
So who went? The free stuff was insane.

Grow Show swag.jpgShow was good, free stuff very good and the feeling of safety in numbers was priceless. Some of the freebies were very nice, I wanted to try the bud hardener magical potients, but the prices are sky high, so I got samples to see if there is any validity to the claims. The advice to park inside was good as there wasn't street parking when I came in. $12 for inside and it still is a hike, but a lot of folks were not paying with the automated system and I am curious how that went. Got to see the plasma lighting and some still high priced LEDs and get connections to use if/when I decide to make the change. Good show, well worth the trip to Denver. I would have gotten more free stuff but the bag was getting heavy and it was a long way to the parking lot.
There was some good stuff there that's for sure. I am interested in seeing what the Colloidal Shield will do as far as fem seeds. That sure could be interesting. Since I'm an organic style of grower I was interested in Vital Earth's products. I talked to that rep for a good long while and I think I will try some of their products going forward. I also liked the thought of the new NPK Industries RAW line. Pretty cool from a simplistic approach. I also got talked into trying a Smart Pot next to my Air-Pots since it was free I will give it a try. My son was freaking out at all of the stuff, stickers, hats, shirts, and everything else. I did get a little pissed at the Botanicare folks wanting to stamp my son's forehead with a "SLACKER" stamp promoting their new soil for one of their shitty backpacks. Fuck you if you think you are going to stamp my son as a slacker. Other than that the show was a blast and a lot of fun.

We got quite a haul.

View attachment 2573548Show was good, free stuff very good and the feeling of safety in numbers was priceless. Some of the freebies were very nice, I wanted to try the bud hardener magical potients, but the prices are sky high, so I got samples to see if there is any validity to the claims. The advice to park inside was good as there wasn't street parking when I came in. $12 for inside and it still is a hike, but a lot of folks were not paying with the automated system and I am curious how that went. Got to see the plasma lighting and some still high priced LEDs and get connections to use if/when I decide to make the change. Good show, well worth the trip to Denver. I would have gotten more free stuff but the bag was getting heavy and it was a long way to the parking lot.

you obviously got there before me, I found it hard to find free shit although I did win a cyco platinum pack at the cyco raffle, it seems they were the only real genorous ones.View attachment 2573773View attachment 2573774
oh and the backpack idea someone came up with, they don't allow you to pack one in but there were plenty people with camo botanicare freebie backpacks, which they were out of when I got there.
looked for dankdalia but didn't see her ........or maybe I did, was walking behind them(best view sometimes) looking at a downward angle mainly! I may have spotted her and not even known it!
not really, if he were he'd know not everyone in colorado does smoke weed, there's some loser trying to mount an opposition to recreational retail stores. although this means absolutely fucking nothing to me I'm sure it puts a damper on things for a lot of people.
did I walk into a internet fist fight, man it there is anything I like better than being in a internet fist fight it's watching one! gloves off baby!!
oh no, no internet fist fight I hate them myself that's why im usually moving from one forum to another just to not listen and yes it is a damper to some, but the way I look at it is the ones that have these dispensery's that are selling shitty medicine just for the money are going to just open up into these retail shops and the dispensery's that have good medicine are going to stay open as a dispensery and keep selling good medicine. I hope anyways.
oh no, no internet fist fight I hate them myself that's why im usually moving from one forum to another just to not listen and yes it is a damper to some, but the way I look at it is the ones that have these dispensery's that are selling shitty medicine just for the money are going to just open up into these retail shops and the dispensery's that have good medicine are going to stay open as a dispensery and keep selling good medicine. I hope anyways.

fuck sometimes it's the best entertainment value since the blow up doll instead of a damper, especially when I can sit back and laugh and the ol blood pressure doesn't shoot off the chart.