Well-Known Member
Allowing Democrats to take their votes for granted hasn't worked out well, either.
Black people, along with other racial minorities and even most white people, simply aren't seeing their needs being served by the Democratic Party.
The rise of right wing populism isn't so much a repudiation of liberalism as it is an expression of desperation BECAUSE people don't feel either party is effectively representing them.
Bernie's enormous popularity was and remains as much a threat to the establishment Democrats as it was to Republicans, and they know it. Hence little effort to bring him into the Democratic party mainstream.
Bernie could not have won without the Democratic Party. He simply lacked infrastructure and the fact that he wasn't on the ballot in all the States. That is changing even now and things could beer different for 2020 for the presidency, and sooner for Senate and House races.
I think Bernie and the Progressive Movement would do very well to press their case with minorities and economically disadvantaged demographics across the country. At the very least, they'd be kingmakers. That's finally a position of power and influence in politics that has the leverage to get results.
In the final analysis, I think that everyone making less than $50k/yr would be well served by such a liberal progressive, dare I say Social Democratic party, whatever the color of their skin. The case must be made on their terms, something perhaps Bernie did not do as well as he could have.
bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie it's black people's fault.
and you wonder why bernie can't win a democratic primary.