Deceitful Women

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like primary school. "girls? ewwwww, we're not being freinds tin a giiiiiiiirl"

You must have incredibly meaningful relationships with folk if the best the conversation get's to is problems. A sociable person might argue that if you can't deal with her problems, because you've your own, why not relate your problems in a similar matter and who knows, maybe discussing them with someone else will help things. Stranger things have happened.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
The women who only want to hang around a dude and be "friends" but yet dangle sex over their heads like a steak are evil vile creatures.

If you want to be friends with a guy thats great, but know that you asking him for money or favors like he is your boyfriend is not ok and that makes you, in a sense, a whore.

Just my personal opinion. If a guy is my friend, we hang out like friends. We play video games, we pig out, we fart. I am not huggy and flirty. I don't ask for favors that only a boyfriend should provide.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I just hate seeing it, man. Don't use someone and don't hold your delicate little emotions over a man either.

If you like him you like him, if you don't, don't milk him for everything he's got.

and for fuck sakes, if a man takes you out to an expensive dinner and you don't plan to fuck him, don't go to the dinner.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Respectfully decline.

Don't feel obligated to go... because in my opinion, if you send him the message that you are willing to accept his gifts and money, you are also sending the message you are willing to open your legs.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
and for fuck sakes, if a man takes you out to an expensive dinner and you don't plan to fuck him, don't go to the dinner.
So now i can't enjoy a tasty dinner with someone unless they plan to fuck me? Some people just like to be nice to their friends, it's a shame you don't experience this. And expensive is completely subjective, so essentially you are saying don't let a guy pay for something unless you plan to fuck him.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
uhhhh, no.

I'm saying that you shouldn't use someone that has an idea in their head.

Sure, you can go to dinner with anyone you want. But taking advantage of a man who likes you is different.

Sorry if you misunderstood what I said. I should have been more clear.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I should have read more of the thread :D I'll take the blame for this one haha.

That taken on board, i would agree with you :D

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Maybe I'm bias on this suject because I have a family member who is constantly getting taken advantage of by women.

They flirt with him and comply with dates. He buys them things, takes them to dinner, then when he makes a move they claim to only want to be friends.

Matt Rize

Maybe I'm bias on this suject because I have a family member who is constantly getting taken advantage of by women.

They flirt with him and comply with dates. He buys them things, takes them to dinner, then when he makes a move they claim to only want to be friends.
he is getting played.
seems some people enjoy that.
each their own i say.

*my haiku for the day