debate this...


Well-Known Member
If this debate is tuckering out, let me suggest a new one:

Wage slavery. I say we are all just wage slaves who are forced to 'work or starve'. May not be as bad as actual slavery, but it feels about the same.

(says the guy sitting on the couch for 8 months on unemployment and severance)

EDIT: I am a damn slow typer! 3 more posts in the time it took to type this? Ridiculous
I for sure feel your pain i have been sitting for 9 and they just cut me off. I had work lined up for next month though.
Anywho Goodnight all


Well-Known Member
Not a wage slave but a free thinker and a animal forced to wear clothing and live within a box and conform or face being trapped and put in a cage i dont care for your money or material things i just want to survive


New Member
Empirical evidence shows that people are indeed real.

(As I resist the urge to make a Descartesian argument....)


New Member
I was blinded by the light (of my 250 watter).

I have the right to kill whales because humans have dominion over the animals. Bible says so. Case closed. Fuck yeah!


Well-Known Member
the whales are eating the photo plankton and that plankton makes half of the worlds oxygen and killerwhales are killing the seals. if we killed whales we could use the meat and oil if we ate whale we could use less pork and then we would have less poluted streams from run off. killing whales could create a whole green industry if we could use sailing ships it would have a negitive carbon footprint because of all the increases oxegyn out you know how much plankton whale sharks eat


Well-Known Member
I was blinded by the light (of my 250 watter).

I have the right to kill whales because humans have dominion over the animals. Bible says so. Case closed. Fuck yeah!
and god gave me this land get the f out...ha ha...if i could rep yall again i would...


Well-Known Member
the whales are eating the photo plankton and that plankton makes half of the worlds oxygen and killerwhales are killing the seals. if we killed whales we could use the meat and oil if we ate whale we could use less pork and then we would have less poluted streams from run off. killing whales could create a whole green industry if we could use sailing ships it would have a negitive carbon footprint because of all the increases oxegyn out you know how much plankton whale sharks eat
But we could use the plankton to make oil.


New Member
And we could use the oil for buttsex. Lots and lots of buttsex.

Multi layer stealth cabinet perpetual-ish nothing leftover just self sufficient