A MUST READ!!! THC percentages of a strain explained and some other useful info

I found this passage from the link you posted at the end to be particularly interesting...no wonder I like IPA's so much!

(Hops, as in Hoppy India Pale Ale) is the only other genus besides Cannabis that is found in the family Cannabaceae; the two are genetically similar. Go to your local Homebrew Supplier and get an ounce of hops. A skunky variety such as Saaz will do. Compare the smell and physical similarities of the two Cannabaceae products. Smell familiar? Both have glandular trichomes that exude terpenoid-rich resin. Many of these resins not only add flavor to beer, but their orginal intent was to prevent spoilage via antimicrobial activity. Side-by-side the GC chromatograms from each plant would have many similarities (peaks). Cannabis and Hops each contain some of the same essential oils. For example, each has significant amounts of oils called myrcene and caryophyllene which contribute to their characteristic smells. They are both aromatic terpenes that contribute to the spicy smell in both flowers. Limonene, also present in Cannabaceae, is an oil with citrusy notes, and it happens to also be found in citrus fruits. Perhaps there lies utility in this genetic similarity for developing new flavor/aroma lineage. Attempts to cross-breed and graft the two species have failed. But today, cannabis scientists can influence the biosynthesis of certain compounds with advanced genetic technology. Understanding how the Humulus vine is influenced may provide insight into the nature of cannabis, and vice versa.

you can do the same with a lot if things. bubbleman explains this rather well with explaining you can use them on mint and use that as a flavoring and make it less harsh on the throat.

the problem being your talking about manipulating genes here so that they are something completely different (going against god).

back on track, what you are proposing would be impossible as when you graft a blueberry with a northern lights you wouldnt end up with a plant that looked like blueberry and had the northern lights high or characteristics 9or vice versa) in stead all that happens is the plants live off each other as they were one but two seperate plants that is the bluberry stays blueberry and the northern lights side will stay the same as northern lights they wont intermix more just co-exist if that makes sense.

basically the research ito crossing humulus with cannabis was over as far as i knew aka a failed project. to do this you would have to do a lot of genetic work and basically come out with a different plant. (manipulating genetic frequencies that are there are fine but im of the oppinion that nature should stay the way it is and evolve without our help).

we actually know a lot about cannabis these days and the research into terpines your talking about are being conducted as cannabis can produce a lot of these already (look up the greenhouse seed co terpine chart and flavour wheel for a quick insight of the possibilities)

the nature of cannabis is pretty much researched though there is always more to learn about anything. it more than likely will never be perfected after all there living things and shits constantly changing and naturally over time so will they.

now over the past 10000 years we have had a lot to do with this plant so we actually know quite a bit about it all we can do os perfect the knowledge we have and earn little bits as we go.. take roses for example there normally done via cuttings rather than seed though they can be bred for new results all the same.

in thi case we are breeding for things such as looks, potency, high. all this is valuable research as some strains can help people with different ailments, the different levels of cannabinoids found in a plant can act differently. for example some cannabis inhibits cardiovascular abilities or ability to carry oxygen around the body and some prohibits it.

what this means is things like some strains can be good for athsma sufferers and some bad. just like some strains can be helpful for anxiety and some wont be. this is another thing a lot of research is going into these days.

umm went off topic there sorry about that got carried away my sleepers are kicking in ill be off to bed soon lol.


Thanks Jester.


no probs glad yas found it useful
this is for you guys hehe :joint: (now dont forget to share lol)
Greenhouse seeds now offer a profile on all there seeds and i think that is sweet.

What we need is a way to do gas chromatography at home while the plants are still alive so we know for example which male plants out of a batch has the best thc profile because that is not very obvious.

Then when someone has identified the most potent males there might be a desire to collect very potent father pollen for a breeding project.

Clearly the first part involves vaporization of a concentrate which isnt going to be a problem but mass spectrometry probably isnt easy.
Greenhouse seeds now offer a profile on all there seeds and i think that is sweet.

What we need is a way to do gas chromatography at home while the plants are still alive so we know for example which male plants out of a batch has the best thc profile because that is not very obvious.

Then when someone has identified the most potent males there might be a desire to collect very potent father pollen for a breeding project.

Clearly the first part involves vaporization of a concentrate which isnt going to be a problem but mass spectrometry probably isnt easy.
ummm this is why we take clones.

cloing is actually a really useful tool for us to keep under our belt. and i believe the answer to your question. as we get to conduct all our tests necissary ad then work from there if we so desire to take ths path (it truly is the best as your able to controll your strains genetic ratios easier0

though when breeding its not always the plant that looks the best that will bring what you need to the breeding table. the plant could be showing the shitty recessive genes but be able to pass on the best genetics.

breeding is all about manipulating genetic frequencies in a population fior desired effects and uniformity shall we say. when we use the method mentionwed above we get an idea of the best plants we would like to use and then apply the same technique in the next cross which will be our test (we will do it again as well at times to ensure it truly is the pant we want and the integrity and traits really did pass on etc.

umm anyways i have a morphene pill kicking in right about now so sorry if this just go a bit more confusing. i know the answe could have been said rather more simply than ive described above but as iver said before my brain runs too fast and sometimes i cant keep up or lose myself. thats why some of my shit dont make sense and im riddled with bad punctuatuion and spelling mistakes.

anyhoo hope that helps

Exelent thread, J88! +rep
thanks man ill return it once im finally able too. glad ya like it bro
for jerry :)

yeah i seen the question around a few times and after seeing the marijuana man video asking what its all about i decided to answer lol.

theres a few more things id like to add but when i made the thread i was a relatively new member and thought id be able to edit anytime lol.

i would have liked to talk about the highs of a strain.

basically the tc percentages show you just that its the compbinations of cannabinols that make the high. hense strains and diferent medical value as i mentioned not to long ago.