DEA Hits Seattle with Raids

I happen to know for a solid fact that two of the places accused of selling elbo's out the back door simply DON"T do that sort of thing. The pigs use the Media to demonize anyone thats busted so that even those in the same culture turn against them because they perceive them as bad because of some lame ass news coverage or bogus info planted in the media by pigs!


To expand along these lines, a very concerning trend since the financial crash/Obama has taken office has been the federal government's leveling of serious allegations in the media coupled with charges against major companies that are convoluted and vague, then they give the company the option of fighting a long legal battle with serious legal fees, negative press, and a risk of loss in court OR just pay a fat fee to the government without admitting wrongdoing; the feds dont ever have to disclose what evidence they are basing their allegations on (hooray transparentsee).

This creates mad incentive for a prosecutors to pull this shit, it looks good on their resume, gets them bragging rights, etc. The only difference when this style "justice" is applied to this industry is that the owners of clubs don't have 40 million bucks to shill in fees to deny wrongdoing, they are faced with 40ish years if they fight and lose or 5ish if they admit wrongdoing.
Like I said before, NO-ONE besides my wife and two others have ever seen my grow room, nor have I discussed growing, even though it is rampant here. I am under no illusion that living in Co protects me because it is a state right.
The only difference in Co. to other medical/recreational states, is Co. is the only state to ratify marijuana use and cultivation as a constitutional amendment.
I am still waiting for that shit to hit the fan.
Who will be the first Coloradoan, to go against the Supreme Court, will it be Colorado state itself, or the criminally charged individual.
Also on another note, there is a farmer in Southeastern Co. who has planted hemp.
Don't kid yourselves people, hemp and marijuana are illegal for many reasons, and all of them are financial.
Ansbereger (sp) who worked for the Federal Narcotics Dept. and public intolerance began with his PSA "reefer madness".
It came out not long after the prohibition. I believe in 1937 or 1936

The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 made possession or transfer of cannabis illegal throughout the United States under federal law, excluding medical and industrial uses, in which an inexpensive excise tax was required. Annual fees for the tax were $24 ($337 adjusted for inflation) for importers, manufacturers, and cultivators of cannabis, $1 annually ($14 adjusted for inflation) for medical and research purposes, and $3 annually ($42 adjusted for inflation) for industrial uses. Detailed cannabis sale logs were required to keep record of cannabis sales. Selling cannabis to any person who has previously paid the tax is $1 per ounce or fraction thereof; however, it is $100 ($1,406 adjusted for inflation) per ounce or fraction thereof to sell any person who has not registered and paid the special tax.

After the Philippines fell to Japanese forces in 1942, the Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Army urged farmers to grow hemp fiber and tax stamps for cultivation were issued to farmers. Without any change in the Marijuana Tax Act, over 400,000 acres of hemp were cultivated between 1942 and 1945.The last commercial hemp fields were planted in Wisconsin in 1957.
William Randolph Hearst and his paper empire were largely responsible for publishing negative articles and bad press called Yellow rags or yellow Papers.
Why was Hearst so interested in stopping hemp? He didn't give a shit about smoking and getting high, but grouped all cannabis under the same classification and used his newspaper companies to demonize pot.
Because hemp fiber is cheaper than paper, more versatile, and would have destroyed his Pulp and fiber industry.
Our forefathers grew and toted the virtues of hemp.

It wasn't until money got in the way.
There is much more on Nixon, but for another day.

The USA is currently the worlds largest consumer of hemp and hemp related products, yet all of the ceeds are imported.
Detailed cannabis sale logs were required to keep record of cannabis sales. Selling cannabis to any person who has previously paid the tax is $1 per ounce or fraction thereof; however, it is $100 ($1,406 adjusted for inflation) per ounce or fraction thereof to sell any person who has not registered and paid the special tax.

There's your first mmj card!
And by the way,
I stood in front of grocery stores with petitions, attended local city council meetings and read for months on mj laws and regulations, so I could explain to people how and why I was asking for their support.
I believe we will win this fight, and I may live to see it happen in my lifetime, but we will become stronger when we learn what it is we are actually asking for and why feel it is our right!

Whatever happened to those Wall street protesters? What were they called.......
Thanks, my wife and I attended meetings in Denver and listened to all the proposed amendments, and even spoke a couple times as citizens, not as an authority on laws or anything.
I used the "financial gain" angle when I was explaining the virtues of mj and hemp. Those historical references are almost like case precedent for examples of early mj cultivation.
You can watch the history of regulation in this country. It follows a path (although muddied) of corporate greed and a desire to prevent cultivation of a self sustaining cultivation industry.
Hemp requires less water, nutrients and can be grown in any number of soils.

