Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

Consumer prices increased 7.9% in February compared with a year earlier, according to the federal government’s latest estimate, the fastest inflation surge since the early 1980s.

But not everybody is feeling the squeeze of higher prices in the same way. While consumer sentiment has cratered, corporate profits have soared as businesses reap the rewards of their customers’ continued willingness to pay more.

The top 30 companies in the major industry categories of the consumer price index have raised prices while collectively boosting their profits by $151 billion, according to the liberal watchdog group Accountable.US, which compared the firms’ latest yearly and quarterly earnings reports with the previous year’s filings.
The companies also bought back an additional $28 billion of their own shares, a strategy to boost the stock price, which also happens to boost executive compensation.

“These companies would have consumers believe they marked up prices just to keep up with outside costs, but the tens of billions in extra profits and generous giveaways to investors last year show otherwise,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.

Republican Congressmen are crying crocodile tears while their wealthy backers keep them well paid

How do you make a prostitute cry?

Don't pay them.
Who said I was mega? Lol. Like I said, you put a mask of your enemy on me and ascribed guilt based on your own dissidence.
people identify you by your most easily perceived repeat fascist rhetoric, you lay blame with no cause and no clear argument why, you're intentionally unpleasant to anyone not agreeing with you completely...i really don't give a fuck what you are or what you believe...i took you off of ignore to see what someone meant in a waste of time...back on ignore

Consumer prices increased 7.9% in February compared with a year earlier, according to the federal government’s latest estimate, the fastest inflation surge since the early 1980s.

But not everybody is feeling the squeeze of higher prices in the same way. While consumer sentiment has cratered, corporate profits have soared as businesses reap the rewards of their customers’ continued willingness to pay more.

The top 30 companies in the major industry categories of the consumer price index have raised prices while collectively boosting their profits by $151 billion, according to the liberal watchdog group Accountable.US, which compared the firms’ latest yearly and quarterly earnings reports with the previous year’s filings.
The companies also bought back an additional $28 billion of their own shares, a strategy to boost the stock price, which also happens to boost executive compensation.

“These companies would have consumers believe they marked up prices just to keep up with outside costs, but the tens of billions in extra profits and generous giveaways to investors last year show otherwise,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.

Republican Congressmen are crying crocodile tears while their wealthy backers keep them well paid

How do you make a prostitute cry?

Don't pay them.
we need to reform campaign finance for a start. NO fucking contributions from any business, anywhere, ever. a flat playing field for everyone, easy to understand, easy to enforce, no confusion. and no gifts from lobbyists, they get to make a speech about their concerns, then they get to fuck off. no representative or senator should have any kind of position or say on any panel or committee that regulates a business they have any stake in whatsoever, and that should just be common sense. it's complete bullshit that manchin leads or is even on the energy and natural resources council. how can that not be a conflict of interest? how can anyone believe that he doesn't vote in his own best interest? there's just so much fucked up shit going on, and it seems people have just taken it for granted that that's the way it has to's fucking not the way it has to be, it's the way we've allowed it to become. time to clean it up.
Democrat policies are creating more greenhouse gasses and worldwide inflation.
100% true. President Joe Rob got the country back on it's feet with his covid policy, and now we have great economic growth. It's actually a little too good. You see, all the folks are buying the shit out of stuff. Way too much stuff. That is what causes inflation. More folks buying stuff than there is stuff to buy. So if you guys would take a few days off work, and maybe buy less stuff, this will get better. And by all means, work from home if you can. If not, buy a smaller car.
Gas is 4.25 where I’m at…a year and a half ago it was nearly 1.89…
Where you are? I'm pretty sure you have a problem with time, or you are in fantasy land. Gas has been over two bucks since 2004.

That’s always your answer. Corporate greed and republicans. I don’t like republicans either. They are just as corrupt as dems. But damn it’s pretty obvious everyone in government is corrupt. But what I don’t approve of is being over taxes through inflation. They are either trying to collect more taxes to cover all the spending they have done or they are literally trying to collapse the world governments. They have been doing a pretty good job of both. The only reason they haven’t collapsed ours is because they fear those of us with guns. Which is why the want to be rid of the 2nd amendment.
Have you ever bought or sold pot? What happens when it get's dry? Does the price go up?
How…it was a tax cut, meaning they let people keep more of their money and the government took in record amounts of revenue during that time
The way taxation works is everyone is supposed to pay in, then the things that need doing gets done. When you let the richest of the rich not pay any taxes, then there is a shortage. At least 88 of the biggest 100 American companies paid zero tax last year.
Just a few thoughts on this round of inflation. When folks had to work from home, they still made the same amount of money, but they could not travel or eat out. So they were rolling in the ready. They bought shit online. Factories in Asia were not fully staffed due to covid, so there was less stuff being made. Then the ship got stuck in the canal. . . . . . . .
Let’s start over: inflation began to rise as more states forced citizens to get back in motion; after a couple years of restricted trade, people were buying again. Companies, the ones that weren’t marginalized out of business, decided that since the money was flowing again, it was time to take a bigger bite. If gas prices *did* begin to seem inflationary at that point (let’s say 11/01/20-01/20/21, shall we?), IT COULD NOT BE DUE TO ANY ACTION OF BIDEN’S. He wasn’t IN office, so nothing he did could have bumped prices.

Why would gas prices rise “too much” so fast otherwise?

