Democrats biggest obstacle to $15/hr minimum wage

why can't we just raise the minimum wage to $30 per hour and make all low wage workers much better well off?
Democrats don't say people and never have said it should have all handed to them. We have said that a person who works 40 hours a week should make enough to live on. A living wage is just what it means and agree that 15 bucks an hour is probably too low for some areas of the country to be called "living wage". In other areas it might.

Regarding your question, it echoes an old fake stereotype that never was true yet has become so for the reactionary right. Your kind use that stereotype in your propaganda. It was never true and is less so today.

The slackers who don't want to work for a living have all become Republicans. Trump is a prime example of your kind -- unwilling to work but expect it all to be given to them.

If you read what has just been said, your question would be answered. There is value in good work. Work hard, study and learn and you can succeed. Today's Republicans just want it all for free. Trump's useless and do-nothing but grandiose administration simply shows light on the party's true character