depressed as fuck

I've been in worst shitty wheels of fuck and I never been compelled
to post about in RIU, I feel sorry for you that you have to go through what you're going through, but if you're looking for sympathy this is a terrible place to look.

you must be alot more happy with your life then in general
do you even
lol, indeed. i can take being called an idiot... but to threaten me with banishment is not how you wanna approach someone like me
Haha...I'm not the one who made mention about killing people...These aren't threats to be taken lightly in todays society...Not a couple months goes by without hearing about some new public shooting...

You fucking douchebag
troll +1

honestly how do you not feel like shit for trolling someone who clearly isn't looking for more bullshit?


LMFAO and learn to read bud... i never threatened anyone... smh... just go away. your not needed
When I read your initial post.. it made me feel like you don't know how to grow or never have... not well enough to support yourself. .for example sometimes I play video games, I wish I could do that all day and get paid instead of going to work...but I know I can't because I'm not an expert gamer.. Some people actually get paid to play and pass games, I'm not one of those people! See what I'm saying.
i really really hate society and don't wanna pay taxes... main reason for dropping out and for not currently having a job


not that it matter but the loan was for a software programming degree

i do too m8

its called jerking off in the morning and forgetting about it boi! :hump:

but ill chip in some cooper to ya

there's 3 things that are guaranteed gonna happen no matter how hard you try

Life, Death and Taxes

so why not go out and try better yourself knowing that there's no other way around the inevitable

you hate how that loan is fucking you in the ass???

get a reliable source of income

something you KNOW youll get a pay check for every week

growing (unless you have a big operation which requires a huge start up cost) isnt gonna bring in bank to replace a 9 to 5 job

realize that

and realize just because your with society doesnt mean you have to be apart of it you know what im saying???

thats what i did at a early age

now look at me i have one whole marijuana!!!!!

Come for help.

Get made fun of.

Feels better.

Turns it around saying he didn't post for sympathy, and how "he got us" and "bring it on".

Yup, classic.

i honestly posted with zero expectations so not really. now am i surprised its all Negative? yes... yes i am

this is an interesting lesson in human interaction, im taking notes