Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

Corporate greed and "citizens united" allowing political bribery are to blame. 90% republicon and 10% democratic. Mostly you supporting cons and watching Fox. Carter tried to start solar. And republicons ham stringed the Post Office with 50 year advance benefit payments to prevent CNG and electric vehicles.
Shh! You are mis informed.
Corporate greed and "citizens united" allowing political bribery are to blame. 90% republicon and 10% democratic. Mostly you supporting cons and watching Fox. Carter tried to start solar. And republicons ham stringed the Post Office with 50 year advance benefit payments to prevent CNG and electric vehicles.
Shh! You are mis informed.
You obviously didn’t watch the video
Maybe, depends how much of a cuck one wants to be, searching for ways to hate on dems. If that's you, then that's a good graph to look at and you found exactly what you wanted to find. Of course, if that's not you, then you might want to zoom out a little.

You can find graphs all day long. But you obviously don’t understand that investments in gas and oil keep the price down. When you make it so that you can’t invest in it and the create a shortage in supply you get hyper inflation. Dem solutions are buy electric and invest in green energy and drive less. But there is no infrastructure for electric nor does not produce but a fraction of our power. So just suffer until the technology and grid system is built…is that your solution?
You can find graphs all day long. But you obviously don’t understand that investments in gas and oil keep the price down. When you make it so that you can’t invest in it and the create a shortage in supply you get hyper inflation. Dem solutions are buy electric and invest in green energy and drive less. But there is no infrastructure for electric nor does not produce but a fraction of our power. So just suffer until the technology and grid system is built…is that your solution?
Please add explanatory numbers.
It’s explaining why it’s not just war that is causing inflation. We were going in this direction before it even happened. Gas prices have been rising for the last year since dems had power of all 3 branches of gov. They pushed a bunch of garbage policies and we are Now seeing the fruits of those policies.
Heh dumb ass! I remember sitting in the back of a 4 door Malibu for hours, as a kid, waiting for gas. A real shortage. How many cars are you behind filling up now? Get a clue. Turn your browser off.
Oil companies are making record profits. Its bogus they dont have money to invest in drilling. Repeat. Theyre making record profits.

Stockholders are demanding that they not invest in drilling, to raise more profits.

Also in reality, theyre drilling more now than they did under tRump, but the demand isnt keeping up with supply.

Also prices, and inflation are a worldwide event. USA isnt the only country experiencing inflation, and record oil, and gas prices. Everyone is.

The Senator is cherry picking quotes.

reTHUGliKLANS have fought alternative energy since day one. The dont believe in climate change, yet the Military deems climate change as the #1 biggest threat to national security.
Heh dumb ass! I remember sitting in the back of a 4 door Malibu for hours, as a kid, waiting for gas. A real shortage. How many cars are you behind filling up now? Get a clue. Turn your browser off.
Yeah I was stuck in Charlotte back in the mid 2000s when there was no gas and it was over $5. Didn’t have enough gas to get to a gas station outside the city. Went 2 weeks without driving or working. Monday I was behind 10 cars getting gas because it jumped .35-40 cents over night here. You’re in Michigan also so you should know
You can find graphs all day long. But you obviously don’t understand that investments in gas and oil keep the price down. When you make it so that you can’t invest in it and the create a shortage in supply you get hyper inflation. Dem solutions are buy electric and invest in green energy and drive less. But there is no infrastructure for electric nor does not produce but a fraction of our power. So just suffer until the technology and grid system is built…is that your solution?

The graph is to show you that your conclusion about dems, at the minimum, is grossly incomplete. You see the massive spike under Bush, then improvements under both Obama and Trump, then an uptick under Biden. What that says is, blaming dems, when it's clearly not just dems, is you finding a little slice of incomplete information to support your preexisting dislike for dems. Basically, it makes you look like an idiot.

Nobody has made it so that you can't invest in it. Heck, you can even invest in it yourself, literally. You can go buy some WTI and support US oil right now. Well...maybe not now since the markets are closed here, but you might not know that over where you're at.

The dem solution? I don't understand, are you trying to apply the developments of the last two weeks to the last two years? Is this about Russian oil? Isn't that like ten percent? Are you equating ten percent from Russia as somehow removing all ability to acquire oil from anywhere?

You might be an idiot.
Yeah I was stuck in Charlotte back in the mid 2000s when there was no gas and it was over $5. Didn’t have enough gas to get to a gas station outside the city. Went 2 weeks without driving or working. Monday I was behind 10 cars getting gas because it jumped .35-40 cents over night here. You’re in Michigan also so you should know
1975 I believe. And there is no rush or lines now. i know a few station attendants. Work is slow for them. What? Filling up in college town close to the cheap apartments. No cars in line. Ha ha. Just quit and open your eyes.
In MI? Get your absentee ballot request mailed or delivered.! Vote Damn you. Dem preferred.