Detroit goes bust


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[h=1]Detroit goes bankrupt, largest municipal filing in U.S. history[/h]By Michael A. Fletcher, Published: JULY 18, 5:53 PM ET
Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history Thursday, marking a new low in a long decline that has left the U.S. automaking capital bleeding residents and revenue, while rendering city services a mess.
The city, which was the nation’s fourth-largest in the 1950s with nearly 2 million inhabitants, has seen its population plummet to 700,000 as residents fled increasing crime and deteriorating basic services, taking their tax dollars with them.
As Detroit faced an estimated debt of $19 billion, the state in March appointed an emergency manager vested with extraordinary powers to rewrite contracts and liquidate some of the city’s most valuable assets. That led to once-unthinkable proposals such as forcing public employees to cut their retirement benefits or demanding that investors in municipal bonds – long considered among the safest investments – take pennies on the dollars they lent to Detroit. In recent days, both of those groups objected, propelling the city to file for bankruptcy.
In a sign of Detroit’s dire fiscal situation, few officials and lawmakers in Michigan or Washington vigorously protested the decision, a far cry from the 1970s when President Gerald R. Ford intervened with federal loans to prevent New York City from falling into bankruptcy. That there is far less stigma now could encourage other distressed cities and towns to follow Detroit’s lead, some analysts worry.
Detroit’s deterioration, which started in earnest after the 1967 race riots were among the most violent in the country’s history, has accelerated in recent years.
In the 1950s, Detroit, known worldwide as the Motor City, had one of the highest per capita incomes in the country when the auto plants were hiring wholesale. Now it has the highest violent crime rate among the nation’s big cities. Police response times are up to almost an hour. Nearly 80,000 buildings are abandoned or seriously blighted and 40 percent of the city’s street lights do not work. The jobless rate is above 18 percent, more than twice the national rate.
The abysmal services encouraged more people to flee. The city lost more than a quarter million residents between 2000 and 2012. Its tax revenues and state aid have plummeted as the auto industry hit hard times, crimping Michigan’s finances. Its best-known cultural export, Motown Records, left long ago.
To plug its deficits, the city borrowed huge sums over the years. And the state-appointed emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, a former D.C. bankruptcy attorney, was unable to forge a palatable deal with creditors.
In a letter authorizing the bankruptcy filing, Gov. Rick Snyder (R) said the consequences of laboring under extreme debt would be even worse than bankruptcy.
“I know many will see this as a low point in the city’s history,” Snyder wrote. “If so, I think it will also be the foundation of the city’s future — a statement I cannot make in confidence absent giving the city a chance for a fresh start, without burdens of debt it cannot hope to fully pay. ”
That view is widely shared, as few political leaders pushed for a bailout of the city. After news of the bankruptcy filing, the White House issued a statement saying President Obama is following the situation in Detroit and that he remains “committed to continuing our strong partnership” with the city.
But others warned that bankruptcy would bring pain to the city’s 9,500 employees and nearly 20,000 retirees, while plunging the city’s financial future into uncertainty.
“A bankruptcy might be good in terms of wiping out the debt,” said Coleman A. Young II, a state senator and son of a former mayor of Detroit who served for 19 years. “But in terms of the human impact, retirees who could have their pensions gutted, citizens who will lose services. . . it is going to be painful.”
The filing begins a one- to three-month process to determine whether the city is eligible for Chapter 9 protection and determine who may compete for the limited settlement money that Detroit has to offer. But it could be years before the city emerges from bankruptcy.
Orr has talked about spinning off city assets including beloved Belle Isle park and Coleman Young International Airport as ways to raise money. Also, some have talked about the city auctioning off some of the valuable works at the Detroit Institute of Arts. But Orr has reportedly said he is not selling the art, much of which is protected by private covenants, city agreements and state laws.
It is unclear whether those barriers will stand in a municipal bankruptcy, where a federal judge has no power to force asset sales, but can refuse to approve a debt settlement plan that is not to his liking.
Earlier this week, the city’s two pension funds filed suit seeking to block a bankruptcy, an action that Orr’s office said indicated that negotiations outside of bankruptcy court were fruitless.
The city’s bankruptcy petition far surpasses the $4.2 billion filing by Jefferson County, Alabama in 2011, which previously was the largest in the nation. That county, which includes Birmingham, is on track to emerge from court protection by the end of the year, with many bondholders forgoing interest payments, and others unable to recover even the amount of money they loaned to the county.
In all, Jefferson County’s bankruptcy plan cut $1.2 billion in principal payments to investors who held bonds in a defaulted sewer project, according to Bloomberg.
Many observers see that outcome as a hopeful sign for Detroit, which they say needs to shed its debt to have an opportunity to recapture any part of its past glory.
“If Detroit comes out of this a decent credit risk, other municipalities are going to absolutely want to follow their lead,” said Ken Noble, a New York bankruptcy lawyer. “This is absolutely a watershed event for municipal finance. And, really, it is the only shot that Detroit really has.”
Daniel C. Miller, the city comptroller in fiscally pressed Harrisburg, Pa. said that Detroit’s move could prove to be a model for other distressed cities across the country.
“I like what is happening in Detroit very much,” Miller said, noting that Harrisburg is not in bankruptcy but is struggling in state receivership. “People say that if a city files for bankruptcy it cannot borrow again. That is all just ridiculous talk. Guess what? In Harrisburg, we can’t get access to capital markets right now.”
Orr has said he wants to use bankruptcy to erase many of Detroit’s debts and then invest $1.25 billion in upgrading the city services and infrastructure in hopes of putting the city on a path to lasting recovery.
A former mayor suggested the city could take a cue from two of its own automakers, which were bailed out by the Obama administration, brought through bankruptcy and are now thriving — a fact that President Obama frequently boasted of during his re-election campaign.
This time, there are few signs of help from Washington. But former Mayor Dennis W. Archer said Detroit could still seem the same kind of recovery.
“Once the city gets through this it will be well on its way to substantial revitalization,” said Archer. “The stigma of bankruptcy has not prevented corporations from going on to be successful. Witness Chrysler and General Motors. The same could be said of the City of Detroit. If this works, other distressed cities will be knocking on our door and asking, ‘How did you do that?’”
Detroit: The downshift
In a 2010 Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation-Harvard University Detroit poll, almost all residents of the main three-county metropolitan area of Detroit saw their economy as in ruins.
Let's hope this is the bottom for Detroit and her people can now start working on a future :(

