DEA Hits Seattle with Raids

Hey I hope you can delete this but I'm trying to pm you back and its saying your messages are full and can't send till some are deleted. If ya get time to just let me know. The bud xl is on its way . Just wanna ask a few things . Thanks
Here is a link to a recent article in a So. CO. newspaper.
There are over 736 mj businesses licensed in this state.
If they decide to start taking them down, they are going to be spending millions!
Many citizens feel the counties or cities which do not allow for recreational sales, should be exempt from receiving ANY tax revenues from MJ.
Let's see the schools in their districts begging for new computers and shit, when they see the revenue stream a couple closed minded individuals just screwed their district out of.
Be interesting to see election results in years following.
The best part of Co. mj law which differs from every other state is... it is written as an amendment to the Colorado constitution and can't be voted away easily. It is in the Colorado Bill of Rights.