It is one of the few plants that have uses for the ENTIRE plant! Oils, fibers, the whole damn thing but the roots!

The government pays people to grow corn. Lets see...... Ethanol (a gas industry) and High Fructose Corn syrup, the food additive in everything that makes us the fattest nation on earth!
Wouldn't be surprised to find that cannabis makes excellent bio-diesel as well.
Pretty sure the reason people think twice is it's a lot more jail time if you get caught growing.

Yep i Understand that, but that wasn't my point, my point was, why is growing a plant considered a lot worse than giving money to drug dealers and the black market.
we know not all pot dealers are bad, most of em are just like you and me, but that's not how they are portrayed in the media, drug dealers are considered scum of the earth by most people in the media and public.

It's just another fucked up way of thinking so the government can confuse us more. They ram down our throats that these drug dealers are so bad, yet sentences don't match that, giving money to the black market which could be funding whatever is surely a much more serious concern than somebody growing a plant, yet Joe Public and the law think the opposite.
Detailed cannabis sale logs were required to keep record of cannabis sales. Selling cannabis to any person who has previously paid the tax is $1 per ounce or fraction thereof; however, it is $100 ($1,406 adjusted for inflation) per ounce or fraction thereof to sell any person who has not registered and paid the special tax.

There's your first mmj card!

Heh, I actually looked into buying one of original marihuana tax stamps once for my little cannabis collection I have, but it was silly money for them being as none were ever given out, lol. I just got one of the later ones which came under the opium, coca & marihuana taxes in the end.
And by the way,
I stood in front of grocery stores with petitions, attended local city council meetings and read for months on mj laws and regulations, so I could explain to people how and why I was asking for their support.
I believe we will win this fight, and I may live to see it happen in my lifetime, but we will become stronger when we learn what it is we are actually asking for and why feel it is our right!

Whatever happened to those Wall street protesters? What were they called.......

Your the type of citizen we need in Florida. Florida is in the process of getting petitions to sign for med mj for 2014.
I just have the feeling the Feds will never reschedule it, I do not believe that the Feds are actually so retarded that they believe their own bullshit, they know what they're doing.
For whatever reason they do not want cannabis legal and I don't see anything changing short of a revolution, and that would never happen cos the fuckers would have your ass in Guantanamo bay before you even got started!

I used to get sooooo pissed off when I saw these stupid politicians come out with their bullshit, saying it has no medical value, it's a gateway drug or whatever bullshit, but I've come to the realisation now that these people saying this know its bullshit, so you can't convince them otherwise.

The powers that be are the only people that can change the situation and they won't because they will lose to much money and power, most people think this is about some joints and getting high, but its not. Think what could happen with full legalisation. Big Pharma would lose billions, cannabis could probably replace 50% of prescriptions and be grown at home, the tobacco and alcohol companies would lose billions too, people over time would stop drinking and smoking tobacco as much in favour of cannabis. And I haven't even got into the million other possible uses of cannabis or hemp.

I wouldn't even put it past these lying scum fucks to have actually found the cure for cancer and withhold it from us because they can't patent it and rape the shit out of it, and would rather watch people die than give them access to medicine (sound familiar?)

Then again why would anyone listen to me, they will tell you I'm just some paranoid pot smoker sitting in my basement making up conspiracy theories!

Took the words out of my mouth!
I just have the feeling the Feds will never reschedule it, I do not believe that the Feds are actually so retarded that they believe their own bullshit, they know what they're doing.The powers that be are the only people that can change the situation and they won't because they will lose to much money and power. Think what could happen with full legalisation. Big Pharma would lose billions, cannabis could probably replace 50% of prescriptions and be grown at home, the tobacco and alcohol companies would lose billions too.

Then again why would anyone listen to me, they will tell you I'm just some paranoid pot smoker sitting in my basement making up conspiracy theories!

Referring to your last line, no you're not. Money talks! So here's a word that might reasonate: "boycott." Remember the Hershey's chocolate boycott a few years ago? It's probably a poor example because frankly a package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups tastes pretty damned good after a few tokes. That point aside, in this era of social media -- as opposed to thousands of Toyko Roses espousing propaganda for corporate North America, the politicians and law enforcement in the mainstream media -- there should be a website that publicizes all the companies (ie, those that fire employees for testing positive even if they have a medical card, Mr. Walton), politicians and others -- anyone who stands to benefit from continued prohibition -- so that it's very clear that you DO NOT patronize those companies or vote for those individuals. In the U.S., Canada, the U.K, Australia, wherever it might be. Sure there are some companies, and politicians -- judges! -- that would be immune from the effects of a serious boycott. But times are tight, and I'm willing to bet they'd be in the minority. The real problem would be organizing such an effort because half the time we're fighting amongst ourselves over trivial matters in forum threads.
The problem is, the government hasn't figured out how to make a ton of money off of weed compared to what they're making from the pharmaceutical companies. I think they realize that many people would opt to grow-their-own instead of paying $10-20 a gram at dispensaries. How can they tax something that's in backyards, basements, and attics?