I am not surprised at all........ I hope the police in that city are not wasting their time on MMJ........ It is truly sad I hope for the people of Detroit that they can start turning their city around.
You can't make this shit up. I do not even pay property tax to Wayne County and I am blown away by this.

Detroit — A 41-year-old former top aide to Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano will collect a pension that pays nearly $97,000 per year after working for the county only 8 1/2 years.

County pension officials voted at a meeting Monday on the pension for Matt Schenk, a former chief of staff, approving it 5-3. There was little public discussion on the vote because members met in closed session to discuss Schenk’s pension prior to the decision. Voting no were members Charles Bonza, Lorenzo Moner and Hugh McDonald.
The deal Schenk and others have taken advantage of is controversial because it waived age rules and allowed appointees to buy at a discount as many as six of 20 years of service.
Schenk is expected to purchase years he worked for the city of Detroit to get the 20 he needs for the pension.
Schenk’s $97,000 pension is so lucrative that it exceeds Internal Revenue Service limits for retirees his age by more than $28,000 a year, according to an analysis done by Wayne County pension actuaries. A separate account funded by the county likely will need to pay the difference until his age and pension are in line with federal rules.
Schenk’s early retirement incentives alone could cost the system anywhere from $816,000 to $1.7 million, depending on market conditions, according to actuarial studies. The study looked only at the cost of the retirement sweeteners. Total pension payouts are expected to be much more, depending on how long a retiree lives and if he or she assigns their benefits to spouses when they die.
Schenk’s payout could reach at least $3.5 million if he lives into his 70s. The average county retiree, in contrast, had an annual pension of $23,145 a year in 2011.
Pension board members had said they had no choice but to approve it. Ficano controls the pension benefits offered and the board administers them.
The board will also consider two other retirement applications from Ficano appointees who were allowed to take the early retirement deal. They are Chief Financial Officer Carla Sledge and Director of Health and Human Services Edith Killins.

I just wanna throw this into the pot:


By Foster Gamble
Local, state and federal governments in the U.S. are in a serious financial crisis. Since 2010, thirty-six US governments have filed for bankruptcy. (See below for references.) Twenty-one states are not financially sound. Sixty-one of the largest US cities are poised to file for bankruptcy. Chicago owes $19B in pension payments they say they don’t have. Los Angeles is more than $30B in the hole. And it’s much the same in every major city — Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, St. Paul, Jacksonville, New York, Baltimore…and more. Detroit is the largest American city to ever file for bankruptcy, and yet it’s just the next drop of rain in the gathering storm…

But what if I were to tell you it didn’t have to be this way, and that instead of filing for bankruptcy, these governments could all wipe out their debt, pay their bills, continue to employ their workers, and eventually minimize and eliminate the need for taxes? People are saying that Detroit doesn’t have the $3.5 billion to pay its former government employees — teachers, firefighters, police and more — BUT IT DOES!!!!
How is that possible? It’s a little known fact that governments are not just using your taxes to pay for government services, they are also investing your taxes in businesses all around the world, and making millions of dollars. Like big banks, they use your hard-earned money and invest it elsewhere to accrue interest over the years. Although the evidence for these funds is posted on the Internet annually, the mainstream media has colluded for forty some years to keep this quiet.
All municipalities, including Detroit, have two sets of accounting books — one is the public operating budget that you and I hear about, and the other is this investment fund. The key to paying workers and supporting our communities is in the second set of private books…there are literally trillions of dollars available in these government investment funds that were set up for “rainy days” and could be used to balance government budgets, and even have a surplus.
These reports can be discovered in what are called CAFR’s — Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports — that reveal the existence of trillions of hidden dollars across the United States. You can learn more about CAFR’s in my previous blog.

