Decepticon 2k16 Outdoor

i over estimated the space i had in my tent. so instead of doin 6 of each i had to down size to 4 of each so instead of 25 i have 18 in total with no room left i have to 2 on the outside of the tent. it was hard picking the best looking 4 lol but yeah ill get a pic or 2 tomorrow
what a difference a week makes everything is doing stellar after being transplanted. I have also decided to top 2 of each the 4 from the ones i made. also they all are looking amazing no difference in growth or any of that they all seem to be an equal split from the parents and they are all pretty uniform so far
almost as soon as you start using it. if the affected leaves are too far gone with the yellowing and little "rust" spots they wont be saved they will end up dying and all that but the new growth will be fine as if nothing was wrong
Its official i am out of room in the tent. the over crowding its phenomenal (in a good way) everything is healthy and just really nice looking with big leaves and everything a person would want in a plant to look like but today im working on converting an old shed i have into a spare grow room i suppose nothing else i can really do other than that ill figure it out sometime today when i go to lowes
i should have them all moved in a day or 2 just gotta finish building. its not gonna be perfect but it will do for the next month and a half til i can put em out in the greenhouse, ill put em in the greenhouse sometime in may hopefully after the 7th or so cause if they go any sooner then that i end up with flowering plants and have to deal with them revegging and im wantin to avoid that this year since last year it fucked me pretty bad..... but ill post pics when i get everything done and moved
so random question how long would it take for a plant to become root bound in a 10 gal grow bag? i mean it doesnt really matter cause ill more than likely have to cut the bag open when i finally transplant them in their finally spot outside, just curious