
Of course you dont. Which is why you present yourself this way. Ive no desire to kiss your ass but I sure am sorry your Daddy didnt love you.
calm down. i'm a total daddy's girl. i could care less if my ass is kissed or not. it just seems to happen ::shrugs::
oh and this......haters.jpg
Hahhaha, Ive been around the internet long enough to know whats up. These poor lonely guys jump at any chance of vagina. Your just as easily a 53 year old Lesbian named Tonya. Lol. Please, lets meet up so we can hold hands.
Hahhaha, Ive been around the internet long enough to know whats up. These poor lonely guys jump at any chance of vagina. Your just as easily a 53 year old Lesbian named Tonya. Lol. Please, lets meet up so we can hold hands.

Dude, you need help. Piss off huh?
Hahhaha, Ive been around the internet long enough to know whats up. These poor lonely guys jump at any chance of vagina. Your just as easily a 53 year old Lesbian named Tonya. Lol. Please, lets meet up so we can hold hands.

Do know know how lame you make yourself look.
Hahhaha, Ive been around the internet long enough to know whats up. These poor lonely guys jump at any chance of vagina. Your just as easily a 53 year old Lesbian named Tonya. Lol. Please, lets meet up so we can hold hands.

Quoting this guy so I can be like the two above me
The indoor grow expo is this weekend at the convention center, yes? Is this worth attending? The general public are let in Sunday starting at noon, seems weird to have a show that is only open 5 hours on a Sunday, but maybe it is worthwhile... Anyone know what the story is with this show?:-?
It is totally worth going, you will be able to get as much free stuff as you can carry. It is a show you must go to at least once, but plan on a long long walk. Free tickets are to be had on line also.
Parking on Denver streets is free on Sunday if I remember it right. Found the free pass, thanks for the info. Hope to see some LED lights and interested to see if I can learn something about increasing bud density. Never know, might learn something.:peace::mrgreen:
But remember, as always, these people are trying to sell you their products over the other 100 booths there, so they will do everything you can to get you to believe. But there is an immense amount of info to be had there, and more products to try than you can believe.
Good luck finding street parking anywhere near the convention center, free or otherwise. We always park in the parking "garage", burn one (or 12) and then make the walk, down the stairs, all the way across the convention center, up the stairs and finally you are at the show. Year 1 i left my wife with all the freebies, and went and got the car, was able to find a temp parking spot while we loaded up. Last year we took a big group (like this year) and ended up walking to whole way back to the car with the products, didn't get quite as much, except a full, open bag of soil. Take it from my experience, just grab what you feel comfortable carrying, the mile back to the damn car.
DankDalia, will you be making an appearance at the show this weekend? Least I can do is ask since we have jacked your thread.:-P
so still no sex right??? I got a suv with tinted back windows with room for 10 or 12 people to roll around naked.
fuck it, I'm in!
My son and I will be going. He's always looking for ways t o better vrow his carnivorous plants. Does anyone have a link to the free passes?