determining seed gender


Active Member
can you persuade the sex ofthe plant by the conditions you give it. like if you have optimal conditions you will produce a female and less than optimal, a male. or is it out of my control, i've heard different things but i just want to confirm it. and also does a hermie plant produce hermie seeds. thanx any help is appreciated


Asshole Patrol
To my knowledge there are no proven methods of determining or swaying the sex of seeds or the vegetative growth until you put it into flowering on a 12/12 light schedule.


Active Member
i've been told that if the seeds have stripes then theyre female, but ive also heard that thats complete bull


Well-Known Member
defiantly bullshit. there are many things you can do to get a better female male ratio, i think theres some info in the grofaq
i've been told that if the seeds have stripes then theyre female, but ive also heard that thats complete bull


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are alot of myths and such

Higher tempatures when its young gives you more males
Higher Nitrogen when its young, gives more females.


Asshole Patrol
Prove it. :-)

If you want to know whether all of these myths are true or not, then try some of them out yourself with a batch of seeds...


Well-Known Member
i recently did a gro where all through veg i gave em a 17/3/1/3 light cycle and got 4 outta 4 females maybe a coincidence maybe not


Well-Known Member
i always thought u could never tell sex at seed, thats very interesting. heres some info from the Dutch Passion website on how to gain more females. I quote "From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:
  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.
It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions."


Well-Known Member
i always thought u could never tell sex at seed, thats very interesting. heres some info from the Dutch Passion website on how to gain more females. I quote "From literature and our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that influence gender are:
  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.
It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions."
dp's got some typos in that list; i've been in this one several times....

higher PHOSPHOROUS will give more males. k is not known to have an influence

24 HOUR LIGHTING will result in more females.

other than that, yep :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Its good to know cause i didnt know that. I always went by what they said. I think Jorge says something about it in the grow bible but im not sure.