Darlin's net thread is locked. The thread asking why was deleted. WTF is going on here?

I bet Dr. Bob in a dunk tank at the THC Expo, C2 Expo and High Times Cup could be an epic fund raiser for some good causes :bigjoint:

So Dr Bob, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a couple questions and clarify your position a bit?

I have always been neutral where you're concerned and have never really understood why people get so upset with you. More recently I have been filled in a bit and am starting to see where this distrust is coming from.

Any truth to the following:

You are supporting efforts to end our rights to grow our own medicine, and instead support the idea of large corporate grow facilities that will supply meds to patients.

You have aligned yourself with one of these large distributors (CPU/malamute) and are angling to have the state use you to write scripts for these meds like you do the pills that you peddle.

Can you clarify your position on this, and confirm or deny your relationship with Malmute?

Sure, happy to.

First question- I've always supported home grows. I'm not a fan of dispensaries and don't think they should be allowed if it is a choice between them and home grows. The system I'd like to see is dispensaries as a third source (self grow/caregiver/dispensaries) to provide start up meds, genetics and simply varieties. I think caregivers should be able to sell overages to dispensaries as a source of income and to improve the economy in general.

Second- CPU has nothing to do with dispensaries, it exists to support the foundations of the MMMA, especially home grows. Have no idea where you got the idea they were interested in dispensaries themselves or promoted them over home grows (a founding principle of the MMMA).

The second part of your second question has to do with writing prescriptions for cannabis. Again, read what I've written many times. I do not support the rescheduling of cannabis to require a prescription or a pharmacy fill. I support descheduling it entirely. I don't mind some regulations (like 21 for recreational use for example) but I think the DEA needs to forget they ever heard of cannabis and concentrate their efforts on Drugs.

Finally Mal is a friend of mine. I stop by and see him in Norway frequently. He is also very pro home grow, so I don't really see what your point of even asking is.

Dr. Bob
The system I'd like to see is dispensaries as a third source (self grow/caregiver/dispensaries) to provide start up meds, genetics and simply varieties. I think caregivers should be able to sell overages to dispensaries as a source of income and to improve the economy in general.Dr. Bob

OK, I think that falls in line with what most folks, including myself, would support. I would add farmers markets in to the mix as well.

Second- CPU has nothing to do with dispensaries, it exists to support the foundations of the MMMA, especially home grows. Have no idea where you got the idea they were interested in dispensaries themselves or promoted them over home grows (a founding principle of theMMMA)

When there is big money at play what people say and what they do are often two different things. Not saying that I don't believe you.... I don't really know what to believe.

I don't think you'd have to dig too deep to come up with some examples of prominent marijuana "advocates" in this community who have turned out to be self-serving d bags looking to line their own pockets. How do I know that malamute, or even you don't fall in to that category?
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Stow- This seems to be a pattern... You come out with all sorts of wild accusations like Mal or I don't like home grows, or that CPU is setting up dispensaries. Then when presented with the facts, you back right off and say well 'some of these advocates have an agenda'. It isn't some, you named specific names and accused them without having any facts. That is how rumors start and it really isn't becoming. Please check your facts before you make accusations.

Another good example of talking out of their ass is TheMan13. So just exactly what is my 'business model' that you talk about Man? That I think real patients should go to real doctors and get real cards so they have some real protections? If so, then yes I would say that is 'part' of the model I use. As for the follow ups 'filling the gap' created by the 2 year cards (which I lobbied for- you are welcome). How exactly does me offering free follow ups to make sure folks are in compliance, both by in person office visit and by on line updates, somehow impact my practice bottom line? Or 'make up' for the fact that the cards last two years rather than one? And remind me again why it would bother me at all that folks only have to pay every two years? Don't you think I would have doubled my price if it did?

About Farmers Markets, I do like them and wish they were legal. I was including them in with dispensaries as a 3rd source of medicine (and income) to improve the access for patients in addition to home grows and caregivers.

Spewing hate never serves any cause. You don't like me? I really don't care, you don't have to come to get your card from me. But really, why all the personal attacks?
Stow- This seems to be a pattern... You come out with all sorts of wild accusations like Mal or I don't like home grows, or that CPU is setting up dispensaries. Then when presented with the facts, you back right off and say well 'some of these advocates have an agenda'. It isn't some, you named specific names and accused them without having any facts. That is how rumors start and it really isn't becoming. Please check your facts before you make accusations.