CAFR’s reveal that not only is there money available, but there is big money available in nearly every major city. For example, the small city of Stockton, California had at least $208 million in liquid investments when it filed for bankruptcy and in 2012 the “failing” state of California had $755 billion in its “rainy day” CAFR fund.
CAFR’s also reveal an accounting trick that governments and banks use to hide money from taxpayers: they confuse the labeling of “assets” and “liabilities”. This allows them to hide money they do have and imply that they don’t have enough. As Clint Richardson says:
“The fact is that 99% of the entire structure of municipalities across the nation could be out of debt tomorrow and still have money and investments to spare (be in the black) if it weren’t for the fact that governments enjoy, promote, and profit from the interest (usury) created by debt.”
Here’s an example of this type of deceptive accounting from Detroit: on page 41 of Detroit’s CAFR it lays out the scam in its “Statement of Net Assets”. The gist is that the City declares over $10.6 billion in “liabilities”, which it then “balances” against about $10.3 billion in “assets”. The trick used has to do with timeframe for the accounting. The government counts in the present all the money they will owe on contracts and pensions, so instead of amortizing the liability over the many years that they have to pay it, they instead count it all as due right now. Not only does this mean the government does not get to include any offsetting revenue that could be used to defray those costs, like fees and taxes collected in that timeframe, it also forces a negative balance by lumping all liabilities as due in the present when this is simply not the case. It would be like you adding the total cost of your mortgage in your yearly expense column.
In Detroit, this results in a “balance” that gets shown to the people as a negative $300 million dollars. But $9.1 billion of that is not due until sometime in the future — at the rate of about $300–400 million per year. So the $10.3 billion in assets that are real right now for Detroit could be used to rectify the situation and take care of human beings rather than be squirreled away for the politicians and bankers.
As Richardson puts it:
“…government is forcing itself to pay future liabilities today — which just happens to have the good-for-government and bad-for-the-people side effect of creating the unnecessary illusion that bankruptcy is needed. And so government is now the largest defaulting entity in history. And the people blindly support what they don’t understand, allowing that fraudulent government machine to place the responsibility for its actions upon the backs of those people in the form of sheer usurious debt, while laughing all the way to the bank.”
“Government is not in the business of helping people. It is a financial mega-corporation with branches in every square mile of the United States with investments in the entire world economy.”
There is no evidence that this will stop until we stop them. There’s talk of Obama now bailing out Detroit…with more of your tax money! And then what happens with the other cities? If Washington bails out the cities, who is going to bail out Washington? Can you hear the rattling of more debt chains coming — for you and your children’s children?
People talk about government “incompetence” in this type of situation, and “fiscal irresponsibility.” This is not ignorance or incompetence. This is blatant fraud.
So what can we do? Walter Burien has been working on exposing the CAFR scam for the last 20 years, and has worked out a brilliant solution with the following steps:

  1. Publicize the truth of the money available.
  2. Put the money to work for the people who funded it — that’s you!
  3. Use the millions and billions in the government’s true asset funds as an endowment for the community.
  4. Replace taxation with this investment fund as the source from which to meet community needs.
Burien calls this approach the “TRF” — Tax Retirement Funds — because that is just what they do: phase out and terminate the need for taxes.
Does all of this sound impossible? For a glimpse at a similar scam — a tip of the iceberg, check out the California state parks department getting caught just last year with $54 million squirreled away while claiming they needed to close parks.
Please help spread the word, demand truth from your representatives and press your local papers or radio and TV channels to cover this.
You can access state CAFR reports here. We also encourage you to sign up in our Solutions Hub — simply click on “Find a Group” to search for others in your area who may be interested in working with you on CAFRs. If there aren’t any people listed in your area, consider registering a new group and make sure to list “CAFR” as your group focus. We will be updating the Solutions Hub to be more effective in the coming year — for now it can be a useful resource to connect with others.
Let’s take this tragedy and use it to inform how to take our power back!

Bankrupt I say bull doze it to the ground no one gets a pension no one gets a dime.have one word for Detroit NEXT....Detroit suxs..
I talk to the guys at a dispensary on Woodward ave between 6-7 mile. They said no policia have bothered them. Hopefully it stays that way
I say sell a huge chunk of the abandon part of the city to the military and call it Fort Detroit. Back in my day we did urban warfare training in secret, as it scared the hell out of the American people. Today they watch use involved in urban warfare around the world daily on TV. Furthermore, with Detroit bordering Dearborn, the largest Arabic population in North America, it would be priceless cultural training for our soldiers prior to dropping them in those foreign lands. Who am I kidding, that just makes too much sense :eyesmoke:
