Dear Black Voter..

"During the 12 years of the Third Reich, government ownership expanded greatly into formerly private sectors of strategic industries: aviation, synthetic oil and rubber, aluminum, chemicals, iron and steel, and army equipment.

The capital assets of state-owned industry doubled during this same period, whereby the nationalization caused state-ownership of companies to increase to over 500 businesses..."

Facts, inconvenient sometimes.
An unattributed and out of context quote of a vague "spread of nationalization" means literally fuck-all. Sorry, not sorry. Here's a peer-reviewed scientific study of historical sources by researchers at a university which details privatization in Germany in the 30s.
i can't see any way for any candidate to beat her.
I actually kind of like Ajamu Baraka, but I probably wouldn't like him as much if he were actually elected into any office. I just like him as an activist. Actually he's not an activist, he's more like a catalyst.
An unattributed and out of context quote of a vague "spread of nationalization" means literally fuck-all. Sorry, not sorry. Here's a peer-reviewed scientific study of historical sources by researchers at a university which details privatization in Germany in the 30s.
Hitler proposed privatisation for AFTER the war would be won.

Do you want quotes from primary sources or are your "essays" more important to you?
Hitler proposed privatisation for AFTER the war would be won.

Do you want quotes from primary sources or are your "essays" more important to you?
I think you take this whole thing too seriously, like you have to save face after having been shown you are demonstrably wrong about this, or yesterday when I gave my opinion on how you sounded like a Trump supporter when you said you hated liberal PC language and thought people were pussies for taking offense at bigoted slurs. It doesn't mean I dislike you, or even that I disrespected you, if that were the case I would just troll you, calm down guy.

Yes, I take peer reviewed research much more seriously than the opinions you are premising your argument on. The fact is, fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. Hitler went on a spree of privatizations all over the German economy of industries that had been previously nationalized under the Weimar Republic. This is historically factual, I have already cited facts and any "primary source" you have regarding Hitlers intentions for after the war are of absolutely no consequence against what actually did happen.
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I think you take this whole thing too seriously, like you have to save face after having been shown you are demonstrably wrong about this, or yesterday when I gave my opinion on how you sounded like a Trump supporter when you said you hated liberal PC language and thought people were pussies for taking offense at bigoted slurs. It doesn't mean I dislike you, or even that I disrespected you, if that were the case I would just troll you, calm down guy.

Yes, I take peer reviewed research much more seriously than the opinions you are premising your argument on. The fact is, fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. Hitler went on a spree of privatizations all over the German economy of industries that had been previously nationalized under the Weimar Republic. This is historically factual, I have already cited facts and any "primary source" you have regarding Hitlers intentions for after the war are of absolutely no consequence against what actually did happen.
How far down the path of fascism has America gone, in your opinion?

If Hitler's 1943 Germany is 100, I'm giving us about 60%. I fear that two thirds would make it irreversible, which is why I'm telling everyone I know about the danger from the extremist right.

What's really sad is the number of people I talk to who 'would' vote Democratic, whatever the fuck that means...
This is not MY's those who keep records. I listed 4 links.

There are more.

You didn't answer me. Are you black?

Continuing to blame the messenger.

You are doomed to repeat, Snearing don't learn SHITE!

FTW answer my question about the web or are you too AFRAID to start that conversation?

Stop trying to search for that black cock Sky. I doubt any black man would put up with your mouth and thoughts. Hell ANY man for that matter wouldn't . Did you not figure that out when your husband left you.
How far down the path of fascism has America gone, in your opinion?

If Hitler's 1943 Germany is 100, I'm giving us about 60%. I fear that two thirds would make it irreversible, which is why I'm telling everyone I know about the danger from the extremist right.

What's really sad is the number of people I talk to who 'would' vote Democratic, whatever the fuck that means...
Well, there are several ways of answering this question. (short answer, your 60% thing could be accurate) I know exactly what you meant but for the sake of good conversation and perspective, I will look at it another way.

The genocide of the tribes in what has become the US was in many ways the inspiration for Hitler's evil. I have even read from some admittedly biased sources that in many ways some reservations operated under conditions that made them the model for the concentration camps of the holocaust. The racism of slavery was every bit as bigoted as the eugenics of fascist Germany and again, the ideas that spawned eugenics may have been born in the USA as well.

So how far down the path are we? We're so far beyond it we've led the way for others, gotten lost and happened upon it anew as we carry back on the old course. Actually, I think the regime knows exactly where it's going and they want to "make America great again". Don't underestimate them. They are real fascists. Take solace in the extremely low approval rating.
Why does she do this to herself?


What is that girl doing and why would you do it?