Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

Ever think that they did not want the job and have to divest of their vast fortunes and have to release THEIR tax returns?

No? Is that too obvious for you?

Look at the resent pipe line dispute, who benefits from it not going through? Maybe the person who owns the rail cars that the oil is currently transported on, maybe Warren Buffet?

Government is public service and you sacrifice for it.

They don't want the job? they don't have to take the job.
What does her money or how she got it have to do with anything? Because she has money her opinion is invalid?

What does the amount of money they donated to causes they favor have do to with anything? It does not prove corruption it just proves they were able to contribute more than others. Soros and Buffet do the same but that's ok?

A better argument would be she should have done a better job vetting the private schools she allowed to open that went under harming the children enrolled there. That alone though, does not does not mean she has no experience, just that no one is perfect. If you think a "common core" education is a good thing then you do not know what YOU are talking about.

Let's just start with: she can't answer any committee questions.

I win. What do I get?
Bite your tongue. You have got Uncle Scrooge wrong. Yes, on one hand he is a greedy industrialist but, when the chips are down, he is quick to realize that greed without humanity is folly. I really think his nephews have had a remarkable effect on him. Of course they are card carrying members of that leftist organization the Junior Woodchucks.

Duck tales was the cartoon if I remember correctly. I don't recall the morals involved in the shows, but it always seemed whatever happened they always ended up playing in that vault full of money. My intetion was to display a ridiculous amount of money and what one might do with it all.
The democratic senators that just helped pass that anti-abortion law in Arkansas should be on whatever list of fuck heads is happening around here.

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed into law a measure banning the procedure known as dilation and evacuation, which abortion-rights supporters contend is the safest and most common procedure used in second-trimester abortions. Hutchinson signed the bill hours after it was approved by the majority-GOP Senate on a 25-6 vote. It won't take effect until later this year.

The ban on dilation and evacuation was approved on a mostly party-line vote, with three of the Senate's nine Democrats joining Republicans to support the proposal. The majority-GOP House approved the bill earlier this week along similar lines.

Who are these 3 democrats that sold out is what I want to know. Giving rights to a woman's body to her rapist? Or parents? Or husband? What fucking year is it?
and who do you think the republicans represent?neither party represent the people. progressive don't have the money needed to win an election and wall street will put up a lot of money to defeat them.just like they did to bernie
I think this is where we come in. We need to get the word out to our friends and their friends that establishment politics in the Democratic party will no longer be tolerated. If the party wants our votes, they better run candidates who will end campaign finance and other forms of corruption.

We, the New Progressives under whatever name we choose, could have the biggest landslide in modern history if we built a platform around the other 90%of us.
Duck tales was the cartoon if I remember correctly. I don't recall the morals involved in the shows, but it always seemed whatever happened they always ended up playing in that vault full of money. My intetion was to display a ridiculous amount of money and what one might do with it all.

Scrooge is part of the 'Ducktales' show, yep, but the character has been around since the 40s. Nearly as long as Donald.

Alan Young voiced him for over 40 years.
(He's also know for his role on 'Mr. Ed'.....he died last year. :()


Duck tales was the cartoon if I remember correctly. I don't recall the morals involved in the shows, but it always seemed whatever happened they always ended up playing in that vault full of money. My intetion was to display a ridiculous amount of money and what one might do with it all.
I have to say that I'm pretty damn impressed with what Mr Gates and Mr Buffet have been doing with their billions.

I notice the right wing nut jobs never, ever talk about that.
I have to say that I'm pretty damn impressed with what Mr Gates and Mr Buffet have been doing with their billions.

I notice the right wing nut jobs ever talk about that.

Many billions given to various charities, grants, human rights organizations, foundations, etc.

I wonder how many hundreds (thousands?) the neon diaper has given in his lifetime? Self-indulgent glutton.
I'm sure that I give more of myself (cash and otherwise) each year than he does.....wanna bet? SAD!


It's time for the corporate party to come out of hiding.
guess you have not heard of the tea party. look into it's history. who started it? who is funding and promoting it? the "corporate party" is hiding in plane sight. they rap themselves in the flag like all traitors
Duck tales was the cartoon if I remember correctly. I don't recall the morals involved in the shows, but it always seemed whatever happened they always ended up playing in that vault full of money. My intetion was to display a ridiculous amount of money and what one might do with it all.
Duck Tales was based on the comic work of Carl Barks. Barks invented Scrooge In '47 and wrote hundreds of Scrooge stories. I greatly respect his work. He was a keen observer of humanity in the mid 20th C.
Scrooge is part of the 'Ducktales' show, yep, but the character has been around since the 40s. Nearly as long as Donald.

Alan Young voiced him for over 40 years.
(He's also know for his role on 'Mr. Ed'.....he died last year. :()

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Ah, I did not know that. He just died, didn't he? Never watched Duck tales. While derived from Barks' work, they are not considered Scrooge canon.
Duck Tales was based on the comic work of Carl Barks. Barks invented Scrooge In '47 and wrote hundreds of Scrooge stories. I greatly respect his work. He was a keen observer of humanity in the mid 20th C.

My buddy in Nederland (Jelmer) is a massive fan. He collects the older books and puts them under glass, etc. I'll send him things like cereal/fast food promo figurines and he flips his shit, lol.... stuff that didn't see release over there and is scarce.
guess you have not heard of the tea party. look into it's history. who started it? who is funding and promoting it? the "corporate party" is hiding in plane sight. they rap themselves in the flag like all traitors
How do we keep the same thing from happening to a prospective Progressive Left?