OPPORTUNITY: gouging the public while blaming democrats is a real sport among GOP; GOP-leaning & -supporting boards of directors would have no issue with gouging the public pricewise (and they never have had in the past 40-50 years), especially if they can gouge democrats in government & earn political points for doing it. They saw the chance to hurt the new administration in the public’s eyes, increase their already substantial profits, and destabilize the emerging political independence of people in general, by making sure they remained short of cash, even after regaining employment.

They acted on it, because there was (is) no downside for them.

While the earliest hikes may have been driven by need (remember, some of the earliest price hikes were driven by scarcity), once the oil companies started pushing prices up, other companies began jumping on the bandwagon enthusiastically…and raising prices became “the thing to do”. After all, they can ALWAYS blame it on Democrats (they blame *EVERYTHING* on Democrats), and their captive minions will totally buy into it - just like they always do.

Price hikes by anti-tax / anti-regulation / anti-oversight / anti-worker companies, beginning almost as soon as BIDEN won, that logged record profits during the shutdowns really *OUGHT* to have been a big ol’ hint of what happened next: (to recap) raising prices became the rage - and penalty-free, thanks to the generations-long ritual demonizing & scapegoating of everyone who doesn’t want to be forced into a powerless “servant population”…but especially of Democrats (who are, of course, the only group positioned to blow the whistle on their craziest and most dire plans for the rest of us)

People say there’s no difference between the two parties…one does exactly as it pleases, has no problem with fraud or political violence, and always blames SOMEONE ELSE no matter how long they’ve been in power, how ably they interfere with their own government (which they’re sworn to uphold, protect, and defend) - and NEVER take responsibility for *anything at all*. The other is trying to hold the fabric of our civilization together without killing everybody *AND* address the national and international issues and events that require sane and coherent responses.

I’d say that’s a big difference; if you can’t see it, maybe you’re not even looking.
Well said! the rightwing does not have a worldview, they only see what is outside their window or believe what they heard on AM radio or hear in their churches
Nice speech but Sweikert is just full of shit. His donors, through Club for Growth, are the who's who of shitheads as well, the largest backers of the "election fraud" crowd. The oil & gas industry has always been extremely volatile and a short-term chart means zip, nada, doodly. Club for Growth is on the wrong side of history every time. E.g., they opposed Lindsey Grahams attempts to reign in China's currency manipulation. This time it is on the climate change issue. He will always vote for short-term profits to corporations no matter the consequences.

We have subsidized the oil and gas industry since the '20's because they've had politicians in their pocket. It is the shadiest of industries not just in the US but around the world. Yes, oil and gas prices will go up when we back off of subsidizing oil and gas and move to clean renewable energy. In return we can eliminate our dependence on oil and gas from Saudia Arabi and Russia, mitgate some of the damage from climate change we're already encountering, avoid conflicts around the world, and give our children a cleaner, safer environment.

Near the end of his speech he actually said Russia loves the policies of "the left". LOL! Why would Russia love the policy of reducing our dependence of the only thing Russia has to sell? He's trying to pull the wool over our eyes with a short-sighted, extremely short-term picture.

As far as tax issues go I think people need a reminder that the GOP tax cut was permanent only for the wealthy. No surprise that Sweikert is in favor of eliminating the estate tax or that the RNC head, Rick Scott, wants everyone, even the poor, to pay a federal income tax. He postulates this gives them "skin in the game". This is the same man the plead the 5th 75 times over the largest Medicare fraud in history at the time and the beneficiary of the safety net that Gingrich later eliminated.

If you are concerned about economic policies then take a look at Bush & Trump, two absolute disasters due to lack of oversight over the financial industry and a horrific response to a pandemic.
BTW, I believe Dems were also responsible for lack of oversight over the financial industry. It has been a long-term problem. We need more Elizabeth Warrens, Katie Porters, and AOC'S IMO.
Roosevelt kind of started the whole thing, and he was a democrat
then reagan deregulated savings and loans with Garn-St. Germain...
the Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill kicked off the next big round, and they were all republicans.
of course Clinton signed G-L-B into law.
then you have Alan Greenspan...who was a republican...
it goes back and could make a career out of trying to decide what had the most effect under which party...
Too stupid to be funny…”let people keep more of their own money….” WHICH people, do you wonder? Probably you don’t. I’ll bet when you heard Mike Pence say that “ON AVERAGE” people’s taxes went down, you thought that meant “taxes went down for average Americans”…but…if I have EVERYTHING, and you have NOTHING, then “on average” we have a fair split, so YAY!!! WHY AREN’T YOU HAPPY WITH THAT?

*ARE* you happy with that? Should I be happy to pay the taxes the wealthy SHIRK, ‘cause they’re “special”? Should I blame people with LESS THAN ME for making ME pay more? Here’s a great BIG clue: you and I don’t pay as much in taxes as we do because of poor people or immigrants: we pay so much BECAUSE THE WEALTHY REFUSE. If you lift your ears above the placing of blame, you’ll hear them say - out loud - again and again - that THEY shouldn’t have to pay ANY TAXES AT ALL. Just like old-fashioned aristocrats.

I worked a job once where they tried to spin cutting health care benefits as "more money in your pocket." I don't think my face has looked as incredulous and furious since.

Part of the job in question was being a fiduciary, looking after people's financial well being, so it was particularly stupid since that was the sort of finamcial bullshit we were supposed to protect clients from.