Detox tips, insight?


Well-Known Member
So...30 minutes ago i took TWO 250mg tablets of Niacin, for the 1st time. I currently look like a fucking red lobster because of the whole 'flush effect.' Its fucking insane :shock::joint:

Niacin widens the blood vessels allowing more blood to flow at a faster rate, essentially detoxifying the body. Bought 1 got 1 free at GNC today for like $ 5.60...the reason i'm trying to detox is because i have a court date being mailed in hopefully sometime in June, and i want to be clean way before then. I havent been smoking everyday, but 3 out of 7 days this past week. And its not mids im tokin, the stuff i have now is probly some of the best rastafari i've ever laid eyes on, so potent smelling.

But that's niacin, i find it to be pretty intense. i wouldn't go to a mall or anything right after taking Niacin though since people would be wondering why your blushing so hard.

Other natural ways to detox are obviously drinking shitloads of water, and sweating(saunas would work well im guessing).

Some people drink vinegar..or bleach(for DESPERATE ppl with nothing to lose.)

Does anyone else know some easy detox methods? or have any insight for those looking to get clean before a piss test?


Well-Known Member
ive heard of pickle juce working, and one of my friends took a whole shit tone of cranberry pills to detox his system. you ever heard of the kinoke footpads? it sounds like Bu11 sht to me. i wonder if whatevr detoxification it dose would help pass a drug test

oh and one person told me; if they dont watch you piss and you kno for a fact youll fail, you can swish a rusty penny around in your piss and it makes the test come back as a niether failed or passed, and you might get more time to clean up


Well-Known Member
you ever heard of the kinoke footpads?
nope lol, but i just googled it and read a little about it. It does seem fishy..seems it's not all that worth it.

I've never heard of that penny trick, that's cool as hell lol. That's like my friend telling me you can rub some kind of chapstick on a scantron sheet(like for a school test..obviously) and the machine will mark the answers as correct LOl...

When i was in Pre-trial intervention, our counselor stood by the door and actually watched us Wizz in the cup...what a fagel. There was even a mirror in the top corner of the bathroom so he could get a view from above..what a tool.