Then there's the big bucks spent on "the war on drugs". This war is big business for our government. Take away the've taken away the power and money politicians and agencies have because of this so-called war.

There's no logical reason for pot to be illegal. Rockymtnman pointed to the marijuana tax stamp....this tax stamp was created because of racism. It was a common thought that blacks were giving white woman pot so they could have their way with them. Try as they might, the government could not make a case to make pot illegal, so instead they created the "Tax Stamp Act". Do you know how many tax stamps the government gave out? Zero. Zip.

Richard Nixon felt that it was pot that were making all those hippies protest against him and the war. He formed a committee of "experts" to find out all the bad things pot makes people do. After much research the committee came back and told Nixon that the only thing pot did was enhance one's senses, effected short-term memory, and made people euphoric. Nixon fired that committee and started a new one. This committee also came back with the same findings....he fired them too. It was the third committee that saw the writing on the wall and came back saying pot was a drug that had no medical value.

And we've been fighting to right this wrong for 40 years.
Referring to your last line, no you're not. Money talks! So here's a word that might reasonate: "boycott." Remember the Hershey's chocolate boycott a few years ago? It's probably a poor example because frankly a package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups tastes pretty damned good after a few tokes. That point aside, in this era of social media -- as opposed to thousands of Toyko Roses espousing propaganda for corporate North America, the politicians and law enforcement in the mainstream media -- there should be a website that publicizes all the companies (ie, those that fire employees for testing positive even if they have a medical card, Mr. Walton), politicians and others -- anyone who stands to benefit from continued prohibition -- so that it's very clear that you DO NOT patronize those companies or vote for those individuals. In the U.S., Canada, the U.K, Australia, wherever it might be. Sure there are some companies, and politicians -- judges! -- that would be immune from the effects of a serious boycott. But times are tight, and I'm willing to bet they'd be in the minority. The real problem would be organizing such an effort because half the time we're fighting amongst ourselves over trivial matters in forum threads.

Couldn't have said it better!
I expect one day for the government to start growing it or hiring a corporation to manage pot production in the US.
Can't wait to smoke me some of that Halliburton Kush!
There are many of us in Co. waiting for the first person to be terminated, to show up in court.
It's coming.
And so are the feds.
Do you ever wonder why most of the mmj shop busts and such are occurring in other states?
Many of us believe because it is because they are gearing for a Co. bust. The difference here is, unlike other states, it is not a measure or prop.
It is an amendment to the article of the Colorado constitution and written in the Colorado bill of rights.
Once the feds open that gate, it is going to become a "state's rights" issue. Not that all these cases aren't state's rights" issues either, it is not going to go away as easily as people think.
There are attorneys from Co. assisting in similar cases in other states to gain experience in these cases.
The farmer in Eastern Co. who has planted hemp is going to be an interesting outcome. He is not even growing smokable weed.
If he takes this crop to harvest, He will be violating several federal laws, and already is. He says he has customers already waiting for the crop to finish.
I will find the link. couldn't have come from a better demographic.
Rural American farmer trying to grow a sustainable crop for his livelihood and
There are many of us in Co. waiting for the first person to be terminated, to show up in court.
It's coming.
And so are the feds.
Do you ever wonder why most of the mmj shop busts and such are occurring in other states?
Many of us believe because it is because they are gearing for a Co. bust. The difference here is, unlike other states, it is not a measure or prop.
It is an amendment to the article of the Colorado constitution and written in the Colorado bill of rights.
Once the feds open that gate, it is going to become a "state's rights" issue. Not that all these cases aren't state's rights" issues either, it is not going to go away as easily as people think.
There are attorneys from Co. assisting in similar cases in other states to gain experience in these cases.
The farmer in Eastern Co. who has planted hemp is going to be an interesting outcome. He is not even growing smokable weed.
If he takes this crop to harvest, He will be violating several federal laws, and already is. He says he has customers already waiting for the crop to finish.
I will find the link. couldn't have come from a better demographic.
Rural American farmer trying to grow a sustainable crop for his livelihood and

This is one to watch. Thanks for sharing this.
wont let my shit go for less then 4 gs a lb.. indoors.. 2500 outdoors.. for quality.. for less hten quality.. 3 gs a lb indoors .. and 1500-2000 outs.. but anything that's not quality don't stay indoors more then 1 run.