Dealing with dispensary, advice needed!


Well-Known Member
Well I think one problem is that people don't treat this as a business. (Growers and clubs) If I had any other type of product to sell I wouldn't walk into a store and say hey wanna buy my product to sell? When I find a dispensary that is first of all good enough to carry my product, I make an appointment to meet with the owner, and then discuss business. Personally, if an owner is not professional, I won't let them carry my product. And there are rules... when I go into the club I better see my product on the top shelf prominently displayed. It better not be kiefed, and the tenders better not man-handle it. This is part of my "contract". If a shop can't handle these simple rules, I don't want them carrying my product anyway.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's amazing how us the "suppliers" have to go through this to be able to sell our medicine through dispensaries. Has it been like this with dispensaries since "it started" or has it been getting worse with time? If I have any mishap be sure that I will post it on dispensary disputes, Rollitup and wherever I can.
Not since it started. But it's been this way for a good 5 years or so.

Our current system gives all the protection in the world to dispensaries, but sacrifices growers as a law enforcement target. It's created a great inequality in legal protection. Dispensaries rip off growers all the time and generally they get away with it. I wish they'd either make all this shit legal, or illegal. This "grey area" bullshit screws over everyone but the dispensary owners.


Well-Known Member
I ran a dispensary that paid cash up front. You still have a responsibility to pay taxes on your income. Right now harbor side is fighting weather we have to pay taxes on our "supply". They aren't taxing the meds they are taking your income. If you make more than $3000 a year vending then you have to pay taxes on it just like all other income.