Denver to Vegas with a 1/4 oz 2017


New Member
Hey all, I currently live In Ga, but my wife, young daughter and I are planning a move to las Vegas soon, we plan to take a greyhound bus cross country for 58 hours ( our ONLY option btw ) and it ends up stopping in Denver, Co for an hour, about 12 hrs before we reach vegas. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what security is like at Denver and beyond to vegas. Like are there dogs, random cop stops after leavin Co and such? I'm thinking about crotching 2 1/8ths from a Denver dispensary ( a total of 1/4 oz ) after multi bagging them in snack bags and then wrapping them in duct tape and taping them to my weiner to take with me to nevada ( legal state to legal state, but I gotta go through Utah )so I'm not asking on the streets of vegas to get my personal stash. Any info, better methods or experience is appreciated. For the record I will not have access to my checked baggage, only my person and our 3 carry on ( please don't even consider suggesting my kid or her bag, my wife's vag or my ass lol)
I take my own when travelling. You can buy "smelly bags" online that emit zero smell. I suck all air out of the bag with a straw before sealing. It has gone through airline security in my checked luggage for over 6 years without incident.
But in all honesty... I would just wait til you get to NV and get some there. You'd be Better off getting some off the streets there as opposed to transporting there, especially for that small of an amount AND riding on a greyhound. I've never seen dogs (although I've heard they use them to check checked luggage) but I have been stopped by cops before to do a random search.
Plus it's legal in NV, I haven't been keeping up with the laws, but I'm sure they'll have rec up and going before long, If they don't already.
Best of luck. Stay safe.
Id do something sneaky like grind it up, or compress it and put it inside some sort of food that you can scoff down last minute. Sounds stupid but theres no better optino than getting rid of the evidence completely.

-Cop : Why did you just inhale 2 large donuts ? reason ;)
be sure where the bus stops... being a routine bus rider when I lived in the USA and taking the bus almost daily in another country - I can tell you with 100% certainty cross-municipal/cross state buses sometimes do not stop right next to where you need it......

For example the Dallas Greyhound Stops in Downtown Dallas, in a somewhat sketchy corner of downtown, and there is nothing close to it open after 5pm.... so if you take the bus and arrive at 8pm and only have 1 hour you are pretty much fucked...

double check if not you might lose your bus, lose your bags, and waste your time..... buses don't wait on anybody.....
But in all honesty... I would just wait til you get to NV and get some there. You'd be Better off getting some off the streets there as opposed to transporting there, especially for that small of an amount AND riding on a greyhound. I've never seen dogs (although I've heard they use them to check checked luggage) but I have been stopped by cops before to do a random search.
Plus it's legal in NV, I haven't been keeping up with the laws, but I'm sure they'll have rec up and going before long, If they don't already.
Best of luck. Stay safe.
They've already run out, lol
Still live in US, no dogs looking for pot, just other stuff. I went through border patrol outside Yuma with about an ounce mmj. From California to Arizona, both MMJ states. The only people with dogs, US Border patrol, they pulled me aside and I was about to confess to the MMJ in back end. Instead i kept mouth shut, they brought a different dog, walked around vehicle and told me to go and hit the road. The minivan next to me was being searched methodically, for oxy, not MMJ.

Dogs at border patrol smell for different things, if they were looking for MMJ i would have been discovered, i had already given one dog a wiff and hence pulled aside.

You are in Utah, not a friendly mmj state, on a bus and not stopping. pretty minimal risk. but probably easier to wait and buy in Nevada.
There are dogs that inspect ppl, busses, and luggage. Not as bad as the airport TSA, but there are k9 and Leo's undercover looking.