Dear Trump fans,


Well-Known Member
so this little piece of white supremacist shit is ok with you? what a fucking surprise that is....

"Yes I know Kyle didnt know his criminal record but who really gives a shit? A pedophile is dead and I will always celebrate that."
so let's all go out and kill people on the chance they might be fucking dumbass

If you want to be a pedophile sympathizer that's on you. Or maybe i should remove the sympathizer part.


Well-Known Member
no, i didn't watch it, because i don't give a fuck about football, which is a completely inadequate substitute for gladitorial combat...but i'm not surprised you watch it
Do you really think that they watched it and are not just pulling it off os some bullshit right wing propaganda talking point memo?

Because the sheer number of race baiting topic that they have spammed screams 'pay attention to me' IMO.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
All of my left wing friends say antifa is an ideology, not a group.
you have "left wing friends" ? are those the rednecks that shave their necks?....
antifa is an ideology, one that most people should embrace, whether or not they ever identify themselves with any group, it is "anti fascism"....a good goal, because no one in their right minds wants fascism to spread...unless they're a republikkkan...but i did say "in their right mind"...