Day 5- too small??


it's 5 days since the BB popped from soil line , 4 days since the NL popped. All were pre germed used the paper towel method. Thanks for the advise Talon. ;)


Active Member
then hell they look good they are not even a week old yet let them roots form and in another week your start seeing daily growth


Active Member
I know that as i been there you want to keep a good eye on them as youngins anyway your time will pay off just remeber to be patient and remeber to lay of the water as thats why she is wilted down dont let more than the first few inches of soil get dry and always remeber to have some holes in the bottom so it can drain excess out dont want the roots to struugle in compresed dirt as it will slow growth you want lose soil with plenty of o2 good luck man +rep as its your first grow welcome to riu


Well-Known Member
I harvested 10 pounds in five days once but woke from that dream to realize I crapped the bed.


Thanks for all the advise Talon I really appreciate it ;) +rep back at ya. :) Jimmy that's funny bro.!! I've started to have the weird pot growing dreams too.


Well-Known Member
Jimmypot i agree!!! i agree with what talon said, lay off on the water a little and those girls look beautiful for their age. I still find myself burning one in the grow room and just staring at the flowering chamber! Patience is a virtue and it WILL pay off! less is more with food and water, keep that in mind! goodluck with the grow! and +rep for talon, good to see people treating the newb's properly!


thanks Andy, SLK. I appreciate the words of encouragement, and the advice. I actually let the big bang pre germ too long and the shell of the seed fell off when I picked it up. It worried me, but it ended up being the biggest thus far. I"m putting Ninja's homemade co2 container in there tonight. Hopefully it will help some.