Dear Black Voter..

I know absolutely noon who does meth..street or big pharma.

You must keep some interesting company.
I used to sell real drugs never street meth though never found a good supplier and it didn't get that big until I quit selling hard drugs.
I never claimed to be a fan of Hillary's plus it was a great thread for the butt hurt Hillary fans she even lost the RIU poll but you can't accept reality that many people see Hillary for the snake she is.

I agree, but do you still believe Trump to be the better choice?
You asserted that "strategic industries" were nationalized. Now you further specify the "four year plan" which narrows this specifically to rearmament. However, the Treaty of Versailles severely limited the German military which means that what was nationalized had not previously existed. We're talking about weapons manufacturing, ship building and so forth. So this is not "nationalization" in the sense that something which was previously privately owned (capitalism by definition) became nationalized. This was the government arming itself.

The rest of the German economy had been nationalized and publicly owned under the Weimar Republic and Goring sold just about all that shit off (privatized it) to fund the militarization. This is well documented. The reason you clearly did not know this is that you have no real sources for anything you're arguing aside from Wikipedia. Also, Google tailors search results based on your interests.

Trying to get out of the hole you dug yourself with semantics.

You're just plain wrong and now you're trying the "that depends on what the definition of 'is' is" escape.

That's weak dude, you're a sore loser.
Yes because she is a criminal. I used to have a serurity clearance if I did what she did I would not be in a happy place. That alone disqualified her for me.
Are you gonna denounce Trump for collusion with a hostile foreign power...AKA treason when it comes out?

Or are you gonna fight against the Constitution and march us to fascism?

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death..."
Yes because she is a criminal. I used to have a serurity clearance if I did what she did I would not be in a happy place. That alone disqualified her for me.

if you lied on an SF-86 form, like sessions or kushner did, or gave away codeword classified intel, like trump did, or tried to set up a secret communications line with the kremlin, like flynn and kushner did, you'd be in prison.

hillary is not a criminal. but the guy you voted for has settled multiple rape and fraud lawsuits, so he is a criminal.

you are just a dumb racist. and rather fat.
You must be really pissed at Trump then?
Not really pissed at Trump the problem is the government itself we have needed a revolution like before Nixon!

We should have stayed out of WW2 as well but we fucked Japan over so Pearl Harbour happened. We are the land of the free nothing in Europe and Asia should effect us.
Not really pissed at Trump the problem is the government itself we have needed a revolution like before Nixon!

We should have stayed out of WW2 as well but we fucked Japan over so Pearl Harbour happened. We are the land of the free nothing in Europe and Asia should effect us.

Which revolution was that?

Also, WW2 was Hitler..we should've just let Europe fend for themselves?

Nothing in Europe should effect us? But it does and that's how we got our freedom.

I'm having a difficult time following your logic on this.
Which revolution was that?

Also, WW2 was Hitler..we should've just let Europe fend for themselves?

Nothing in Europe should effect us? But it does and that's how we got our freedom.

I'm having a difficult time following your logic on this.
France helped our revolution they did not fight Germany and Russia did a lot more than us to the Nazis would have at the least kept Russia Russia. England probably would have got fucked up though in one of Hitlers speeches he claims to have asked many times for a peaceful resolution but Churchill just wanted war. I don't think his original plan was global domination nor killing Jews but I would have to really study pre WW2 politics.

We did not enter WW2 until Pearl Harbour and it was because of sanctions or some stupid shit that they attacked us. It was not just about Hitler the Japanese might have even been worse than the Nazis.

The Revolution is long overdue we have no more freedom than England!!