Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
we're praying for you and your's bro.

Hey everyone, bad news..Dank was admitted to the hospital yesterday and has severe inner ear infections (both ears now) from cellulitis which are not draining well on their own. He may have to have tubes put in them to help if they don't so he may need surgery :(

The doctor advised him not to look at screens for long periods of time which makes it worse (don't ask me why, I asked him but he hasn't responded yet lol). It may be a hot minute before we see him back on RIU. He wanted me to let you all know that he wishes he was here but that he will be back as soon as the doc says it's ok. Please keep him in your prayers!!!! Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
He's miserable, said the pain is intolerable. When I talked to him a couple of days ago, he mentioned that it felt like it was spreading to his other ear so I wasn't surprised to hear that he ended up admitted. That kind of infection is bad bad bad...I can't believe it got in his ears! poor guy...
Did this start with his bad tooth? I'm going through it now myself. Abcessed tooth caused cellulitis in my jaw...now I'm laid up on some exotic antibiotic and pain meds...they told me one or two more days and I would have been admitted myself...with a drain tube in my FACE!!! :shock: Tell him I'm thinking about him!!


Well-Known Member
Damn man.. I haven't stopped by this thread in a while. I s expecting to hop in and hear (read and imagine) dank's happy voice. Hope you get better soon, bro. Even tho its a little sad in this thread right now I can still feel the love.

And something tells me that dank could have an Alien popping out of his chest and that he would still be taking care of his plants.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody i havent been on in a few days but sad to say all of my beans turned out to be duds. I got 2 left i germmed and they have some nice taproots. So hopefully these last 2 wont be duds.. BUT anyways who cares about this right now. The main focus is on Dankster.... i am sending all my prayers to you buddy!! hang in there!! ear infections can be a pain in the ass!!!!! May you recover soon and get healthy buddy!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Did this start with his bad tooth? I'm going through it now myself. Abcessed tooth caused cellulitis in my jaw...now I'm laid up on some exotic antibiotic and pain meds...they told me one or two more days and I would have been admitted myself...with a drain tube in my FACE!!! :shock: Tell him I'm thinking about him!!
I'm not sure but that would make perfect sense, I've had a toothache/earache before. When I talk to him again, I'll let him know that you and everyone are thinking of him ;)


Well-Known Member
Eh I'm alright. Just worrying about money before I leave for vacation tomorrow, not a good combo. Hate when things line up like that.


Dank is still in the hospital. Says its manageable so I'm hoping that means no surgery. I'll keep ya'll posted when I hear more ;)
hey rosey, how are you? i hope all is going well...I was unaware that dank was in the hospital, could you by chance PM me and let me know whats going on? I understand of course if its a private matter but it nonetheless worries me...I hope he is doing ok, and I hope you are as well, have a good one



Well-Known Member
hey rosey, how are you? i hope all is going well...I was unaware that dank was in the hospital, could you by chance PM me and let me know whats going on? I understand of course if its a private matter but it nonetheless worries me...I hope he is doing ok, and I hope you are as well, have a good one

Hi Aknight! its great to see ya, things are going, can't say well though lol ;) and yes, I will PM you dear sir...:)


Well-Known Member
Eh I'm alright. Just worrying about money before I leave for vacation tomorrow, not a good combo. Hate when things line up like that.
aw man well that sucks...:(
cut back a little on the extra extra stuff..vacation means time to "beelax" as my nephew says. No worries bro
sending some :peace: your way

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AllDayToker again

Darn it!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and I need it. It's probably been three years last time I was out of state, and even longer being out of state and being able to relax.

I think I got things figured out, I'll just have to be really cutting back this next month, which sucks because it's an expensive one at that.

Thanks Rosey :-) You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to roseypeach again. I swear every time :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dammit man...;) well, I know how that is. I've been scrounging for $$ myself. Last vacation was 7 years ago, went on a cruise to Grand Cayman Island, Mexico, and Belize. Fun fun fun! once in a lifetime opp...
haven't been on one since...I was supposed to go to the beach but it didn't work out :(


Well-Known Member
Damn a cruise would be amazing, defiantly sounds like a once in a life time thing for me haha.

So what are you up to tonight?
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