These aren't wild accusations. Rumours perhaps, but I certainly didnt just make them up.

Given your shady history, the fact that you have decided to interject yourself in to the legislative process, and the fact that you stand to gain financially from medical marijuana people are going to question your motives. What you are doing is for $$$$, not out of the goodness of your heart.

I know enough about you not to trust you....
Dr. Bob you are conducting "business" on a battlefield where patients and caregivers (NOT doctors and lawyers) have been losing their lives regularly to the drug war. Promoting your chain of cert mills (and crony lawyers) over your competitors by selling this checkup scheme as a form of "protection" disgusts me.


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yup. If he was the good boob he pretends he would talk about using the plant to medicate. To this day I've only seen him be a boob and talk reguations and certifications. Most of the regulars here are self taught and way more capable of correctly treating a patient than doc even pretends to try too. sad
I bet Dr. Bob in a dunk tank at the THC Expo, C2 Expo and High Times Cup could be an epic fund raiser for some good causes :bigjoint:


can someone PLEASE remove the net so I can toss some balls at him? maybe paint his nose red for a bullseye?

that's more fitting. oh, and fill the tank with old hydro water, nice and stinky from organic nutes.

ill gladly donate 100.00 per ball.
lol- exactly what I mean. Just a hatefest of folks that are frustrated because they fear what they don't know and have to rely on rumor and their own imaginations. It must be hard to be that angry- must consume you.

Well, sorry about your luck. Bottom line, it is the way it is, so deal with it. You should have shown some common sense in the first place, then maybe the Act wouldn't have reached out and bit you. You should be asking how 75% of the legislature managed to come together to put the laws in place we have now, and more importantly- what they tried to do (specifically require a 6 month relationship and only allow your primary care doctor to write your script).

So do your primary care doctors write your scripts?- if they do good for you. If not, you nearly lost your card for good had folks not intervened. Otherwise, be my guest to go elsewhere. Didn't have you in the first place, won't miss you.

And oh by the way, I really don't care what your opinion of me is. Not one bit, but thanks for the free publicity.

Dr. Bob
I have to interject in Bob's favor here...Well sort of. You guys have to realize that he is too small of an operation to have any real negative impact in the ways your all describing. When folks get here from Colorado (Some already are) their going to corner the market and run most of the little guys down, they simply have too much, power and experience. Were looking at maybe a year until it is fully legal or at least decrimed for recreational, after that happens they will run the show. All the people I know right now running full out warehouses right here in Michigan are banking on this business for one year and then there out, some have sat down with a few people from Colorado to discuss being bought out...Its a fact
Im sure there are investors from California coming here as well. There is over 50 applicants for dispensaries in Hazel park right now. The city is making all of them wait until the highest bidder comes to the table. MY point is if someone were to come here with more money then the locals they will get to do business first. This is why farmers markets need to be pushed harder then ever, its the only thing that will hinder big money
I have to interject in Bob's favor here...Well sort of. You guys have to realize that he is too small of an operation to have any real negative impact in the ways your all describing. When folks get here from Colorado (Some already are) their going to corner the market and run most of the little guys down, they simply have too much, power and experience. Were looking at maybe a year until it is fully legal or at least decrimed for recreational, after that happens they will run the show. All the people I know right now running full out warehouses right here in Michigan are banking on this business for one year and then there out, some have sat down with a few people from Colorado to discuss being bought out...Its a fact

Actually some important (but uninformed) people respect his opinion.

Remember, cannabis is millions of years old and works great, med cards are only a few years old and pointless. Dr. Bobs a boob and at least boobys are good.
I think there should be some language in the norml Bill about residency if it's not already included. I've read co. Has a 2 year residency requirement, I think we should go farther and do 5. I like the norml structure like craft brew approach, many tiers to apply at. I'd love a small unassuming shop with some regulars and strains exclusively available at my spot. Always been the dream I've had. Not big, just boutique and small and local with high quality products. Just enough to feed me and mine. Dreams are nice.