Deficiency or lock out late veg 1st day flower tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Hi guys open to any input. Currently on roughly week 6 of veg 1st day of flower tomorrow. Grollia zkittles but I think there may be a couple of buba kush in there. Currently in soil in 30l pots. Have only feed nutes around 3 times through out veg & thrive fish mix twice. However is quite a new nutes to me & the dose does seem quite high is 7ml per litre of general then 5ml of veg booster in late veg I keep this down at half dose. Is also 1st time using canna soil. They have been growing rather well with no issues but getting a few now. Brown spots on a couple of leafs & on my 2nd biggest today noticed the browning/dying of the leaf edges & tips on a couple of leafs on this plant. The 1s I think are buba kush are are quite a bit lighter overall compared to the rest. I am more leaning towards lock out as I have not had any dead leafs/yellowing from the bottom yet. Just have them a really good water tonight & plan on laying of the nutes all together for the 1st week of veg & see how that goes then will start up on low dose & work my way up. Open to any opinions. Good to get a bit if input from someone away from it. Have done a few over the years a couple of really good 1s & couple of average. Learn as you go I guess



Well-Known Member
Are you letting them dry out well before watering? Not sure about the canna soil? But I use FFOF with a floranova nute schedule. Basically water 3 times then feed at whatever the recommended ppm is for that week. I don't even check pH honestly lol. My plants are always green until like week 8 flower when they fade away. You'll be fine!


Well-Known Member
Yeh have never been 1 to check ph to often generally is pretty good. Usally no issues. Can be picky when i see little issues try get on them before anything else happens. Yep they dry out well bewteen. Backing of the nutes should do the trick hopfully. Still getting good growth out of them