the other dog and the purple haze. Going to try for that tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I hate trimming...fuckin PITA

You look forward to it for so many weeks and when the time comes, I get over it in 10 minutes


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I didn't have the trimming shears I normally use over there and used soem small scissors and it made my hands hurt. I'm normally good for a couple hours before getting tired of it but it only took about 10 minutes yesterday, like you said.

Here's 3 pics I took yesterday and I'll take some bud pics today whilst trimming the other two beotches.

The top and bottom pics are of the plants in the small tent (4-5 weeks into flower I think, have to check that) and the middle is the 13 plants I took over there on Saturday.


Well-Known Member
the tent grow is looking so good!! and those new ladies are looking like there at home. let me know what you think of that headband, the pros and cons. im thinking of running a batch soon and would be nice to know what to expect.
guess your improvising on hanging space, dont forget your good trimming shears!!


Well-Known Member
With that headband, all I can say is that its not the same as the 707 headband. Its the DNA headband and I wouldn't say it's not as good, like sons people, but ot is definitely not the same. It smells very similar but tastes different and is a bit of a different high. I'd say it just depends on your mood as to which would seem better. I like this headband a lot and so do the patients I've had pick some up from me. Not one person has had anything negative to say yet about the HB I've grown. I ran a few plants 12/12 from seed of it and passed most of it along to others and now have harvested the mom and one other clone that got to veg a bit. It'll be interesting to see if this is any different from the stuff that had no veg time. I'll be taking samples of everything I've harvested except the PH and the Dog Kush this weekend and will post up a smoke report on them all. Should make for a nice qeekende, lol.


Well-Known Member
hey dez ive only had the 707 but it grew good [a bit lanky] & ive seen small og kush plants that look identical to 707 headband my grow has really filled in ill try to get some pics this week-end sannie has mailed my killing fields & as soon as they restock i want some blue diesel & chocolate rain


Well-Known Member
Trimmed up the PH and about half of the second Dog Kush but the Dog appears to be chock full of seeds :(
There's some seeds in the PH too so I started looking at the Dog really close and found a few nanners that I didn't see before that had opened and emptied themselves. I was checking them pretty regularly and never noticed any so I'm a bit bummed and a bit excited at the same time.

The bud from this plant will most likely be worthless but I'll have a bunch of Dog seeds from a plant that selfed. It also means that the other plant sthat I found a few seeds here and there might have seeds that are crossed with Dog. I thought it might have been the little afghan Kush plants that were pollenated but it had been about a month or more since they got pollenated before I put them over with the other plants so wasn't sure how likely that was.
I found some seeds here and there in the majority of the plants but not all of them. None were very bad except this one Dog. There was a Headband that I'll be checking the buds on really close too since I saw a few more on it than the others.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly. The bulk of this harvest was intended for a collective and I can't send it to him in good conscience knowing it is full of seeds. I'll be going through it all thoroughly once I feel it's cured a decent amount and then will take whatever I can to him and the rest will be mine or go to friends that won't care that there's seeds in it. The stuff that's got a lot of seeds will get the seeds harvested from it and then go towards a large batch of hash. I just wish I knew for sure that the stuff in the scrog was still somehow pollenated by this Dog plant. Then I'd know for sure what the seeds are but since it's technically possible for it to have been some rogue pollen from the Afghan Kush, I can't say for sure what they are.

It doesn't seem likely that it would be RBC pollen from the Afghan plants though sinc eit had been so long sinc ethey were pollenated and I sprayed them many times for mites and what not. I would think the pollen would've either fallen off or become ineffective after all of that.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man in the uk folks would still pay top end for good hermi weed, hell even bad hermi weed. huess the level for medical over there has pushed the grade up and up


Well-Known Member
Kicked it for a bit today with Gopedxr from riu at a sports bar, let him check out my veg op and some buds from my recent harvest here at my house. Nice dude for real, glad I got to meet him.

He thought my buds looked good in person too :)
I was comparing them to some he bought from a collective yesterday and while mine look different, I wouldn't say the stuff he bought looked any better. I gave him a couple samples to take with him and a couple cookies. It'll be interesting to hear his opinion of my buds compared to the stuff be bought.


Well-Known Member
Picture 038.jpgPicture 037.jpgPicture 036.jpgPicture 035.jpghey dez i made it over to ol countrys last night & snapped a couple pics of his slh this side is under the eye hortilux buld