Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
i tried to grow the lost coast og and it ended up dieing in the seedling stage due to some kind of mold i think it was called dampeing off or some shit i lost like 12 seedlings the most i ever losts in my life, talk about pissed


Well-Known Member
yeah damping off will fuck um every time.. I hear ya..
i tried to grow the lost coast og and it ended up dieing in the seedling stage due to some kind of mold i think it was called dampeing off or some shit i lost like 12 seedlings the most i ever losts in my life, talk about pissed


Well-Known Member
is it from over watering or some how mold spores got into it or something cause i dont want it to happen again also i was useing these different jiffy plugs they werent the originals ones they were hydrofarm ones, i only use the orignal jiffy plugs from now on


Well-Known Member
i tried to grow the lost coast og and it ended up dieing in the seedling stage due to some kind of mold i think it was called dampeing off or some shit i lost like 12 seedlings the most i ever losts in my life, talk about pissed
better too loose them young to mold. then the whole crop to mold at harvest. i seen that happen to a friend he hung it in his basement and it was not a dry one. he learned the hard way. i think we all take a hit here and there. ive lost crops not to mold but to thieves.


Well-Known Member

These girls deserved the super size award :mrgreen: can't wait to see them flower ;)

Hey guys. Sorry I have been away for a day or so. Had to take care of some auto business. Thought I would show you want I went ahead and got. ;) IMO I got a damn good deal! She's a 1998 FORD Explorer fully loaded, right at 90,000k was garage kept, only had 1 owner. I was able to talk the guy down from 3,000$ to 2,500$. So with heir processing fee & all that other shit, the total with tittle in hand was only 2,800$. She runs like a CHAMP! Has clean looking oil, looks like honey. No tailpipe residue, no noise under the hood, and has a engine clean enough to eat off. The only thing I found wrong was the hood latch wouldn't close down all the way so I had to bungee it until I could get it fixed, which I did.. ;)

I went ahead and took my Lost Coast OG yesterday. :mrgreen: Here's a few pictures of that.. View attachment 2998574View attachment 2998575View attachment 2998576View attachment 2998577View attachment 2998578View attachment 2998579
Nice buds :mrgreen:
Lookin good!!!!!!! it's red! very nice wheels ;) better you than me, I can't drive no stick to save my life LOL


Well-Known Member
Awesome update Dankster, shit you talk about my plants being green lol What you talkin bout willis? Those girls your showin off sure as hell ain't yella!! lmao Doesn't all that frostin look just amazing on the green backdrop of a leaf? Damn it when the hell is it going to warm up? Its killin me seeing that 400 just hangin there dark with no fat chicks basking in the light. Come on spring!!!!!!

Well anyways I took a couple photos to liven this joint up. Oh I finally figured out how to put captions under the pics :-P....Peace all....J


Well-Known Member

These girls deserved the super size award :mrgreen: can't wait to see them flower ;)

Nice buds :mrgreen:
Lookin good!!!!!!! it's red! very nice wheels ;) better you than me, I can't drive no stick to save my life LOL
Thanks. ;)

just awesome man
Thanks ;)
Awesome update Dankster, shit you talk about my plants being green lol What you talkin bout willis? Those girls your showin off sure as hell ain't yella!! lmao Doesn't all that frostin look just amazing on the green backdrop of a leaf? Damn it when the hell is it going to warm up? Its killin me seeing that 400 just hangin there dark with no fat chicks basking in the light. Come on spring!!!!!!

Well anyways I took a couple photos to liven this joint up. Oh I finally figured out how to put captions under the pics :-P....Peace all....J
I hear ya.. ;) Thing is, looking & caring for them day & day out, everything starts looking the same to me.. lol It all runs together & I cant tell whats what.. Its always good if you have other growers perspective on what you gave going on. Maybe one of them will see/catch something that the growers isn't seeing. ;) Hell, im always "searching" for new nutrients and I guess you could say have a complex that I can always do better, and or find a nute that will make my ladies EXPLODE! lol. And or have "better" results. Those damn devils. They are always luring and advertising "their nutes are the best", so you fork out up into 100-200 $, all to find their shit SUCKS!! lol


Well-Known Member
:leaf: Morning guys.. Busy day today, gotta head to the post office here soon. Anyways I thought I would share the strains I have in lower veg chamber today, then maybe a few shots of the strains further along in flowering this evening.. All but 2 of these are breed by myself & or a business partner. Each strain is listed like always. ;) Bluedream--> PIC_0513.jpg F1 Purple Monkey->PIC_0506.jpg Bruised Skunk ->PIC_0505.jpg side shot --> PIC_0504.jpg Desert Diesel --> PIC_0511.jpg F1 Bruised Skunk --> PIC_0510.jpg F1 Incredibly Fucking Purple --> PIC_0509.jpg F1 Purple Monkeys --> PIC_0508.jpg F1 Blueberry Yum Yum x GDP cross --> PIC_0516.jpg F1 Marie's Sapphire --> PIC_0515.jpg Hawaiian Baby Rosewood --> PIC_0514.jpg F1 Dream Reaper#1. --> PIC_0507.jpg

Hope you guys are enjoying the show as much as I enjoy growing these bitches.. haha :mrgreen:

Thanks 4 following guys/gals..



Well-Known Member
Dank & all you can grow. you have more skill than me indoors for sure. I'm learning allot from you and the other great growers here. here is my plants at day 39 from seed the C99 is 16 days form seed.

Veg area(Blueberry & bubblegum. C99 in 3 gal)---> Day39 Veg area.jpg

Flower room 7-10 days away from Flip----> View attachment 2999618

My first Fim 3 days ago-----------------> View attachment 2999624


Well-Known Member
Lost my last crop to thieves.... Sucks man
I have had that shit happen 2 me bro! It sure sucks I tell ya! I found out later the person that ripped me off was suppose to be a good buddy. Go figure. The "only" way I knew it was him was because he strew yellow cation tape up all over where I had it. He use to work 4 a pool Co. So he had access to caution tape. I went over 1 day to his house, seen that shit laying out on his work bench!! I knew right then his ass done it.. Needless to say it didn't end all that good. lol It sucks because of all the work that goes on just to grow 1. All for some asshole to rip it right out from under ya.. Hell, I will be honest. If I ran upon some ganja growing and it was someone else's, I would rip um off, now I am not saying I wouldn't pinch off a few buds, then again I wouldn't rape it either.. lol

Sorry to hear that....
Good 2 have you around.. Hell sticks around, I will be updating my ladies here soon :mrgreen:


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